Imagine spending a cozy Christmas week with your family at a cabin, only to find yourself taking care of not just your own kids, but your boyfriend’s child as well. This 27-year-old mom of three has had enough and decided to confront her 28-year-old boyfriend for not stepping up as a dad. She’s been handling all the responsibilities, from baking cookies to making hot cocoa, while he’s been too busy playing with his new toys. But when she finally calls him out, he accuses her of being an a**hole. Did she cross the line, or is she just trying to make him see the light? Let’s dive into the story.
A Blended Family Christmas

Living Separately, But United for the Holidays

A Week Together at the Family Cabin ️

Even Mom’s Ex Was Invited

The Boyfriend’s Lack of Involvement

Little Girl Clings to Mom

Mom Steps Up, Boyfriend Stays on the Sidelines

The Cocoa Incident ☕

Mom’s Petty Revenge

Confrontation Time ⚡

Mom’s Fed Up

Boyfriend’s Shocking Response

Was She Misunderstood?

Mom vs. Lazy Boyfriend: Who’s in the Wrong?
This mom of three is fed up with her boyfriend’s lack of involvement with his own daughter during their family Christmas vacation. She’s been taking care of all the kids, while he’s been too busy playing with his new toys. When she finally confronts him, he accuses her of being an a**hole and holding his child against him. Was she wrong for calling him out, or is he just refusing to see the truth? ♀️ Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA. Commenters agree that the boyfriend is lazy and manipulative.

Stepmom and others warn OP to leave lazy, manipulative boyfriend.

Step up or step out: Commenters agree he’s a deadbeat

NTA comment suggests lazy boyfriend is not stepping up as dad

Lazy boyfriend expects partner to do all the childcare and chores.

Lazy boyfriend won’t step up as a dad. NTA’s future in doubt ♀️

Being a great step-parent deserves appreciation

Think twice before settling down with a lazy partner

Commenter offers advice and warns about ‘Disney Dads’
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NTA calls out lazy boyfriend’s poor parenting skills

Lazy boyfriend wants you to do all the parenting work.

Parenting isn’t a one-person job , but some need a nudge.

Lazy boyfriend gaslights mom for calling out his dad duties

Dating for 8 months, weekend sleepovers, and already seeing red flags

Ex’s behavior a red flag? NTA for expecting more.

Lazy boyfriend neglects his daughter, NTA for calling him out

Don’t ignore the red flags , move on sis!

Lazy boyfriend resents his daughter, NTA for considering leaving him.

Dump the deadbeat! He’s shown his true colors.

Commenter calls out lazy boyfriend for not stepping up as dad

Escape the toxicity Kids deserve better too

Partner or nanny? NTA calls out boyfriend’s parenting role

Heartbreaking story of a neglected child and absent father.

NTA, parenting should be equal.

Don’t let him manipulate you. You deserve better.

Boyfriend accused of being a c**p father, responds defensively. NTA.

NTA commenter advises to dump the lazy boyfriend.

Take space from lazy boyfriend? NTA says it’s a good idea

Boyfriend’s laziness and sexism exposed. NTA for setting boundaries.

Lazy boyfriend neglects own child, unlikely to be good stepfather.

BF wants a ‘bangmaid’? NTA for saying no
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Don’t settle for a lazy partner. You deserve better
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Boyfriend unwilling to listen to valid criticism

Actions speak louder than words. Trust his actions, not promises.

Boyfriend doesn’t like kids, focus on your own instead

Lazy boyfriend seeks mommy, not partner.

NTA suggests ditching lazy boyfriend and befriending kid’s mother

Mom calls out lazy boyfriend for not being a dad

Savage advice sparks no response from comment section ♂️

Creative solution to lazy boyfriend problem. ♀️

Breaking up with lazy boyfriend, keeping friends with family ♡

Ouch! Sounds like he messed up big time.

Selfish boyfriend twists clear message. NTA stands her ground.

Don’t let a narcissist derail the conversation. Stay firm.

Pushing a partner to be a better parent is NTA

Dump him! NTA deserves better than an unappreciative partner.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Mom calls out lazy boyfriend for not stepping up as dad

NTA comment gets straight to the point about deadbeat boyfriend

Commenter gets support for calling out lazy boyfriend

Commenter calls out lazy boyfriend’s bad parenting, harshly criticizes OP.

Commenter warns about lazy boyfriend’s future parenting abilities.

Lazy boyfriend wants someone else to parent his kid. NTA.

Lazy boyfriend not helping with kids? NTA, call him out!

Deadbeat boyfriend expects woman to parent, NTA for leaving.

Lazy boyfriend neglects his own child and accuses partner of it

Lazy boyfriend twisting words? NTA mom needs better partner

NTA suggests telling mother if they break up to avoid blame.

Future single parent? NTA calls out lazy boyfriend.

Lazy boyfriend wants free babysitter, not a parent.

Ex-wife knew it first, lazy boyfriend seeks mom not partner. ♀️

Boyfriend acting like a nanny? NTA calls him out.

Savage reply to a lazy boyfriend, but hilarious

Last Updated on May 31, 2023 by Diply Social Team