As a kid, we always want to rush to grow up and be an adult. But, as adults, we realize that there are so many problems that the world has not prepared us for. In reality, we are always facing problems on an everyday basis that we wish someone gave us a handbook for. But, we are all out here trying to make the best of it.
Making new friends is really hard as an adult.

“Very difficult! I moved to a semi-rural/suburban area, and we are the only couple on our street that doesn’t have kids. We hang out with my partner’s friends pretty regularly, but most of my girl friends live in the city and it’s not easy to see them often,” said peachgrill .
Trying to figure out what to cook every day for dinner.

Every single day, day in and day out, we have to come up with something new and different to make for dinner. It’s not as easy as it seems, and if you’re cooking for one, it’s just tiring and messy.
How furniture is so ridiculously expensive.

Snowconetypebanana pointed out that when we grow up we think we’re super great adults because we move out on our own, only to realize that furnishing our place is going to break the bank.
Kids change your life forever.

“I would have my children one thousand times over but no one ever warned me that I will never feel truly free again. I will always think of them. Always worry when away. If I had known I’d still have them but, I’d have appreciated my kid-free life more,” said MillieMission .
How to fully function when also having d********n.

Anilxe said she wishes someone taught her how to function like a full-blown adult when also battling severe d********n. Some days are so hard to motivate yourself to get out of bed and live a full day.
You’re never actually done with the cleaning.

“You’re never ever done with house chores, cleaning, and the like. Never. You may have just vacuumed the entire house and feel great about it… But it’s inevitable that you at some point are gonna have to it again. And again and again and again until you die,” said FatCatLoui .
How to actually take care of your home.

Lothadriel said that they were never taught how to do basic maintenance in a home, so now they have to do all the ins and outs of things in the house but teach themself as they go.
You have to put yourself out there to get anywhere in the world.

“Networking. I never realized how important that is in finding a job. I’m an introverted person, although I had lots of friends in high school, I always found comfort in being alone,” said Hollychrysalis .
You really don’t get a lot of free time.

pancakemonkey21 said no one prepared them that you get basically no free time outside of your job. You basically spend most of your time preparing for work or getting things home and cleaned after work.
Mom’s guilt is so real.

“I feel guilty and anxious whenever I spend time or money on myself that could go toward my kids or our home in some way. I never saw my mom do this, so idk where it comes from. If I get myself a Starbucks drink I feel like an a**hole,” said avoidnoise8787 .
Dealing with pain as you get older.

Eva-darcie pointed out that eventually, your body isn’t what it used to be as you get older. With every passing year, you’re going to have to feel more and more of those aches and pains you never had when you were young.
Responsibilities never, ever end.

“Not even talking about work, but every day you need to cook, shop, clean stuff, pay bills, handle chores, etc. If you have pets or kids, it’s even worse. You need to take care of them every day, whether you want to or not,” said LiosIsHere .
Eventually having to take care of your parents.

Ginger_Maple pointed out that no one prepares you for having to take care of your parents as you get older. You end up having to take care of the ones who raised you while they are getting old.
How to make friends at work.

“I just got a new job at a small retail store. Everyone has been there for 2+ years. I have no idea how to not be the outsider. I’ve never had to try to break into a group of people before,” said BlueberryBlossom13 .
Making your own appointments.

“Making doctor appointments for myself. I feel like I’m either in a doctor’s office every 2 weeks or I’m putting off going to the doctors constantly, there’s always something wrong that’s out of my control,” said jackthejackrusselll .
Last Updated on September 1, 2022 by Lex Gabrielle