Designing something is always fun and games, until you realize too little too late that you let a mistake slip by. It happens to the best of us, that’s for sure.
And it definitely happened to whoever designed these things. I think the lesson here is that you should probably give things a once-over — or maybe a twice-over — before you give them the final okay.
“They definitely should have spell checked this ingredient list on these marshmallows.”

Yeah… that’s supposed to be “modified” cornstarch. I mean, unless moifiend is the new way they’re sticking cornstarch into marshmallow pieces.
Spoiler alert: it isn’t.
Makes you think about all the typos we never saw because a proofreader caught them first.
“Parking lots be like:”

This is the spot you find when you go to the mall during the holidays. Sure, if you’re riding a motor scooter or a bike then you could probably use that spot. But for the rest of us, it’s just the unfortunate side-effect of someone who didn’t plan a space very well.
“It’s not so bad if you catch it all, I guess?”

I think this can actually be fixed, if someone goes and adjusts the water pressure. But still, how do you install a fountain and have it go this wrong?
So close, and yet so far.

This is so bad, it almost seems intentional. But, like, why would anyone make this rainbow look so bad and disjointed on purpose, and let it go to market? It just makes absolutely no sense to me.
“This casserole dish pretty well needs a dentist to properly clean it. It’s headed to the dump.”

Everything about this is painful to look at, to be honest. Not only is the design itself kind of weird, it’s totally impractical! It looks like teeth that need a serious flossing.
“Is it h**l or is it springtime?”

Either someone out there doesn’t understand that this sign could’ve worked if the O matched the rest of the letters, or they’re telling us that spring is h**l. To be honest, either seems possible.
“Good Friday is Thursday this year.”

Weirdly enough, I also saw a calendar that had Good Friday on a Saturday. You’d think that a holiday that literally has a day of the week in the name would be easy to label on a calendar, but I guess it isn’t.
Works great! You know, until…

I mean, if you never have to move that cable, it’ll be just fine. But the second it breaks, or you want to move that thing to a different spot, you’re out of luck.
“My friend bought this bag and I’m not impressed.”

Wow, that’s pretty deep. “Your sample text here…” it’s basically poetry.
All jokes aside, this is probably as hilarious as it is frustrating to look at. And someone actually bought it.
“This pay thing blocks the menu.”

A cool idea in theory (paying before you get to the window?). But the problem is that the chip reader is in the way. What if you wanted to see all your options?
“Make sure you use the left lane cause left lane closed.”

Oh, they probably meant your other left. Or maybe their left. Or maybe all lanes are actually closed, and this traffic is about to turn into gridlock or something.
Fixing curbs is hard.

Okay, but it really shouldn’t be this hard. Even if the two sections don’t match up completely, they probably could’ve looked a lot better than this. You know, if the people who did this actually tried.
“The backrests on this bench.”

Oh yeah, because any short person (or average size person, for that matter) who wants a backrest will totally sit so that their feet are dangling over the edge of the bench. Makes so much sense.
“How am I meant to hold this comfortably?”

Short answer: you aren’t. Either somebody tried to prioritize fashion over function (and failed, because that’s ugly), or you’re simply not supposed to use that cup as a cup. I dunno why you’d want it for anything else, though.
“Impenetrable design.”

I think when you have a numeric keypad like this, you’re meant to change the code every now and then. The only problem with that logic is that literally no one is going to change their code. So we end up with this every time.
“What the h**l do it want us to do then?”

Obviously you’re supposed to stir well. But also, don’t stir at all.
Maybe the instruction is to stir before you use, and then never again. If that’s the case, they worded it very badly.

You can so tell that they just copy pasted the same picture on both sides of the mask, but forgot that you don’t wear it folded in half. On the plus side, it’s so dumb, it’s almost a good design. Almost.
“This house was built about 4 feet below street level. Now they will have a very short, steep driveway down into the garage.”

There are a lot of issues with this house, like how you have to walk down to get to it, and the fact that the driveway is gonna be so steep. But I’m mostly hoping there’s some drainage, or else it’s gonna flood like crazy.
“This popcorn bag that says microwave for 2 minutes 30 seconds, but has a picture of a microwave with 3 minutes on it.”

I’m not gonna lie, I’d have no idea which time to follow. Good thing most microwaves these days come with a popcorn button.
“Percy Jackson And the the last Olympian??”

They probably messed up and put “the” in there twice in a row because it’s supposed to be Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Last Olympian .
…I always knew being a Percy Jackson kid would come in handy someday.
Last Updated on April 13, 2022 by Ashley Hunte