19 Women Over 30 Reveal What They Understand Better Now As Adults

Sarah Kester
Unsplash | Priscilla Du Preez

Your 30s are a lot more than just being flirty and thriving. 

It’s also a time to put all the wisdom you’ve gained thus far into good use. 

This could mean avoiding dating men who are waving red flags, making smart financial decisions that will set you up later in life, breaking up with toxic friends, and spending less time sweating the small stuff. 

All this and more was shared by 19 women who revealed what they understand better now as adults!

Don't put all your worth and happiness on a man

Happy woman
Unsplash | Gian Cescon

Thanks to Disney movies and cheesy rom-coms, women have been led to believe that men will come and save them when things get rough. But that just isn't true, nor should it be. Learning to lean on yourself is one of the most important things.

Don't give yourself a timeline


"I'm 37. I don't care about getting a college degree, having kids, buying a home, getting married, being liked by people. Life is OK. Everything will work out how it's going to work out. I'm just happy I don't have a terminal disease (yet-death is coming for all of us one day) and I still have my loved ones. Life is good." - u/deleted

If someone gossips to you, they will gossip about you

Giphy | HBO Max

Just remember: when someone shows you who they are, believe it the first time. So be careful who your friends are. Once they've shown you all their cards, it won't be long before they turn on you.

“The grind” has consequences

Woman at computer
Unsplash | Annie Spratt

"I subscribed to the idea of 'sleep when you’re dead' and was proud to be pursuing multiple degrees and sleeping every other day. I was proud to be invested in fit culture and restrict myself. I looked good and had accomplishments on paper so of course I’d be happy, right?" - u/PM_ME_UR_FROST_TROLL WRONG.

It's okay not to have children

Woman surrounded by children
Talkhouse | NBC

Don't listen to what society says. If you choose not to have children, this doesn't make your worth as a woman — or a human being — any less. Stay true to yourself and don't worry what people think.

You cannot get time back

Unsplash | Aron Visuals

"I spent a lot of time wishing I could do things instead of doing them, then when I started doing them in late 20s realized they were never so far out of reach. Just never knew how to get it." -u/uhhhhhhhhh_no

It's okay to be single in your 30s

Shayne from Love is Blind

Heck, most of the people on Love Is Blind are in their 30s. This is probably how a lot of them have the wisdom to avoid choosing the wrong person.

The people you surround yourself with have a huge effect on you

Unsplash | Simon Maage

"Your mental health, your physical health, how you think, etc. Set boundaries and choose people who respect them and have their own boundaries. Cut out toxic people…even if they aren’t trying to be toxic, if you feel worse after interacting with them they need to go. You only get one life don’t spend it trying to solve other people’s problems." - u/An1230982356

No one really knows what they're doing


We're all just flying blind here! And that's OK! When you were younger, you probably assumed that everyone older had their life together, whether that was a teacher, relative, or your parents. But once you get to be their age, you realize that we're all just winging it.

It's okay not to have a plan

Girl smiling
Unsplash | Joel Mott

"Sometimes I think we spent so much time thinking 'ok, what's next' that we don't actually enjoy life while we're living it. Enjoy life while you're young and healthy enough to do it. Saving everything up for retirement is not worth it. Many of us never get there, or have health issues that mean we can't do the things we always wanted to." - u/magical_elf

Change is constant and you can’t control it

Big Brother
Giphy | Big Brother

You might as well learn to accept that life is unexpected and make the most out of what we're given.

As one Redditor wrote, they wished they spent more time with their parents before they passed instead of worrying about them.

Marriage isn't for everyone

Wedding rings
Unsplash | Sandy Millar

"I always knew I was on the fence about kids, but had a very rosy idea of marriage. Now, I freaking love living alone and I'm really not sure I'd want to compromise that for any but the absolute ideal person (for me)." - u/Impressive-Bench9223

"No" is a complete sentence

The Office
Giphy | The Office

You have nothing to explain. Once you've set a boundary, it's up to others to accept it. If they continually push and cross those boundaries, it might be time to evaluate those relationships.

The only person you'll ever spend 100 percent of your time with, is you

Girl with sunflowers
Unsplash | Olia Nayda

"So do (job/hobbies) what makes you happy. Dress in a way that makes you happy. Do your hair and makeup how you want, for you. Trying to impress others is such a waste of time and energy. Everyone is too wrapped up in their own [expletive]." - u/SaebraK

Worrying only adds wrinkles

Jessica Day with glasses
Ranker | FOX

Learn not to sweat the small stuff! Life is too short to adopt a "doomsday" mentality where you overthink negative scenarios or what-ifs. The worst possible outcome rarely happens, anyway.

You don't have to be perfect

Girl working
Unsplash | Thought Catalog

"No one. We just all do our best with the information, time, money, energy, and knowledge we have. I used to think that my parents (or basically any adult) had all the answers. Nope, they just wing it, as I do." - u/Duck__Holliday

Nobody actually cares about you

Donald Trump
Giphy | CBS News

"Everyone is finding themselves and dealing with their own baggage. You do you, don't worry about what others might think.... because they don't actually care about what you think of them. Friends will stick with you no matter what." - u/deleted

The most powerful thing you can do is take that first step

Unsplash | Sincerely Media

It's all about baby steps! So many of us let fear drive our lives. This leads to deep regret from many opportunities left behind. It's better to live a life that challenges you.

Don't wait for your life to begin once you get married

Giphy | Jessie J

"Unpack, decorate, enjoy yourself, go far with your career, travel. Do everything you want to do now. Marriage doesn't make any of it better and waiting will just cause regret." - u/bolaixgirl

H/T: Reddit

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