20 Discoveries People Posted That The Internet Kinda Loved

People are discovering random things and posting them online is nothing new. But every once in a while, people strike gold, and post something that everyone can't help but love.

And these pictures have been loved by many already. From the super weird to the super cool, these are the kinds of pictures that everyone just loves looking at. And you probably will, too.

"The paint layers on this building."

I, for one, kind of like the gradient effect going on with this building. It looks pretty cool. Though, the lightest part on the bottom kind of looks cleaner than the upper parts, so I have to wonder how different it would all look after a power washing.

Still, it's pretty fascinating.

"Manatees eating sweet potatoes."

What does the internet love more than random animals eating random food? Not much, that's for sure. These adorably round marine mammals are having a sweet potato feast, and the internet just can't get enough of it.

I don't think manatees have access to sweet potatoes in the wild, so I'm glad they're getting a treat.

"A Roman sea side swimming pool."

Considering ancient Rome fell some 2k years ago, I have a feeling this probably wasn't a swimming pool. But still, that crystal clear water and all of those stone ledges make for a picturesque view that the online world is living for. And I'm kind of living for it, too.

"The Thinking Tree - an ancient olive tree in Puglia, Italy."

I looked it up, and apparently olive trees can live for thousands of years! So, some of the ancient olive trees around the world have seen the rise and fall of multiple empires.

I'm not really sure how old this tree is, but you know what? It looks cool, and that's all that matters.

"Statue Of David By Michelangelo, Encased In Bricks To Prevent Damage From Bombs, During World War 2."

To say that the Second World War was a scary time is a bit of an understatement. We'll never know the kind of fear our grandparents and great-grandparents lived through during those years.

And pretty much everything was affected. Even artwork. I mean, some of these pieces have already survived hundreds of years, it would be a shame for them to get destroyed in the midst of battle.

"Was able to click this picture right as lightning struck. Timings : 8:54 in the night."

Whoa! Lightning strikes happen so quickly, you could miss them if you aren't facing the right direction. And all you'll have to go by is the sound of thunder several seconds later.

But this person. Actually. Captured. A lightning strike. How impressive! Makes sense that they got the internet's seal of approval.

"Visual Representation of total number of Earths that would fit inside the Sun."

When we look at the sun (not directly), it doesn't really look that big. It's easy to forget that it's actually bigger than all the planets in the solar system combined (including Pluto); it's just super far away.

I think people really liked the sense of perspective this image gives.

"Thin incredibly detailed picture of a bonfire i took."

When you sit in front of a fire, it doesn't look all that special. But this image has everyone's attention. It's just so detailed. Like, more detailed than anything I've ever seen before.

And the stars in the background make the whole scene just excellent. I kind of wish I was there.

"This Tree's age is more than 800 years old."

You know what, I'd buy it. People tend to love ancient and really old stuff, I guess because it contrasts the newness of our technological age. Or something like that.

As we know, trees basically live forever. And I wouldn't be surprised if this one's seen thousands of years, not just hundreds.

"I recycled a free trampoline into a quail coop on my hobby farm."

Today I discovered that old trampolines make for surprisingly good coops. But what's most unexpected about this coop is that it's for quails, not the regular chickens that everyone seems to be raising nowadays. I wish there was a shot of the quails in the picture; that would've made everything so much better.

"Spotted on my morning walk."

Oh what a good doggy! I know that it must be worrisome to find dogs left alone in parked cars, so the sign this person has up is doing great work. I'm glad that this dog can relax in a temperature controlled vehicle while its owner steps out for a fee minutes.

I think I can speak for everyone when I say this dog is melting hearts.

"I feel you, bro."

It's hard to tell from the picture, but it almost looks like the guy is shaping the leaves to look like a heart. You know, instead of just finding a leaf heart on the street. Since the internet loves a mystery, we're probably all wondering what this guy's story is.

"My sister and I met John Cena!"

Spotted: John Cena out in the wild. It's hard to tell, but he kind of looks like he's holding some kind of fan meeting? Either that, or he likes greeting fans whenever he can.

But man, I'm jealous. It's not everyday that you get to meet an actual celebrity out in public.

"Someone in my neighborhood put up a little VHS library on their curb. An ode to a forgotten age."

Another thing the internet loves to do is feel the waves of nostalgia. And since most of us are old enough to at least remember Blockbuster, we can all feel something when looking at this pic.

Wow. I can almost smell the plastic VHS cases from here. I really miss Blockbuster.

"The local blood bank have these signs to show how much blood they have."

This blood bank is living in the year 3021. Also, it has a bigger budget than any blood bank I've ever been to. Those digital meters that show how much of each blood type they have a really cool. And it looks like I'm not the only one who thinks so.

"This cat that lives at the parking lot at my job has extra toes."

The internet was basically invented to share cat pics, so it makes sense that an adorable kitty is going to make the front page every now and then. And this one has extra toes, which the internet went absolutely bonkers for.

I really hope this cat is having a good day.

"My friend is vacationing in Armenia. This is his $6 dinner."

So this is what $6 can get you in Armenia. I'm not saying we should all go there, but maybe we should all go there.

I don't think I've ever spent so little for so much food. I'm sure my grandparents have stories of how much $6 could get you decades ago, though.

"The sign on the bathroom door at my local Jimmy John's."

You know what? This is what public restrooms are for. Not everyone likes to use a toilet in public if they can help it, but when you gotta go, you gotta go. And this sign sums up that feeling to a T.

I know I don't have to say this, but it's also really funny.

"People are putting graffiti stickers on this picture of a street pole in the airport."

I guess people decided to make this street pole look more realistic. The result is a surprisingly cool piece of art. And one of the other things people love on the internet is cool art.

I wonder who decided to do this first. Do they know they started a whole trend?

"Miracle-Gro grew a plant from the bag."

The fact that such a large plant has grown out of this bag of Miracle Grow is just a bit concerning. How long has the bag been there? Wouldn't anyone have bought it by now?

Oh well. At least it looks cool. And that's mostly what matters when it comes to the internet.