Lately, many of us have a lot of spare time on our hands. So why not use that time wisely by wasting it on the internet, right? LOL!
If you’re looking for a fun activity to do with your friends just turn yourself into a renaissance painting using this weird AI tool . But, be warned: The results may not be what you expect.
While some people’s renditions turn out quite fabulous, there seems to be a glitch in the system which results in a few funny accidents like this.
Mustache anyone?
As much as people love this tool, there are others left scratching their heads thinking, “Why you gotta do me so dirty?”.
Because this just isn’t right. Ha, ha, ha.
I think it really depends on what kind of picture you submit.
If there are any weird shadows in your original pic you might be in trouble.
The app has come under some fire for supposedly changing people’s race and skin color.
But I guess you just gotta take chance and see what happens.
Looks like this experiment didn’t turn out so well for the kitty here.
He looks like he’s aged about a hundred years and now looks like an old angry woman.
I honestly don’t know what went wrong here.
But this pretty lady got turned into some sort of Grim Reaper or someone suffering from the plague. OMG, that’s hilarious.
Someone even tried to turn Benedict Cumberbatch into a Renaissance version of himself but I don’t exactly see the resemblance.
Nice try but looks more like James Dean to me.
This is what happens when your family sends in a picture of you and now you’ve got to live with the horror of seeing this for all eternity.
And then this guy looks like his painting was sat on before the paint dried. That’s just not a pretty picture.
Wrong choice of reference material buddy. Better luck next time.
So are you digging this AI app?
Would you submit your picture and take your chances? Or are you afraid to see the results? I’m on the fence. Hee, hee!
Last Updated on April 8, 2020 by Kasia Galifi