A woman suspects her sister’s husband is cheating, but her sister won’t believe her. During a family gathering, the woman notices scratches on the husband’s back and makes a comment, leading to an argument. The sister pulls her kids out of the pool and leaves. Now the woman wonders if she should have stayed out of it. This story raises questions about trust, honesty, and faith. Would you have done the same in her situation or stayed quiet? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Grateful OP thanks commenters for help in sketchy situation

Bible-inspired aliases for in-laws spark curiosity and questions

Sibling struggles to confront sister’s sketchy relationship while stuck at home.

Sibling distance and concern: reconnecting with sister’s sketchy husband.

Empathy for those suspecting a cheating spouse — important reminder ❤️

Christian sister worried about brother-in-law’s sketchy behavior ✨

Suspicious behavior raises concerns about possible infidelity.

Brother-in-law’s suspicious behavior raises red flags for concerned sister

Fun in the sun with a side of suspicion ☀️

Is Jake cheating on his wife?

Sibling confronts sister about brother-in-law’s sketchy behavior and beliefs.

Suspicious pool incident prompts sudden exit

Sibling loyalty vs. speaking up about sketchy behavior

Is my brother-in-law cheating on my sister?
A woman is concerned that her sister’s husband may be cheating. She has noticed many sketchy behaviors from him, including leaving the bed at night and not returning until after work the next day. He also hides money and does not want to conceive another child with her sister. During a family gathering, the woman noticed scratches on his back that looked like fingernails. When she mentioned it to her sister, she was told that it was from a spiritual attack by a demon during a prayer walk. The woman is unsure whether she should have intervened or stayed out of it. Read on to find out what people have to say about her concerns and whether she was in the wrong.
It’s hard to break die-hard religious types from their beliefs
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Don’t push too hard, let her come to terms on her own.

Support sister, but be cautious. Husband may manipulate her against you.
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Speculations arise about the brother-in-law’s sketchy behavior.

Former evangelical explains how indoctrination explains sister’s delusional behavior.
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NTA sister sees red flags, but is in denial. You’re supportive
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Don’t let a sketchy brother-in-law ruin a good relationship.

Protecting family: hiring a PI to catch cheating BIL ️♀️

Is the brother-in-law gambling or cheating?

Comment section turns into a movie pitch

Being a concerned sister-in-law: walking the thin line

Speaking up for a loved one can come at a cost

Glad they’re in a ‘dry spell’, avoiding STI risk. #NTA

Sister’s denial is not helping, NTA for being concerned

Speculation on devout christian family man’s sketchy behavior ⚠️

Offering support in a difficult situation ❤️

Is the brother-in-law having an affair or in a fight club?

Support and solutions for a sister in a toxic religious group ✊ ❤️

Commenter thinks sister-in-law is in denial.

Cheating with a demon is still cheating. NTA

Respect her decision: NTA but you’ve done all you can

Supporting a loved one through tough times

A friend turns a blind eye to her cheating husband

Supportive comment with a hint of resignation. ♀️

When to b**t in? Sister’s concern over brother-in-law’s behavior.

Comment suggests inappropriate behavior with no evidence, raises suspicions

Debating if telling sister about cheating makes OP an a****e

Red flags and shared experiences, trust your gut feeling
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Supportive comment urges digging to protect sister and kids.

Protect yourself from demons with holy water and squirt guns!

Supportive sister tries to help sibling in denial

Supporting a friend through a tough situation

Supportive advice to help a friend leave a cheating husband

Not the a**hole, but what did the brother-in-law do?
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A skeptical Christian weighs in on supernatural claims of cheating husband

Wild speculation about brother-in-law’s ‘prayer walk’ o**y ♀️

Christian support for a sister’s concern about infidelity ⛪

Sister confronts brother-in-law about sketchy behavior, threatens to expose?

Misunderstandings happen, but communication is key

Commenter suggests supernatural solution to sketchy behavior

Sibling loyalty vs. truth-seeking
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Supportive comment with a request for drama update.

Commenter warns of sister’s delusion in the face of infidelity

Support for NTA comment on sister’s situation

It’s tough to convince someone in denial. ♀️

Denial at its finest. NTA wins this round.
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Navigating family dynamics and cults can be tricky

A Sister stands up for herself and critiques her brother-in-law

When things get weird…

Calling out delusion NTA stands their ground

Helping a loved one without alienating them can be tricky
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Respect your sister’s decision and move on

Heartbreaking. What’s the backstory behind this comment?

Helpful advice for a concerned sister, including legal options
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Keeping secrets: To tell or not to tell

Sister in denial about cheating BIL using religion as excuse. #NTA

Sibling loyalty and morality, for the sister’s concern!

Unexpected demon possession revelation sparks intrigue and confusion

Friend suspects infidelity but sister is in denial

Wow, skepticism towards BS beliefs.

Brother-in-law accused of being attacked by succubus, not the a**hole

Brother-in-law’s sketchy behavior raises concern, NTA offers support ❤️

When a good Christian woman can’t keep silent about demonic attacks

Commenter calls out sister’s denial of brother-in-law’s cheating

Talking to the pastor could be a good way to help

Sibling offers support despite religious barriers.

Last Updated on April 25, 2023 by Diply Social Team