These are the moments in movies that some actors would probably like to forget… considering they were almost seriously hurt during.
But hey, some of them made for great movie moments!
So, what we thought was phenomenal acting, was actually just them in a lot of pain.
1. Brandon Fraser Basically Died

While shooting The Mummy , there’s this scene where his character is about to be hung .
Well, in real life, they tied the noose around his neck way too tight and he actually died for like 18 seconds.
2. Robert Pattinson Tore A Sensitive Area

While filming Twilight , Edward himself actually tore his glute… on the second shot he ever did for the series!
It was during a fight scene, and they actually had to bring someone in to massage his b**t for the rest of the day.
3. Sean Astin’s Foot Was Impaled

Were you thinking of cringing today? Well too bad!
During one scene in Lord Of The Rings , Sean Astin was wading through the water and got his foot impaled by a shard of glass!
4. Stallone’s Poor Judgement

Sylvester Stallone once got too big for his britches .
He was filming Rocky IV when he asked Dolph Lundgren to actually beat him up.
He ended up in the hospital for 5 days after that one.
5. Jim Caviezel Was Hit By Lightning

It’s probably a bad omen if you’re making a movie about Jesus and you’re struck by lightning.
Well, that’s exactly what happened to Jim Caviezel (the guy who played Jesus) while filming The Passion of The Christ .
6. The Wicked Witch Was Set On Fire

Not just in the movie, either . A trap door malfunctioned during the Wicked Witch’s burning scene, and Margaret Hamilton actually sustained third-degree burns from the incident.
Man, that movie was full of injuries!
7. Tippi Hedren Was Actually Attacked By Birds

It was the final attack scene in The Birds .
They planned on using mechanical birds, but instead, Alfred Hitchcock decided to use real birds and have assistants slap her around with birds on strings.
8. Broken Bones In ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

Not only did a hydraulic door come down on Harrison Ford and break his ankle, but while director J.J. Abrams was trying to get it off of him, J.J. broke his back!
9. Channing Tatum Puts His Head Through A Wall

While filming Foxcatcher , there was a scene where Channing Tatum was supposed to slam his head into a mirror.
Well, he broke the mirror alright… and the wall behind it as well!
10. Carey Elwes Was Knocked Out

While filming the comedy classic The Princess Bride , Carey Elwes was knocked out cold when he was “tapped” on the head with a really heavy sword.
The script said “tap” fellas! Tap!
11. Meryl Streep Almost Drowned

While filming The River Wild , she was flipped off her boat and sunk to the bottom of a freezing river.
This won’t be the last potential drowning we see on this list…
12. Isla Fisher Almost Drowned

While filming Now You See Me ( ), her character was supposed to do this awesome escape from a piranha tank trick.
In real life, the chain between her legs got stuck and she was actually drowning for a while.
The people who were watching just thought it was great acting.
13. Daniel Craig Lost The Tip Of His Finger

While filming Quantum Of Solace , Bond himself lost the tip of his finger. Apparently, according to him, it was bleeding a whole lot.
Also, they looked for it, but never found the tip of his finger.
14. Linda Hamilton’s Hearing Loss

Of course, she almost lost her hearing during Terminator 2 .
It was a scene where they were in an elevator and she forgot to put her earplugs in.
She was in a lot of pain when they started blasting.
Last Updated on December 2, 2019 by Jake Bean