To promote his latest GQ cover story, Rami Malek recently opened about the “magnificent moment” he shared with the late, Robin Williams, on the set of Night At The Museum .
GQ released a cover story starring “Bohemian Rhapsody’s” Rami Malek.

The interview goes in-depth about his decade-long rise to superstardom, and how his life has changed over the years.
Paired with his GQ cover story, Rami made a video that documents him going “undercover on the internet”.

He made an account on Quorra and Twitter, in order to candidly answer questions from fans .
The video shows Rami typing in his own login information — email and password and all — eager to answer some fan questions.

He logged in and began to search for questions directed at or about him that he could answer the most accurately.
“What does Rami Malek really snort in the morphine scenes of Mr. Robot?” one fan asked.
“Well obviously, morphine, right?,” Rami joked .
Off to a great start, here, I’d say!
“I wonder how many times Rami Malek had to watch that live aid show in order to synchronize/choreograph his performance to the original,” another fan questioned.

“A lot,” he responded. “I’d like to say that I picked it up pretty quickly.”
“But Freddie and the band were so spontaneous that it was quite time-consuming to figure out every single move,” he continued.

“I watched it probably thousands of times.”
“How did you feel about your character in the pacific? Did you like playing snafu? Feel any depth?,” another person asked.

“I loved playing that character,” Rami answered . “That was one of the seminal roles I’ve ever had.”
“I learned so much from that experience.”

“We did a military boot camp that bonded this group of actors together,” he said . “Much like Band of Brothers.”
“It’s a project I hold near and dear to my heart,” he went on.

“I think I’d just done the Night At The Museum . I came in for Tom Hanks, and he says, ‘I’m a fan of your work.'”
“I was shocked and just taken back,” he said . “I just looked at him and said, ‘likewise.'”
Speaking of “Night At The Museum,” the next fan asked “what was Rami Malek’s first movie?”.
” Night At The Museum ,” Rami quickly responded. “Remember that? Right? I think that was it. Yes, it was and what a fun movie to work on.”
I definitely did not remember he was in that movie until he just pointed it out. Oops.
“With the late, great, Robin Williams,” he said. “And I learned so much from him.”

“Here’s a good Robin Williams story,” he began — proceeding to tell the most heartwarming tale I’ve heard in a while .
“We were doing ‘Night At The Museum 3,'” he explained.

“We were shooting in the British Museum, of all places, at night. I see Robin just standing alone, by himself.”
“I got pretty close to him, walked up to him, and he was just staring off in the distance,” he continued.

“And I said, ‘Are you OK?’ He says back, ‘Man, how often are we going to get a chance to stand right in front of the Rosetta Stone?’”
“That was just a magnificent moment that I shall never forget,” Rami concluded.

“And now I get to share it with you. So, here’s to Mr. Williams. Love you, Robin.”
Such a poetic story.
And that’s the memorable story of how Robin Williams made such an impression on Rami Malek.

We miss you, Robin!
Last Updated on August 21, 2019 by Elizabeth Spina