15 Relatable Tweets About Adulthood That We All Should Read

Jordan Claes
Office workers high-fiving.
Unsplash | krakenimages

When we were kids, we couldn't wait to grow up and become adults. To be the ones to make the rules, to get to do whatever they want — it seemed like a dream.

Then, we actually did grow up and were made to realize that our dream is actually nothing more than a living nightmare. For those who understand where I'm coming from, here are 15 tweets about adulthood that everyone should read.

My goodness, how the tables have turned.

I mean, I don't think I was ever so hardcore as to be able to down six shots of tequila without flinching, but I totally understand the feeling of not measuring up to one's former self.

The six empty coffee mugs on my desk agree with you.

I always found it incredible how quickly an organized pile can turn into an anarchistic mess. Sooner or later, that pile of dishes is going to topple over and I'll have to start all over again.

You're only half-right.

Real adulting is indeed when you spend money on fruits and veggies, instead of chips, but you forget to mention the other half of that statement. Real adulting is buying fruits and veggies instead of chips — and then throwing out the fruits and veggies a week later after they've gone bad.

I'm so impressed that it scares me.

This is all that I aspire to be — the kind of person who has personalized labels and storage compartments for their various spices. I'm still spooning the contents out of bags and this Twitter user is playing 3-D chess.

Who would've thought?

Who didn't, at one time or another, dream of a day when you could stay up as late as you wanted, with absolutely nobody to check you or tell you otherwise? These days, I'm looking to make it past 11 PM.

I wish real life had a "demo" button.

Pool leaking water all over the yard.

"Remember at school when you would press 'demo' on the electric piano and pretend you were really playing it? Well[sic] that's what adulthood is but all the time and in every situation." - Twitter @TechnicallyRon

Elmo is overrated, anyway.

If it's "grouchy" to want to enjoy time to yourself, to occupy your time with your own thoughts and feelings, and not have to entertain the hapless happenings of people you don't even care about — then I guess I'm a certified grouch.

The feeling of imposter syndrome grows stronger with each passing year.

All I can say to this Twitter user is be fortunate that you at least feel 15. Most of the time, I'm occupying the mental capacity of a 7-year-old.

I hate to be the one to break it to you...

It might sound a little dark, but that doesn't diminish the legitimacy statement or make it any less true. As the old saying goes — I'll sleep when I'm dead.

The planner just keeps piling on.

This is something that I myself am guilty of and I've been trying my best to correct it. You are busy and will always be busy, that's not going to change. But if the people in your life truly matter, you don't just find the time — you make it.

This is borderline poetic.

Why is it that most days, I can barely keep my head from smashing against my keyboard, yet every single night I stay away and count the number of popcorn speckles on my ceiling? Yes, I still have popcorn ceilings, don't judge me.

You mean they don't come with the house?!

Homer Simpson putting laundry in furnace

"The real challenge of adulthood is having to buy things that were magically just in your house growing up. like q-tips, index[sic], laundry detergent, salt .. like lmao oh I gotta purchase these shits?" - Twitter @iamsashakae

I need a vacation after that vacation.

Rookie mistake. I've done enough traveling to know that every vacation needs a pre-planned staycation — especially if you're traveling abroad and overseas. Trying to work while jetlagged is a sentence worse than death.

This Twitter user understands the assignment.

Are you kidding me? Fiber chews, calcium tablets, and collagen enhancers?! This Twitter user is combating their hangover before it even has a chance to start. I'm impressed and I feel like I'm learning something.

This, as well as making mundane comments about the weather to your next-door neighbors.

Larry David in 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'.
Giphy | Curb Your Enthusiasm

"Like 90% of adulthood is saying “wow I can’t believe it’s already (holiday name)” to your friends every month til[sic] you die I think." - Twitter @holy_schnitt

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