Going out to eat is an experience and a luxury that many people look forward to. When going to particular restaurants , they go there because of their reputation and how good they think their food is going to be.
For example, Michelin star restaurants are ones where people are expecting to have incredible meals because not all restaurants receive Michelin stars.
Michelin stars are awarded to chefs that want their restaurants to be recognized.

When going to a Michelin star restaurant, you expect a particular quality of food because it means that the food has received actual awards.
However, sometimes, things can be quite a letdown. Geraldine DeRuiter, the founder of the Everywhereist blog, experienced this at a Michelin star restaurant herself.
In her blog, she reviewed the restaurant “Bros” in Lecce, a town in southern Italy.

Apparently, it was the worst dinner of her entire life, and also thought that it was incredibly comical.
To start, the group of 8 people had “high hopes” when they arrived, but entered into a room that was “sweltering hot” that looked like “an underground bunker.
The meal itself was really warped, apparently.

The group of friends was served a 27-course meal—and she says the “27” is given lightly because most of what they were served are not even remotely similar to a “course.”
Some were paper, some were vinegar, but nothing was a full-on meal.
For example, this paper thin fish was a meal.

Rand, Geraldine’s friend, is holding up one of the courses—one paper-thin fish cracker. Clearly, this is not a course.
But, it didn’t stop there. The rest of their meal was a bit confusing and also comical.
The blogger shared a photo of a “meal for two.”

Geraldine shared a photo of what would be considered a meal for two people.
There’s no possible way that this is a meal for even one person, let alone two people. It’s all seashells on the bottom and two little…somethings.
This was their main course.

The main course of their meal was crab. But, this was the only crab that they got.
It was a tablespoon of crab served in a high bowl. I’m not quite sure who would consider this a “main course,” but miss me with this.
They were then served some sort of “foam.”

“We got twelve kinds of foam, something that I can only describe as “an oyster loaf that tasted like Newark airport”, and a teaspoon of savory ice cream that was olive flavored,” the blogger wrote accompanied by a photo of her friend’s stunned face.
This part of the dinner was served in a plaster cast of the chef’s mouth.

Not only that, but you also don’t get a spoon or a fork—or anything.
You’re supposed to “s**k” the liquid out of the “chef’s mouth” with your own mouth. Sounds a bit weird and k***y if you ask me.
The remainder of the meal was confusing.

Among the rest were fried cheese b***s made with “rancid ricotta,” a small scoop of green olive ice cream, and silver shots of vinegar. In addition, none of the servers would explain anything that was going on.
After posting the review, the chef himself responded to Geraldine.

The “Declaration by Chef Floriano Pellegrino” was a wild ride, just like the meal at his restaurant was.
The response was confusing and included a photo of a horse, which, I’m still not understanding much.
While they didn’t like their meal, the chef didn’t seem to care much.

Apparently, the chef was comparing his food to contemporary art. “Not everyone understands contemporary art,” according to the chef, so not everyone will understand his food.
So, they responded in this long-winded letter to just share their menu.
Last Updated on December 22, 2021 by Lex Gabrielle