The human eye can pick up on a surprising amount of detail. The slightest of mistakes, the most minor of mishaps, or just jobs done wrong, we can all pick up on quite a lot.
To see what I mean, here’s a list of pics where something definitely does not look right and the people who noticed it.
“What has been seen cannot be unseen.”

Nope. This is an immediate return or donation. No way could I live like this.
“[When] the pattern lines up [but] the handles don’t.”

What’s even the point of stacking mugs then? It’s an all-or-nothing product, this simply doesn’t work.
“Snowboard boots arrived today and don’t match.”

The nice thing about this is that there’s someone else who got the exact same mismatched pair, but the opposite feet. It’s like a secret bonding experience.
“Awkwardly close urinals.”

If there is even the slightest risk of contact, they’re too close. Keep them miles apart, please.

I don’t mind that this doesn’t always work, I just mind that I’m being lied to.
Sick and twisted.

Who does this? It’s definitely not an accident because that takes some effort. Why would anyone bring about pain and suffering in such a way?
“Amazon is committed to building a sustainable business for our customers and the planet.”

They were simply giving that thing you ordered a first-class flight, look at all that legroom!
“This Chewbacca Face Mask… With Eyes.”

The way it’s cropped cuts off part of his one eye, too. It doesn’t do anything it set out to do successfully!
“My mom always eats the chocolate and puts it back in the freezer like that…”

I’m sorry, is your mom an alien? Or is she just unaware of the existence of chocolate bars?
“The way these sardines are packaged with transparent lid.”

I guess it’s good to know what you’re buying but I never feel the need to check for quality on canned sardines.
“Someone carved a smiley face on my car a week after a bought it new.”

As far as vandalism goes, it could always be worse!
“The floor in this restaurant.”

Sometimes, I think restaurants do this on purpose to elicit rage in their customers. Just for fun.
“Crappy carpet design at my school that looks like moss!”

Great for feeling like you’re wandering through some old, abandoned ruins that were reclaimed by nature. Bad for literally everything else.
“A confusing message brought to you by the local dollar store.”

They’re not totally wrong. There certainly is no place like live.
‘Large Size.”

No, see, it’s not the box that’s larger, it’s the flakes. They’re cookie-sized in there.
“My school had to break the floor tiles to fix a pipe and this is how they put them back.”

Yeah, this about sums up the public school experience based on every school I’ve ever seen.
“Found this seemingly ‘upside down’ tree.”

Those roots have big dreams, and they’re shooting for the stars!
“My son’s ninja turtle had his eyes sewn on upside down.”

He just looks concerned now. Anxious. He just likes pizza, he didn’t think he’d have to do all this crime-fighting stuff.
“Why did they use such a bright font? It really alters the message.”

If you can’t spot it, next to ‘please’ it says ‘do not’ in yellow. Someone really wanted to give their coworkers a bad day.
“A photo my Mom took where it looks like the clear sky is blocking out part of the sun.”

Forget the hole in the ozone layer, instead it’s been thickening up and it starting to dim the light.
Last Updated on February 11, 2021 by Daniel Mitchell-Benoit