Though we wish it weren’t true, the world is full of terrible people who slight us with daily offenses. Of course, we never wish to deal with them ourselves, but sometimes we must, our time comes and we have to clean up their mess. Sometimes figuratively, but sometimes literally.
This list shows some times in which other people had to deal with inconsiderate jerks who left their calling cards, thankfully taking that work away from the rest of us.
“My partner borrowed my car for a few days, and gave it back like this.”

Letting a car get that messy at all is baffling, but I guess if it’s your own car, you can do whatever you want with it really. But letting your partner’s car get that messy? How do you do this without guilt or even the thought to clean it up? Do you really expect to stay partners after that?
“Throwing their trash out the window even though they’re right next to a trash can.”

Speaking of trash and cars, here’s an opposite but still bad example. Yes, collecting garbage in a car, any car, is not great, but throwing it out the window away from a garbage can is so, so much worse. Why is this concept so hard for people?
“Someone stole the toilet stalls at our school.”

For anyone who might not know, the 2021 school year is starting with a bang as there’s a trend on TikTok encouraging kids to steal wild things from their school, namely bathroom fixtures. Here we can see what is likely the result of this. My heart goes out to all affected bathrooms.
“People that double park.”

You just know he’d try to excuse it by saying he has an extra-wide truck and doesn’t want anyone to scratch it trying to park next to him. Too bad that’s his own problem, he’s the one who decided to get the extra-wide truck!
Not a care in the world.

As explained by the picture taker, “My neighbor leaves her door open so her dog can get outside and bark all day and well into the night. Nobody is home, just the dog. Cops have done nothing.”
Well, if her door’s open, clearly that’s an invitation. You kind of want to lead the dog back inside and close said door, for everyone’s sake, don’t you?
“The way I received this TV.”

This is extremely unfortunate and I’m truly sorry, but I must compliment you on your comedy chops because this angle with the tape measure is absolutely perfect. Way to take a terrible situation and make it funny, I wish you swift TV replacement.
“When you on a two way road and the person behind you wont turn off the high beams.”

It’s always the guys with pickups and SUVs that are way too souped-up to be driven solely on suburban streets. They want to feel like the king of the road and make everyone part for them, so they blind all their fellow drivers until they’re run off entirely.
“All the weights… just for me!”

The way he’s hoarding all of them and stashing them underneath the bench is reminiscent of a squirrel stocking up food for the winter. If he turns around, maybe we’ll see him stuffing one of the smaller weights in his cheeks or between his pecs to carry them.
“My 3yr old son’s second week at school and he comes home with a bite mark on his leg! He told us someone bit him while he was putting his shoes on!”

What are parents teaching their kids these days where biting is their go-to action. Did these parents want a dog but wound up with a kid instead?
Whatever you do, just don’t teach your kid to bite back, let him keep his humanity.
“When you finish a full shift you walk out to your custom wrapped car!”

Thank goodness that’s a Lowe’s in the background. Walk on in, get yourself a box cutter, and slice this problem away. Carefully, though.
Maybe next time these people want to conduct this type of prank, they should learn how to spell ‘traitor’ first.
“When you’re chilling in bed and this happens.”

Yes, this list is about r**e people , but the sun can be a real j**k sometimes too! It does things like this, reflects in mirrors and blinds you, burns your skin, makes us sweat, the list goes on! We need to take a stand!
Making a mess.

Another story told best by the uploader, “[Had] family friends ages 7 to 11 over and they trashed my [sister’s] room, made her cry, and didn’t bother to help clean up. [Their parents] didn’t do anything and my dad and [I] are stuck with cleaning.”
“Parents who lit cigarettes inside their car while their kids are inside the car.”

This one has layers. Not only is it smoking in a car with a child present, but the child is on their lap, dangerously close to the burning hot cigarette, but also fully leaning on the wheel? I’m hoping y’all were parked.
“The absolute last thing I want to see at my fishing spot.”

Don’t worry, you’re far from alone. This is the last thing anyone who cares about the environment ever wants to see in any natural area. How do people still litter and not feel like absolute scum of the earth afterward?
“Loaned my wife’s brother my truck so he could move. This is what greeted me when I got it back.”

Wow. I didn’t even know that level of emptiness was possible. With any luck, you’ll barely roll into the nearest gas station, but if you can’t, you should call that guy up and have him push it the rest of the way.
“These elevator buttons.”

There are so many examples of elevators that are like this. Too many examples. How do so many elevators in the world come out this bad? What on earth happens in the design, the installation, whatever step where someone puts a five and an eight next to each other and thinks it’s fine?
“Mom got our kids a gift that is powered by them yelling.”

Has she ever babysat before? Maybe had a rough time with it? This feels like an awfully pointed gift to be giving when you know what kids are like. There’s no way this was done purely by accident or with innocent intentions.
“People doing this on train.”

At first glance, I thought it was about the person leaning way to the side and blocking the seat next to them. Then I looked at that seat.
Not only is it feet up on the cushion, it’s bare feet up on the cushion. Were you raised in a barn?
“The lunch they gave us today.”

If I had to guess, I would say that this sandwich probably tastes like disappointment. From what I can gather, it looks like some cold cuts on bread which, as any sandwich-lover knows, is hardly a sandwich. At least put some mustard on that bad boy.
Kids these days, am I right?

As you can see, these young women decided that they couldn’t possibly sit next to each other on the bus and instead took up four seats while other people were forced to stand. Do they not teach common courtesy to younger generations anymore?
“Ordered a ‘large’ pizza, it came out like this. I feel scammazzed”

There’s nothing worse than being ripped off when you’re hungry. In fact, this Redditor was so angry that they invented a whole new word to describe their feelings. I’m going to start saying “scammazzed” every time a pizza place drops the ball.
“The postman didn’t want to have to walk the whole two metres to get around my wall so he just trampled my plant instead.”

Well, they say nothing is supposed to stop postal workers from delivering the mail, and I guess that applies to plants too. This poor plant didn’t stand a chance.
‘I just wanted some mayonnaise…”

Modifying your order at a fast-food restaurant is always a risky gamble. You have no idea how the person preparing your order will interpret your requests. In this case ” some” apparently meant “drench that burger in mayo”.
How this dad cuts brownies is mind-boggling.

I know there’s a lot of debate over middle pieces versus end pieces when it comes to brownies, but is this really necessary? At least cut the entire brownie and then take those coveted middle pieces.
Amazon fails to deliver… literally.

So instead of the new tool they ordered from Amazon, this person received… an empty envelope. Didn’t anyone during the delivery process think to themselves, “Hey, this package seems a little too light?” Apparently not.
This growing collection of half-used bottles.

Some people love turning their bathrooms into shampoo graveyards. If you live alone, that’s fine and dandy but when you share the bathroom with other people, it’s infuriating. Throw some of these bottles away already!
Thanks, TikTok.

What are we looking at here? Thanks to a new TikTok challenge, people are stealing soap dispensers from bathrooms. I don’t know why this is a thing, but we can all agree it s***s, right?
And this is why group projects will always be the worst.

Once again, group projects live up to their reputation of being the worst social experiment in human history. There’s always going to be that one person who puts in absolutely zero effort.
“What I asked for vs what I got.”

Getting a bad cut or dye job feels like a rite of passage for anyone who has long hair, and many with short hair as well. The only surefire way to never be disappointed is to go bald, which simply isn’t for everyone.
“My little brother did this to our dinner after he was told he could not skip swim team.”

The comments on this post were mostly debating what that white stuff is on top. Guesses varied from silly string to toothpaste, shaving cream to bathtub caulking. Whatever it is, it’s a prime example of childhood rage-filled payback.
Last Updated on September 20, 2021 by Daniel Mitchell-Benoit