Imagine offering a helping hand to a struggling single mom and her son, only to be slapped with a child support lawsuit! That’s exactly what happened to a 27-year-old man who was just trying to do the right thing. He used to live in a less-than-stellar apartment building, where he met his neighbor Sarah and her 6-year-old son, Mark. When the pandemic hit, Sarah, a nurse aid, was working long hours and struggling to find childcare for Mark. Our kind-hearted protagonist stepped in, offering to watch Mark while Sarah was at work. But things took a shocking turn when he received a letter from a lawyer… ⚖️
The Neighborly Bond

Sarah’s Struggles

Offering a Helping Hand

The $20 Gratitude

Becoming Mark’s Guardian

The Big Move

Temporary Solution?

The Shocking Letter

The Confrontation

Cutting Ties ✂️

Sisterly Opinions

The Guilt Trip

The Dilemma ♂️

Tiny Update

Child Services Involved

Should He Keep Helping or Protect Himself?
Our protagonist is now facing a moral dilemma. On one hand, he wants to help Mark, who’s caught in the middle of this mess. On the other hand, he’s worried about the potential legal consequences of continuing to care for the child. He’s already contacted child services, but the outcome remains uncertain. His sisters think he’s right not to pay, but they also believe he’s being harsh by refusing to look after Mark. What do you think? Is he doing the right thing or should he continue to help Mark despite the risks? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA. The audacity of this lady to file for child support from her neighbor who was only trying to help. Shocking and sad.

Neighbor burns bridge after getting slapped with child support
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NTA for protecting yourself from abusive demands

NTA for helping the innocent child, but the parent is manipulative

Neighbor fakes paternity, gets slapped with child support

Sisters sue for child support, but OP is NTA for refusing.

Can you be slapped with child support for your neighbor’s kid?

Neighbor’s child support nightmare turns into lucky escape.

Neighbor’s child support leads to legal and financial trouble

Neighbor tries to make him responsible for her kid

Generosity repaid with lawsuit but free legal aid helps

Using kids as pawns is awful. NTA for not helping.
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Neighbor takes advantage of babysitting offer, NTA for refusing support

Outrageous child support ruling against non-father. NTA.

Commenter questions the authenticity of the story, replies confirm suspicion.

Handling legal threats with caution

Neighbor tries to make OP pay for free child care . NTA

OP’s sisters expect too much, stay away from the drama ♂️

Neighbor’s child support drama with absent father, NTA.

Protect yourself and leave the toxic situation. NTA

Debate over the morality of paying child support for neighbor’s kid

Sarah’s greed ruined any chance for a relationship with Mark

Unexpected legal claim leads to loss of free childcare. NTA.

Neighbor’s kid, neighbor’s problem. NTa refuses to babysit anymore.

NTA suggests calling CPS in neighbor’s child support case

Neighbor’s kid? Babysitting? Still slapped with child support?
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When kindness is abused…

Neighbor’s predatory actions lead to unfair child support. OP needs protection.

Avoid the trap! Stay away from her and her son

Neighbor’s false accusation ruins father-son relationship. NTA wins.

Offered to babysit neighbor’s kid, got slapped with child support

Neighbor’s child support? Contact child services, not your wallet

Concerned commenter suggests calling children’s services for neglected child

Protective measures: Restraining order against neighbor’s child support.

Neighbor demands child support for free childcare, NTA responds

Neighbor takes advantage of man’s generosity, he’s NTA

Entitled neighbor tries to scam, gets served with child support

Neighbor tries to sue for child support, gets shut down.

Counter-sue for compensation, child care isn’t cheap!

NTA reports neighbor to CPS for leaving child home alone

Clear case of NTA, babysitter shouldn’t pay child support

NTA. Filing child support against a babysitter is ridiculous

Neighbor asks for child support for non-biological child. NTA.
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Neighbor’s kid, neighbor’s problem. Dodged a bullet. NTA

Neighbor’s kid, neighbor’s problem. NTA shuts it down!

Unexpected twist in neighbor’s kid child support case. NTA confirmed
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Neighbor takes advantage, man not at fault. Call CPS

Unfair court ruling on child support for cheating ex-partner

NTA for not watching neighbor’s kid. Sisters’ kindness caused mess

Neighbor’s kid, neighbor’s problem. NTA wins this one.

Is this story fake or hilarious? Share your thoughts!

Be careful who you help, or you might end up paying.

Neighbor takes advantage, man not obligated to continue helping. NTA

Neighbor’s neglectful behavior leads to child support? Nope, run away!

OP warned not to take Mark back in for safety reasons.

Neighbor files for child support, but NTA prevails with lawyer.

NTA! Commenter calls out neighbor’s ‘clownery’ in child support dispute

Neighbor tries to scam man for child support

Neighbor takes advantage of man’s kindness and gets shut down

NTA, but leaving a 6yr old alone? CPS needed?

Neighbor tries to sue for child support after free babysitting. NTA

Neighbor’s kid, not your responsibility. NTA for setting boundaries.

Neighbor accuses man of child support for doing her a favor

Last Updated on May 11, 2023 by Diply Social Team