If only we could all have infinite good luck. It really s***s that the world doesn’t work that way. But as long as we don’t have constant bad luck, that’s still a win.
These people, though, had some pretty crappy cards dealt to them. I for one feel pretty bad they had to endure these unlucky situations.
“Had a sixth sense feeling to check this side after running errands today. Someone poured paint thinner on my car.”
Something’s telling me that a disgruntled ex wanted to get some revenge… and picked the wrong car. And of course, this person got the brunt of the attack.
“Just blended up some fresh Diablo sauce.”
This is kind of painful to look at. Blenders can be super temperamental, but this is on a whole new level. At least OP might still be able to salvage some of the sauce.
“Lost my job 2 days ago, now a car running from the police totaled my car leaving me with no transport for interviews and no money for a new one.”
On the plus side, OP has insurance. And they walked away unharmed. But they’re still going to have to wait for the repairs.
Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time…
“The glass on my bedside I drank [from] before turning on the light.”
I’ve had a fear of finding a bug in my water for a long time, so I keep bottles in my room instead of glasses. Glad to know that fear wasn’t irrational.
And it’s too bad OP had to learn about it the hard way…
“Got bitten by a mosquito… I can barely move my hand now.”
Most of the time, a mosquito bite is an annoying but relatively small bump you have to deal with for a few days. This is, like, a whole allergic reaction. OP should maybe see a doctor about that.
“After two years living in my house, I came home to learn my mantelpiece was just glued on.”
I bet the previous owners breathed a sigh of relief when they sold this house. They wouldn’t have to worry about the mantlepiece they shoddily put together, after all.
“Got one of the nicest views from my quarantine hotel in Tokyo and just a single building blocks Mt Fuji perfectly.”
I bet the view of Mt Fuji from that building is pretty amazing. Too bad it means that the view from this hotel is… unfortunate, to say the least.
“Dog ate my money.”
It would be one thing if the dog ripped up a $5, or even a$20. But that’s at least one $50 bill, which really stings. And the worst part is the bank probably won’t take that back.
“Leaned a little too far back in my chair just now.”
Most of the time, you can lean pretty far on a chair (even though you probably shouldn’t). But this one looks like it was going to give way regardless, so it was only a matter of time.
“My makeup brush came away from its handle and landed straight in my coffee while I was getting ready for work this morning.”
Dirty coffee and a dirty makeup brush? Now that’s a way to start a morning. If this were me, I’d probably just crawl back into bed and try again tomorrow.
“Moved the couch a little to the left.”
Sometimes, you don’t realize that a piece of furniture is holding something up until you move it. Next thin you know, you’re cleaning up your precious Lego set that probably took a long time to assemble.
“Someone in my school put a nail facing upwards on the ground, fortunately it missed my foot but all the air out of my shoe is gone.”
This could’ve been a lot worse, but it still isn’t great. Why does every school have to have that one kid that takes the pranks too far?
“Dropped a brand new bottle of sesame oil when I was about to use it…”
I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that this person is now completely out of sesame oil, or the fact that their floor is going to be slippery for a really long time now.
“Headphones cord got caught on my knee as I was jumping out the back of a bus (school was having a bus evacuation drill) and the cord snapped.”
This is one of those situations that you’d never expect to happen in a million years. Talk about running into some bad luck. All because of a bus safety drill…
“My bicycle handlebar decided to break on my way to work today.”
Just when you think your life is going great, you’re being healthy and minimizing the amount of carbon you pump into the atmosphere, this happens. Time to get a car, I guess.
“Made the mistake of not asking market price… $53 per shrimp.”
The fact that the shrimp costs more per pound than the lobster is kind of offensive, to be honest. But hey, I guess this can be one of those once in a lifetime meals you never have again (unless you win the lottery or something).
“Results from an allergy test – my body reacts to every type of local allergen!”
There’s nothing worse than learning that you’re allergic to everything. I guess having a bunch of hives from an allergy test is better than encountering all these allergens in the wild at once!
“Came home after a long shift, went to get some food, a mouse was in it.”
On the plus side, it’s in a pot. Just put the lid on and bring that little mouse outside. And while you’re at it, maybe order a pizza or something.
“The pizza shop promised a light and airy crust. It was so light and airy that it was invisible.”
Ah, invisible pizza. Great for the waistline, but not so great for your pizza cravings. And if you’ve spent money on it, here’s hoping the shop will give you a refund.
“Dropped 10 pounds of beads on the floor today at work. Boss was not happy.”
OP had to clarify a little: “I work at home with my wife. She runs the business.” Honestly? That’s probably worse. Annoying your boss and your wife is a recipe for disaster.
Last Updated on January 17, 2022 by Ashley Hunte