In the world of online dating, it’s easy to get lost in the masses. If you don’t stand out, you don’t get swiped. It’s as easy as that.
If I can be blunt, Tinder isn’t for the weak and unremarkable. You have to make sure you’re seen or else you’ll end up at the bottom of the heap with a total of 0 matches a heart full of broken dreams. And nothing to do on a Friday night.
But what if all your competitors on Tinder just suddenly disappeared and you found yourself as the option for all those available bachelors and/or bachelorettes out there? I’d say your chances of getting a date would increase exponentially. It’s all in the numbers, guys.
One man recently came to the exact same conclusion after noticing a huge flaw in the usual dating app formulas.

According to People , 31-year-old Aaron Smith from North Carolina was pretty sick of always getting looked over on apps like Tinder and Bumble.
“The biggest problem with the other apps is that my face is not featured prominently,” he explained.
In an effort to solve this and keep from striking out, Smith came up with what he believes is the perfect dating app: Singularity.

What makes this app so different from the rest? Well, for starters, Smith is the only man allowed to use it, so he’s definitely eliminated most, if not all, of his competition.
Women who sign up to use the app have only one man to consider: Smith.

Rather than being faced with seemingly endless options of potential suitors, these lucky ladies simply swipe various pictures of the app’s founder, ranging from one of him giving a cheeky side-smile to one where he’s sporting a festive Santa hat.
Smith developed the app with his engineer friend, Scott McDowell, who sympathized with his buddy’s dating woes.

“All of us who have done online dating in some sorta way can all relate to the fact that it really does sometimes s**k,” McDowell told WFMY .
While they are poking a little fun at the usual online dating scene, Smith is still hoping he might make a love connection through the new app.
He recently posted a video introducing the revolutionary app on his YouTube channel.
“Online dating is terrible, and getting more nonsensical with every passing year,” Smith says in the video. “Sure, you can meet people the old fashioned way by going outside, but that feels like a lot of work.”
He continued, “Singularity saves you countless hours of swiping by just matching you with me!”
The video currently has over 73,000 views.
For anyone who’s never actually used a dating app before, they may seem like a virtual buffet of other loved-up match-seekers.

But, as Smith knows all too well, it’s not so easy to find that special someone when you’re competing with numerous others.
Hopefully his new app will help him get a few matches while also providing some chuckles to anyone suffering through the same online dating crisis.
As the official website explains, “Singularity is designed to use on mobile devices while in a state of existential despair.”
So, you know, happy swiping!
h/t: People
Last Updated on November 29, 2019 by Caitlyn Clancey