In recent years, the race to replace environmentally-damaging plastic straws hasn’t really resulted in a satisfying straw taking their place.
While paper straws are the most widespread solution at the moment, users have often found that they lose their shape before the drink is actually done. While reusable metal straws don’t really have that problem, they’re also more expensive and can be dangerous under the wrong conditions.
Unfortunately, it’s not as though we can do away with straws entirely either. For those with certain disabilities, a straw can mean the difference between a refreshing drink and going thirsty.
Fortunately, it seems that some bars in Italy and the U.K. have found a surprisingly simple solution.
Last week, Reddit user GranFabio uploaded this picture from an Italian bar.

Instead of plastic or paper, these bars have taken to using large, hollow pieces of raw pasta as effective straw substitutes.
The practice has also been adopted by a restaurant called Brace and Browns in Bristol, England.

According to the BBC , staff here have tried other sustainable options, but found them all lacking in one way or another.
The pasta straw, however, is easy to compost, cost-effective, and holds its shape without contributing to any islands of plastic in the ocean.

As the BBC reported , customers have also noted that this pasta straw doesn’t have any noticeable effect on the taste of their drinks.
So far, it seems that the only drawback is that those with gluten allergies are advised not to use them.

As present, it’s unclear how effective gluten-free pasta is at doing this job.
Since pasta comes in all shapes and sizes, there are likely multiple options for an ideal straw.

However, the length, thickness, and hole in the center of bucatini seems to make the thick spaghetti-like pasta a viable candidate if you want to try this idea at home.
h/t: BBC
Last Updated on October 8, 2019 by Mason Joseph Zimmer