Many women have found themselves in toxic relationships. Sometimes, red flags were easy to spot in the beginning. And other times, it took a while for true colors to show.
Once it does, this bad behavior can only go on for so long. There is usually a tipping point — the moment their partner crossed a line so far, there was no turning back.
In a recent Reddit AskWomen thread, ladies were asked to share this moment when their partners stopped seeing them as humans. It’s absolutely tragic to read, but a good learning lesson for everyone.
TW: This article contains content that may be disturbing to some readers.
The maid

There are many men out there who want the Donna Reed wife — AKA the perfect wife who cooks, cleans, and looks pretty.
That’s what this woman’s ex expected when he wanted her to clean up after him like he was her child and be happy to do so.
The miscarriage

“When I had a miscarriage and he couldn’t be bothered to go to the hospital with me. When I found out there was no heartbeat he came home hours later talking about his hunting plans.” – u/ Equivalent-Egg8659
The ghost

Ghosting may seem like a funny millennial term to some, but it’s a real experience that triggers abandonment and insecurity issues.
It cut deep for one woman when her ex played mind games by ghosting her and then coming back as if nothing happened.
The bright red flag

“We were chatting in the days leading up to our first date. He absolutely refused to accept the fact that I wasn’t going to have s*x with him on the first date. Like he just kept talking about how great it was going to be.” – u/ notme1414
The chokehold

The most important rule of B**M is consent. This was completely forgotten about when one Redditor’s partner started choking her until she passed out.
When she pried his arms away so she wouldn’t die, he said that she was “ruining the whole experience.”
The unhappy marriage

“I said something like ‘do you want me to stay with you and be miserable for the rest of my life?’ And his response was ‘not for the rest of YOUR life.’ Anyway trying to get a divorce now so worked out in the end.” – u/ whyhello_oldsport
The favorite animal

One man proved that he doesn’t see women as humans AT ALL when a Redditor asked him what his favorite animal was.
In response, he said, “women.” Yeah, that’s when you get as far away from him as possible.
The fantasy girl

“I’m autistic as h**l so a lot of times I come across as a quirky manic pixie dream girl type. Many men have a habit of building me up as a fantasy character and treat me like an anime waifu instead of a person.” – u/ Putin_Yerdix
The emergency

One Redditor shared the story of when she was hemorrhaging massively after the birth of her third child. Instead of a partner who was loving and attentive, he wouldn’t get off the phone to call an ambulance.
She ended up having to crawl to where the phone was with her baby close to her chest to call them. All the while, he sat in the kitchen smoking a cigarette.
The property

“When he bit my b**b and called me his ‘property.’ The bruise was a mark to show other guys (if I cheated) that I was taken. Got the [expletive] out of there quick.” – u/ 8pintsplease
Yeah, big yikes.

A woman’s right to her body includes the right to take some form of contraception, such as an IUD.
Well, one woman went through a horrid experience when her partner felt the strings of her IUD while they were having s*x and immediately demanded that she get it taken out.
The wisdom teeth

“When I had my wisdom teeth pulled I woke up sick in the middle of the night. I was puking in the bathroom and called out to my boyfriend for help. He got up, looked at me, and said there’s nothing I can do and went back to sleep.” – u/ danger_boogie
The property

Some men, like this woman’s ex, have the ridiculous thought that a woman is their property.
As a result, he used to walk up to her and shake her chest with his hands as hard as he could whenever he felt like it. He would even get angry at her if she protested.
The dry spell

“I once dated this guy for like four years but he actually wouldn’t let me break up with him because if I did, that would mean he would no longer be having s*x with anyone. He said not g**********d would “[expletive] with his head.” – u/ 1215lopez
The medical scare

When someone is going through a health scare, you expect the partner to be there every step of the way.
Sadly, this woman’s ex decided to pressure her into opening up their marriage to poly since she was too sick for romance.
The “safe” place

“I had had a nervous breakdown because of something bad that had happened. I was at his house, because I thought it was a safe place. He immediately tried to have s*x with me. When I pushed him away and told him that s*x was the last thing on my mind, he kicked me out at 2 am.” – u/ LeatherDiamond2766
The spit

Spitting on someone is one of the worst signs of disrespect. It’s basically saying that a person is below you or worse than dirt. Sadly, this woman shared her story of being spat on by her ex.
The accusation

When one woman was eight months pregnant, her partner forced her to take a taxi alone to visit her dying mother in the hospital.
He then sent her nasty messages while she watched her mother take her final breaths. His reason? He believed that she was cheating with a male friend of hers.
The insurance

“I was having female problems. They were talking cancer. One of the tests the doctor wanted was considered optional by our insurance. It would need to be paid out of pocket. He absolutely forbade me to have the test. If insurance wouldn’t cover it, I couldn’t do it. Cost for the test? $200. I filed for divorce.” – u/ rusty0123
H/T: Reddit
Last Updated on April 25, 2022 by Sarah Kester