Our parents weren’t lying when they said, “being an adult isn’t easy.”
There’s so much to do and think about, such as finances, work , health, kids, and more. Not to mention we make sounds when we get up and our idea of a fun time is getting to bed by nine.
Some things are worse than others, as evident in this list of 19 things that get more difficult with age !
Making new friends
There are so many opportunities for this when you’re young, whether that’s in school, summer camp, or after-school activities like sports or dance.
It’s a lot harder to make friends as an adult when you have to actively find places to meet these friends.
Realizing that it takes more than love to make a relationship work
“When this clicked for me is when I decided to marry my wife. I realized yes I love this person to death but also this is the person I could argue with for the rest of my life or the person I could endure the hard times with or the person I could see cooking dinner for forever or the person I know will make me soup when I’m sick. It’s the little things that most people don’t think about when making a commitment like that.” – u/ Derainian
Hanging with friends
Forget making new friends; it’s hard enough to make time for the ones you have! Between family, work, and just trying to survive through the day, there’s hardly enough time for a one-hour Netflix binge, let alone meeting friends to hang out. This is when canceled plans become the best plans.
Falling in love
“People have experienced a lot and it’s harder to not see the bad signs, trust just like that and make yourself believe this time will be special. Of course it can be, it’s just hard to make yourself believe in that again and again.” – u/ Tango1777
Standing up
When you’re a teenager, you could fall down a million times and feel nothing but a little soreness the next day. Now, as an adult, something as simple as getting off of the couch is a full workout, complete with grunts.
Dealing with constant medical appointments
“I’ve been spending some time with the folks lately. My mom is healthy in the sense of ‘works as an aide at a school and walks around all day’, but it’s insane how much time she seems to spend every single night on phone calls related to her various ailments.” – u/ ReKang916
Making sure you have enough money for retirement
Most of us hardly have enough money to live on now! How are we going to be saving for retirement? There needs to be more financial support in place to ensure we’re not working ourselves into the grave.
Forcing yourself to adopt new technologies
“As a 44-year-old, it’s not that I can’t learn to use them, but that I have to nudge myself to do so rather than rely on older stuff. I suspect, based on people I know who are older, that it takes more energy to do so as the years go by.” – u/ StChas77
Dealing with your own mortality
Yikes. It’s easy not to think about death when you’re 16 and your life is just getting started. But, as this one Redditor wrote, they started to think more and more about it after they started getting older.
Forcing themselves to go out for fun
“Since I could… you know… just stay home where it’s warm, with the yoga pants and my pets and the Netflix. All weekend.” – u/ 1234asasas .
Even if you do force yourself to go out, all you can think about is being at home and watching Netflix.
Explaining to others why you’re single with no kids
Looking at you, nosy Aunts! Society can’t handle when a woman is over a certain age without a husband or children. They can’t accept that some women don’t need these two things to feel happy or fulfilled.
Family relationships
“I’ve gotten to the point where I want to be DONE with most of my extended family and have plenty I want to tell them, but can’t because my 95yo mom lives with me and don’t want to upset her. I’ve learned how to function around people I hate. Never thought it would get to this point.” – u/ OyVeyWhyMeHelp666
There is never enough time in the day
How can there be when you have work, personal hygiene, kids, relaxation time, fitness, social time, cooking, cleaning, and everything else to fit in?? The weekends aren’t much help, either, since Sunday is mainly spent preparing for the week ahead.
Acting their age
“I am 44 but still feel 30. But if i act 30, I am perceived as immature so i need to constantly adjust everything i do and say to feel accepted by society.” – u/ scotty7777777
Dating in your early 20s? Fun! You don’t have to start thinking too seriously about the future yet.
But dating when you’re older? A chore. It becomes trickier as many have already been divorced and have kids.
Quality sleep
“Man, do I miss being able to go to bed and not wake up for 8 hours. I wake up randomly almost every single night now, often for no reason other then like, had a stupid dream.” – u/ moonbunnychan
Your memory
The older you get, the harder it is to remember certain things. This isn’t limited to things about your childhood and what you did when you were 15. This also includes what you ate yesterday and where you left your keys.
Seeing clearly
“There are a lot of times where I now ‘work blind’ doing household repairs because I simply can’t position my head to clearly see what my hands are working on under a sink, etc.” – u/ Count2Zero
They were tolerable when you were 21. You just popped an Advil, drank some Gatorade, and carried about your day. But as an aging adult? You need 2 to 4 business days to recover.
H/T: Reddit
Last Updated on February 4, 2022 by Sarah Kester