Well, here’s a news story you never thought you’d read, but alas, the internet is wacky, wonderful place sometimes, isn’t it?
In a post that’s gone viral, fans of the classic ’60s show The Jetsons have realized that patriarch Geroge Jetson would have been concieved this week if his age on Wikipedia is correct.
Look, I told warned you this was going to be weird.
Everyone loved “The Jetsons” growing up. Heck, even kids born in the 2000’s enjoy this classic TV show.
The Jetsons first aired in 1962 and despite its cult-like following, many fans don’t realize the original show only aired for less than a year. It was reruns and a 1985 reboot that allowed the Jetson family’s story to span generations.
The show was set 100 years in the future at the time it originally aired, in the year 2062, and according to Wikipedia, George Jetson’s birthday was August 22, 2022.
I know right, I also feel kind of sick after learning that info.
Now of course, there is no way to know for sure when a fictional character was conceived by his fictional parents, but if we take that birthday into consideration, then this week would be the week George was conceived.
Naturally, people have been freaking out at the fun tidbit online.
BRB, I’ve got to go tell everyone I know.
Last Updated on December 7, 2021 by Anastasia Ross