Um, say what?
Listen, the episodes are on Netflix now, so there is no excuse at all. How dare they not watch the most iconic comedy of all time?
So, who is the culprit? Who did this to us?

It was no other than Paul Rudd.
He’s lucky that he’s so handsome and charming, otherwise, we’d be a lot more p****d.
Paul Rudd admitted the most horrifying confession:

When he asked about Friends being better than How I Met Your Mother .
“I have a bit of a biased perspective on this one, I think. I’m really not so familiar with the episodes.” he said.
He continued with his blasphemy by saying:

“I don’t know [how many episodes I’ve seen]. Not that many. I never watched.”
Watch the clip!
The moment he talks about Friends starts around 3:10.
Enjoy the video! Rudd is always hilarious.
Last Updated on October 17, 2019 by Diply