If you’ve wound up here, it’s probably because you have an insatiable need to know what the purpose of random objects might be .
The r/whatisthisthing subreddit is an incredible resource for identifying the many widgets, structures and assorted objects that would otherwise remain a mystery. So if you ever find yourself stumped by an item, snap a pic and post it. You’ll almost certainly get an answer .
“Small, around 300 g, metal, not old. Red thing looks like a bullet. Screwed to my alley wall.”

This is a security system that’s kind of scary, but ultimately harmless. Basically, if someone sets off a tripwire it’ll set off a cartridge shell. It’ll make a big bang, but won’t shoot anyone.
“A grey metal square with 100 1 inch boxes on it, with numbers counting from 1 near the center and then counting in a spiral pattern that reverses once a square is made, the counting continues to 99 and then ends with 0 in the upper right corner.”

Unless this is a set of tiny mailboxes with a unique numbering system, it probably has something to do with the board game ‘ Five Straight ,’ since it uses the same numbering system.
“Pyramid shaped spoon object found in a velvet bag. Also not sure what it says.”

The word reads ‘charosset’, which offers us a clue. Charosset is a mix of fruits and nuts eaten in the Seder, the Jewish meal that celebrates Passover. This is a spoon for serving up charosset.
“Old item – has a solid wood case with glass sides, toggle switches with jewel lights, dials, filled with Atwater Kent radio components.”

This thing looks more complex than a radio, but that’s all it is: a radio. It was likely ordered from a kit and was designed to be put together by the consumer.
“Clear round glass cap looking thing. About 1.5lb and looks like an old glass jar lid.”

You may have noticed that old-school power lines have thick glass at the top. The glass is for insulation, and that’s exactly what this is: a glass insulator for old power lines.
“Outlet cover with two n*****s (not buttons, not removable).”

Most houses have at least one weird, unexplained outlet cover. I’ve never seen one like this, but it’s apparently a standard piece for mounting a ceiling fan remote. Compatible remotes will snap right into those two pegs.
“What is this metal object bolted onto this window frame?”

This is basically a low-tech security system. It consists of two mirrors, both mounted to the same rod, angled out in either direction. Anyone looking out the window will be able to see the entire alley.
“Cast iron, the handle on the left appears to move, and has dowels on the bottom.”

This is an old-timey something-or-other, but what’s it designed for? Known as a ‘log roller’, it can create ‘firewood’ out of old newspapers. Just put some newspaper in and crank the handle.
“Part fell out of 2015 Honda Odyssey while driving. Power steering doesn’t work anymore.”

This person could drive to a mechanic and find out what the object is, but they don’t have power steering. So they went to Reddit and found out that it’s the lower pulley for a car’s serpentine belt.
“Steel object I found in a kitchen. I can’t tell if it’s supposed to hang or be a shelf, or? There’s a flat metal piece with a circle indent in the middle, and a collapsible metal frame.”

This is a shelf that’s designed to be placed inside a pressure cooker. The idea is that small pots can rest on it instead of the bottom of the cooker.
“Concrete cylinders with pipes sticking out from them.”

These things — manhole vaults for sewer access — are incredibly commonplace, but we don’t usually see them in this state because their entire purpose revolves around being sunken into the ground.
“What is this rounded circular indent for on this vintage cheese plate?”

In this case, we know what the object is, but aren’t sure what the purpose of its design is. It’s most likely a divot that once held a magnet for securing a knife to the board.
“What is this clear housing with green, black, and blue gears in it? It came out of the trunk of a 2018 Corolla. Says ‘CAUTION DO NOT REMOVE.’ Numbers seem meaningless when googled. Fits in the palm of your hand.”

OP didn’t heed the ‘do not remove’ warning, but if they had, we wouldn’t have the fun of identifying this thing. It’s a seatbelt tensioner and should definitely be replaced if anyone’s going to be sitting in that car.
“Box made of wood with a bunch of strangely shaped holes. Stands about 16” tall and is about 12” wide.”

This fancy box is a knife urn. It sounds like they were popular in the 18th century for holding silver flatware and fancy silverware.
“What is this metal rod with alligator clips at each end? I found it in my garage and just have no clue.”

Anyone who does soldering or jerwelry work will immediately recognize this as a ” third hand ” tool — basically a little clip to help keep things handy.
“Found this at a thrift store and couldn’t figure out what it was. Spiky end ratchets and turns clockwise.”

A commenter guessed that this was a weed removal tool. OP took it to heart and tried to do some weeding with it. Since it worked perfectly for the task, it likely is, in fact, a weed removal tool.
“I work in recycling, and have found multiple objects like this. It is made of some kind of silicone, it has a (weak) magnet in it, and it is kinda phallic. What is this thing?”

This is actually an interesting little gadget. It’s a magnetic bottle holder strap . Wrap it around a bottle and slap it on a metallic object and you’ve got a bottle holder.
“Signs on the truck say ‘Radioactive’. Metallic dumbbell-shaped container.”

If you saw this on the highway, you’d probably think that there’s no way they’re actually moving radioactive waste along the highway.
If you did think this, though, you’d be wrong. This is a transport cask for radioactive waste.
“Came across this cleaning today, its about 1” tall maybe the same in diameter, made of plastic, has holes all throughout and looks like it has grooves to stick into something, does anyone know?”

This is part of a male chastity cage. We’d provide a link, but this is the kind of N**W you’ll have to Google on your own.
“Found helping a friend move, both of us have no clue! It can open and close on a hinge and it’s made in Western Germany.”

We’ll close things on a straightforward note. Most of us probably have something like this lurking somewhere in our kitchens. It’s a simple jar opener.
Last Updated on June 17, 2022 by D