No matter how many times we think that the world can no longer baffle and amaze us, there are always some individuals out there who find new ways to perplex us.
From people who decided that they wanted extra hair on their ceilings to individuals who got the simplest of tasks wrong, here are 20 strange things that confused us more than people who eat kiwis with the skin on…people actually do this, madness!
An Actual Adult Was Behind This…
“That time my daughter got her face painted (by an actual adult) at summer camp. She was very offended that I couldn’t tell she was ‘Elsa from Frozen,'” wrote this disgruntled parent. Had this “adult” actually seen Frozen?
I Don’t Like This new Stop Sign Design…
I can’t imagine it working as well as the regular stop signs. One person also pointed out: “This looks like someone had followed spoken instructions of how to make a stop sign without ever seeing one.”
“This school picture order form my kids brought home a few years ago is dark AF…”
A few other people noted that this is not only dark, but it also reads as quite threatening. Are they saying that anyone who doesn’t buy their pictures will live to regret it?
“There’s a wild piggie & chihuahua gang terrorising my mom’s neighborhood.”
Does this person live in a whimsical children’s novel? What an amazing thing to happen to your neighborhood! Although, I suppose it could get quite annoying after the third time your bin was knocked over.
“I feel as though the word ‘tackling’ could be a little larger…”
There is a lot going on here, but the fact that this went through to print is the most confusing. The graphic designer behind this probably needs looking into.
“Stole Hi Last Name He Stole Her So She?”
Well, that gave me a blinding headache just trying to read that sign aloud. It probably does not help that the blocks are in the wrong order going downwards as well.
“Found at a hotel in Mallorca…”
And yes, this is a deliberate design. If you can manage to figure out what the point behind this sign is then you should probably consult a psychiatrist. Seriously, you need to get some help.
“Sprint is not very nice to me…”
I don’t know anyone who hasn’t lost their rag when trying to deal with a mobile carrier at some point in their life. It is almost a rite of passage when it comes to becoming a fully-fledged adult.
“We all have one faithful bra that should’ve given up on us long ago.”
And yes, I can only fathom the tidal wave of melon jokes that this image will inspire! Although, it is a pretty ingenious idea when you think about it. Improvise, adapt, overcome.
“A piano I spotted in a river on my run this morning. It has not rained a lot lately, and it appeared here in the last 48 hours.”
If you find a random piano in a river and don’t at least try to play it then you are living life wrong. What if playing it summons some kind of forest spirit!?
“A man is working next to my office. Full social distancing!”
The more that I look at this, the more I could actually get on board with this idea — just look at the amount of space that he has! Although, I bet that the pigeons would be constantly trying to steal your lunch.
“If this isn’t illegal, then it certainly should be.”
It looks as though someone at the makeup counter really did Snow White dirty with this shade of foundation. I wouldn’t say that to her face though, she looks ready for a fight!
“My kids inherited my childhood toys, and only my daughter wants to play with ‘dolls.’ Action Man is now living the sweet life.”
Look, Action Man has had a very long and arduous career of fighting evil! It is about time that he gets to spend time with the family!
“I have to do a 3-day stool sample test and I’m supposed to p**p into a small french-fry-basket style container.”
Could the hospital really have not thought up a slightly better receptacle to use than a french-fry basket? What were they thinking?
“A Defective Pikachu.”
This is what happens if a Ditto takes a load of amphetamines and then tries to turn into a Pikachu. Drug abuse is a real issue in the Ditto world, don’t let it happen to your Ditto!
“This shirt I saw at Marshall’s. It is apparently Britney merch…yikes.”
Has the person who embroidered this ever actually seen a picture of Britney Spears before? If they have then they will need to get their eyes tested pretty sharpish.
Mathematical Dumping…
“There is only 1 toilet paper dispenser at my school bathroom and every time you have to take a dump, you must calculate the amount of paper you will use. And if you don’t calculate correctly, well…” wrote this unfortunate individual.
“Do you want a kid for free?”
I have no idea what is going on at this store, but I would advise everyone to keep away from it at all costs. That demonic-looking kid on the right is terrifying enough on his own!
“Who wouldn’t want a ceiling that looks like it’s covered with hair?”
Ah, this is clearly from their “skin range.” I always wanted a ceiling that I would have to shave periodically, it would really add a nice element of weirdness to daily life.
“Square in a circle… Really?”
This sort of thing is why it is very important to give kids those toys where they have to put blocks through the correspondingly shaped holes. I cannot believe that they just left that there like that as well.
Last Updated on October 20, 2021 by Paddy Clarke