Parent writes negative reviews about a school after their children are bullied and they move away. The vice principal asks them to take down the reviews, but the parent refuses and responds with vulgar language. Other parents are inspired to write negative reviews as well. The PTO mentions the parent at a meeting, saying they are ruining their kids’ education. Read on to find out what happens next.
Surviving bullying at school: A parent’s story
Parent stands by negative school reviews despite backlash
Parent writes negative school review with explicit language
School VP requests removal of negative reviews. Will parent comply?
Negative reviews drive parents to neighboring catholic school
Parent receives legal threat for negative school reviews
Parent fights back against school bullying with negative reviews
Parent called ‘devil’ for leaving school reviews
Husband ignores school’s request to take down negative reviews
Parent refuses to take down negative school reviews
One parent’s negative reviews of their child’s former high school have caused quite a stir. Despite being asked by the school’s vice principal to take down the reviews, the parent refused and even responded with profanity. Other parents were inspired to write their negative reviews as well. However, the situation escalated when the parent was mentioned at a PTO meeting, with concerns about the impact of the negative reviews on the school’s funding. The school’s administration has even attempted to reach out to the parent’s spouse in hopes of a more reasonable response. Read on to see how this controversy unfolds.
NTA for exposing school’s bullying problem, school wants to sue.
Parent stands up for bullied children and receives legal threats.
Bullying and self-defense debate leaves commenters divided.
Standing up for truth and justice against the school
Honest reviews justified but offensive language is not.
Documenting concerns and working with school is key.
Possible victim-bully complex in parent’s negative school reviews
Bullying is wrong but abusive language isn’t justified. ESH.
Stand your ground and seek legal advice before updating reviews
Documented concerns may have prevented negative reviews later.
Engaging with the commenter’s perspective and questioning the story’s authenticity
Parent’s accusations of bullying met with skepticism and backlash
Valid review, fix bullying or lose funding
School reviews stay up, but OP’s behavior questioned.
Parent accused of sheltering kids from mutual school bullying. YTA.
Naming underpaid teachers in negative review is a**hole move
Parent defends negative school review, calls out administration’s priorities.
Commenter calls out r**e behavior in negative school reviews.
Accusation of lying sparks debate in comment section
Bullying can have serious consequences. NTA for leaving reviews
Parent’s response to school bullying could lead to defamation charges. ESH.
Speculation about hidden motives behind negative school reviews.
Honest reviews are important, but don’t forget to update them
Honesty is the best policy
Parent refuses to take down negative reviews amidst bullying issue
Naming specific faculty members in school review crosses a line.
Adults pretending to be their high school kids online
Commenter roasted for poor spelling and typing skills
Parents rightly criticize school but respond rudely to VP’s request
Balancing free speech and respect in school reviews discussion
School PR director offers transparency but suspects some a**holery
Protecting your children is more important than pleasing the school
Grammar correction sparks polite reply
Seeking more details on teacher’s incompetence and bullying allegations
Parent’s aggressive responses to negative reviews deemed inappropriate
Honest review, poor communication: parent-school relations rocky
Handling negative school reviews and parent’s denial of child’s behavior.
Honesty is key . If the school didn’t want bad reviews, they should have addressed bullying.
A gentle reminder to keep replies respectful for better credibility ✨
Standing up for what’s right
Commenter requests more info to understand parent’s situation
Bullying is a complex issue but ESH for not understanding.
Unpopular opinion: commenter believes OP is withholding information.
Using profanity in reviews can make you seem unintelligent and aggressive
Fighting bullying in schools: one parent’s story
Honest negative reviews can be positive for improvement.
Standing up for your kids online can have legal consequences ⚖️
Last Updated on April 4, 2023 by Alfe Mercado