Alright folks, step right up and see the article about Stranger Things !
This is sure to thrill you, chill you and, of course, inform you about the most recent season of Stranger Things .
So get your fool head out of here if you’re still on Season 1, or halfway through Season 3, or whatever.
If you don’t want Season 3 spoiled, then get outta here!
Alright, so Season 3 is out now.
And of course, we’ve watched it. Or at least I have.
Did you? If not, then why are you reading this article? I guess you want it spoiled for you, you spoil sport.
There are a lot of burning questions.
I mean, going into Season 4, we’re obviously dying to know what happens next. Will Dr Martin Brenner be back?
What is the are those dirty, commie Soviet’s end goal?
Will Eleven’s powers come back?
Because seriously, that was a real bummer when she lost them.
It was a highlight of the series and now that they’re gone I feel like a void has opened up where it was once full.
And then, of course…
We have the one character who seemingly died at the end of Season 3.
Alright, this is your last chance. Leave now or forever hold your peace. Okay… 3, 2, 1, here we go.
Jim Hopper is dead.
Oh yeah, believe it, folks. If we could, I would like to take a moment of silence to remember all the good times we had with our resident police officer.
I will remember you…
He was killed…
When the machine Joyce used to save the day exploded.
Sure, we didn’t actually see him die, but those darn commies in HazMat suits (who were way farther away than he was) certainly died.
So we can assume that he’s dead.
… Will you remember me…
I can’t believe it! I just can’t fathom the fact that they would kill off such a beloved character! Why would any show do such a thing to their devoted fans?
And to not even show it!
I think that’s the biggest insult of them all… to leave out the scene where we see our friend Jim die, after all these years of getting to know him.
Hey, don’t tell anyone this, keep this between you and me, alright?
If this gets around then I’ll be in real trouble, so make sure that what I’m about to tell you stays a secret.
Jim Hopper Might Not Be Dead.
Shhh! Quiet down! I told you this has to stay a secret!
Listen, it’s just a hunch, but I have a feeling that our good buddy might not actually be deceased.
Let’s start…
With the post-credits scene, where a bunch of good for nothing communist guards are hanging around the cells and one of them makes a comment about “The American”.
Could be anyone though, right?
Maybe not…
Because that’s the name that Grigori called Hopper on multiple occasions. Still doesn’t hold water, you say?
Well, how about the fact that when Eleven reads Jim’s letter, “Heroes” the Peter Gabriel version of David Bowie’s song plays…
And in Season 1…
Police discover a body they think is Will’s but ends up being a fakeout as well.
Could this be the sign that we’re in for yet another fakeout?
What do you think?
Is Hopper really dead, people? Or are those rascals at Netflix trying to throw us for a loop? Play us for a fool?
All I know is that I really hope I don’t have to finish that Sarah McLaughlin song.
Last Updated on July 9, 2019 by Jake Bean