MIL DEMANDS Daughter-in-Law Quit $200K Job to Be Stay-at-Home Mom 👩‍💼🚫

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Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of family drama, gender roles, and a power couple navigating the treacherous waters of tradition vs. modern living! 💍💼 Meet our leading lady, a 31-year-old cyber security manager raking in a cool 200k, and her hubby, an internal medicine doc pulling in a whopping 400k! 🤑 But wait, there's a twist! 😱 The in-laws are pressuring our high-powered heroine to ditch her career and become a stay-at-home mom (SAHM)! 🍼 Will she cave to the outdated expectations, or will she stand her ground and prove that a woman can have it all? 💪 Let's dive into this sizzling story of family friction and find out! 🔥

💼 High-Powered Couple Clashes with Traditional In-Laws! 😱

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👶 Baby Makes Three, but In-Laws Want Mama to Stay Home! 🍼

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🇯🇵 Japanese Tradition Dictates: Married Moms Mustn't Work! 😲

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💸 In-Laws Drop Not-So-Subtle Hints: Quit Your Job, Missy! 😠

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👨👩👦 Company Supports Working Parents, So Why Should I Quit? 🤷‍♀️

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👵 Auntie to the Rescue: Babysitting Boosts Retirement Fund! 💰

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🙅‍♀️ No Need to Quit: Outsourcing Saves the Day (and Money)! 💸

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👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Working Parents Still Prioritize Family Time! ❤️

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🍳 Hubby Cooks, MIL Shook: A Man in the Kitchen?! 😱

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😤 Annoyed Wife Fires Back: I Work Longer Hours, MIL! 🕰️

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🎓 Savings Secure Kids' Educational Future, No Scrubbing Required! 📚

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😠 MIL Offended, but Hubby Has Wife's Back! 💪

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🌋 Eruption at the Dinner Table: Working Mom vs. Old-School MIL! 🍽️😤

The tension reached a boiling point during a family dinner when the MIL assumed our leading lady had cooked the meal, only to be shocked that her son had taken on the task! 😲 The disapproving MIL suggested it was inappropriate for him to work in the kitchen after his long shifts, but our fierce protagonist fired back, revealing she had worked even longer hours that day! 🕰️💥 Tempers flared as she defended her choice to outsource household tasks, allowing the couple to save a staggering 12k a month for their children's education. 💸🎓 She argued against the MIL's antiquated belief that a woman's place is on her knees, scrubbing away. 🙅‍♀️ Despite her husband's support, the relentless pressure and judgment have begun to take their toll on our working mom. 😞 The internet has some strong opinions on this family feud! 🌐 Let's see what the masses have to say about this explosive situation! 💣💬

NTA shuts down MIL's demand for quitting $200k job. Choose what's best for the family 👩‍💼🚫

level_5_ocelot | level_5_ocelot

Empowerment! 💪🏽 Women should have the choice to work or not.

Chemical-Froyo-6286 | Chemical-Froyo-6286

Don't let anyone invalidate your career for outdated gender roles. 💪

Helpful_Hour1984 | Helpful_Hour1984

Polite response to unwanted advice on being a stay-at-home mom.

GigMistress | GigMistress

Balancing family and work is key. Don't change it 👍

kaett | kaett

NTA. Shut down nosy in-laws with a simple response. 👍

LoveBeach8 | LoveBeach8

Being a stay-at-home mom isn't the only way to be fulfilled 👩‍💼, MIL can suck eggs 🤪. NTA

corgihuntress | corgihuntress

NTA. Shut down MIL's inappropriate demand with husband's help 👏

tatersprout | tatersprout

Breaking gender stereotypes in 2024, NTA for not quitting job 👍

dazed1984 | dazed1984

Couple prioritizes financial stability and work-life balance over traditional roles 👥👨‍💻

RogerPenroseSmiles | RogerPenroseSmiles

NTA stands up for themselves and warns against doormat behavior.

WootzieDerp | WootzieDerp

Breaking the glass ceiling: the joys and struggles. NTA.


Study shows kids happy in day care or stay-at-home. MIL needs to butt out. NTA 🚫

ExistingPublic1743 | ExistingPublic1743

Don't let others decide for your family. NTA 👍

red7258 | red7258

Breaking gender roles can save you from toxic marriage dynamics ✌

jodes | jodes

Don't let MIL guilt you into quitting your job 👩‍💼. You're NTA, and have your own career.

toxicredox | toxicredox

NTA. Empowerment of women includes supporting their right to choose.

Royal_Basil_1915 | Royal_Basil_1915

You're kicking a** and don't need validation from outdated MIL 👏


Husband shuts down MIL's demand for stay-at-home mom. NTA!

mifflewhat | mifflewhat

NTA. Congrats on the baby - it's your decision, not theirs.

savinathewhite | savinathewhite

Having a double income gives your partner security and freedom 💖

PinWest4210 | PinWest4210

NTA, prioritize your own happiness and fulfillment over societal expectations 👏

No_Grade_3209 | No_Grade_3209

Don't let MIL guilt-trip you into giving up your career! NTA 👏

wensythe | wensythe

Quick phrases to shut down unsolicited opinions about being a stay-at-home mom 🤐

wellbehavedhuman | wellbehavedhuman

Being a SAHM is not for everyone, NTA 👍

Elegant_Plantain1733 | Elegant_Plantain1733

Being a good mom is not about working or staying at home 👩‍💼👏

Shulins | Shulins

Breaking gender roles ≠ lack of love for family ❤️ NTA

Specialist-Effort777 | Specialist-Effort777

Stay confident and ignore MIL's unwanted opinions. You go girl! 👏

OaktownPirate | OaktownPirate

Culture clash: Commenter supports daughter-in-law's career, criticizes mother-in-law's interference.

The_Bad_Agent | The_Bad_Agent

Keep your career, ignore MIL's outdated expectations. 👍

Beginning_Letter431 | Beginning_Letter431

Living “the dream”, no need to give it up. NTA 🙌

DcavePost | DcavePost

You do you! NTA. Great that your husband supports you 👍

Croissantal | Croissantal

Empowering response to MIL's demand for stay-at-home mom.

StirlingS | StirlingS

Don't let anyone guilt-trip you for pursuing your career 👏

slendermanismydad | slendermanismydad

Empowering comment, suggests stay-at-home dad as alternative. 👏

pushingituphill | pushingituphill

Respectfully decline MIL's demand and don't waste your breath. NTA 🚫

Icy_Blueness1206 | Icy_Blueness1206

Set boundaries and keep your career choices private from MIL.

Wonderful-Result2036 | Wonderful-Result2036

Breaking generational norms: NTA for prioritizing career over homemaking. 🏆

Elegant-Opposite-538 | Elegant-Opposite-538

Defending the choice to be a working mom 👩‍💼👏

TrueTangerinePeel | TrueTangerinePeel

NTA, stimulating economy, supportive hubby, MIL can pound rocks 👊

PrincessBella1 | PrincessBella1

Do what's right for you and your child 👍

9182747463828 | 9182747463828

Don't justify your choices to MIL. Your life, your decision. 👍

Revolutionary_Ad1846 | Revolutionary_Ad1846

Breaking gender roles: NTA for working mom in modern society 👏


Asserting autonomy in family decisions. NTA.

Kirstemis | Kirstemis

Support for working mom, curious about hints for stay-at-home.

Biker-on-the-loose82 | Biker-on-the-loose82

Equal pay, equal say. Work hard, play hard 💪

suezyq520 | suezyq520

Choosing to be a SAHM is personal. NTA for working.

Mission_Asparagus12 | Mission_Asparagus12

Setting boundaries with pushy in-laws. NTA 👍

PsilosirenRose | PsilosirenRose

Supportive comment for working moms, shut down MIL 👏

mrsgip | mrsgip

Focus on being the mom *you* want to be. NTA.

SJoyD | SJoyD

Stand up to your MiL, keep your job, enjoy your life 👍

Cannabis_CatSlave | Cannabis_CatSlave

Stay true to yourself and your dreams 💪👩‍💼 You are NTA!

Pristine_Hedgehog301 | Pristine_Hedgehog301

NTA! Don't be chained to the stove and pump out babies 🚫

frazzledglispa | frazzledglispa

Don't give up your career for outdated and sexist views 💯

lisalef | lisalef

Setting boundaries is crucial. Acceptance, kindness, safety and protection.

KimchiAndLemonTree | KimchiAndLemonTree

Sassy response shuts down MIL's stay-at-home mom demand 🙄😒

ghostlikecharm | ghostlikecharm

NTA. Women work, deal with it. Your home sounds awesome 👏

mnth241 | mnth241

Don't let anyone tell you to quit your job, you're NTA. 👍

SheiB123 | SheiB123

Shake things up! Tell MIL husband will be stay-at-home dad 😂

PhilMeUpBaby | PhilMeUpBaby

Avoid justifying your choices. Many women choose to work.

bigsigh6709 | bigsigh6709

"Make friends with other working have a great situation" 🙌

Dogbite_NotDimple | Dogbite_NotDimple

Outsourcing chores is cost-effective. Don't quit your job. 👍

Rude_Glass_5841 | Rude_Glass_5841

Breaking gender roles and supporting working parents is important. NTA.

redsoxx1996 | redsoxx1996

NTA, MIL should realize her 'good wife/SAHM' ideal won't happen 🚫

nextCosmicBuffoon | nextCosmicBuffoon

Sassy response shuts down MIL's outdated demands 🤣

CountrySax | CountrySax

Career and family can coexist. NTA for prioritizing both 👍

Accurate_Fuel_610 | Accurate_Fuel_610

It's your life, your job, and your choice. Keep slaying! 💪

Used_Mark_7911 | Used_Mark_7911

NTA and boundaries are important. Shut down unsolicited opinions. 👍

Winter_Raisin_591 | Winter_Raisin_591

Husband needs to step up and defend career choices. NTA 👏

Sauce_Addict85 | Sauce_Addict85

Being a good mom means being happy, invested, and hardworking. NTA 🙌

Meriadoxm | Meriadoxm

Choosing an equal partnership over traditional patriarchal lifestyle. 👍

Holiday_Trainer_2657 | Holiday_Trainer_2657

Empathetic response to MIL's demand for traditional gender roles. 👩‍💼🚫

Few-Pop7010 | Few-Pop7010

Breaking cultural norms and working is empowering, NTA! 💪

cmram28 | cmram28

Having a high-paying job doesn't make you a bad mom 👩‍💼💼, outsourcing tasks lets you spend quality time with family.

EnigmaGuy | EnigmaGuy

NTA for not quitting high-paying job to be stay-at-home mom 💰👩‍👦

Mental-Quality-7134 | Mental-Quality-7134

Stand up for yourself! Keep your career and your dreams! 💪👩‍💼

anaisaknits | anaisaknits

Choosing a career and financial independence over cultural biases. 💪

NeverRarelySometimes | NeverRarelySometimes

Choose your own path and raise your children with joy ❤

Welady | Welady

Breaking stereotypes, choose what fulfills you. NTA ❤

heeebusheeeebus | heeebusheeeebus

Empowering response to MIL's sexist demand. You're an inspiration! 👏

Major-Distance4270 | Major-Distance4270

Breaking stereotypes! NTA. You're a badass security engineering manager mom 💪🏻

External-Hamster-991 | External-Hamster-991

Polite response to MIL's demand to quit job and be SAHM.

ShotTreacle8209 | ShotTreacle8209

Choosing to rely on someone else financially is risky. 💰

paul_rudds_drag_race | paul_rudds_drag_race

Choosing career over being a SAHM - Empathy for MIL's crisis

newtonianlaws | newtonianlaws

Empowering reply to MIL's stay-at-home mom demand 👏

9smalltowngirl | 9smalltowngirl

Money = freedom from chores to spend quality time 🕰️

thenord321 | thenord321

Empowering response to MIL's outdated expectations. 💪👩‍💼

No_Mongoose5419 | No_Mongoose5419

Financial advice given to a NTA comment about MIL demands. 💰

Milskidasith | Milskidasith

Choosing to work or stay-at-home is personal, not financial.

iforgotmyedaccount | iforgotmyedaccount

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