Have you ever had a day where you feel extra sensitive ? Set off or annoyed by the tiniest things, emotions running high, quick to anger? Those days can be the worst, as you notice lots of details you wouldn’t have otherwise that will now haunt you forever.
This list embodies that feeling, but at least they’re problems that you don’t have to deal with. Still, though, they’re downright infuriating .
“When my parents re-did their garage, they put the H and Y back on upside down.”

Having words instead of numbers at all is a nightmare. Harder to read, especially when it’s dark out as it doesn’t look like there are lights, and it can make it difficult for emergency services to find your house should they ever need to!
“The way my roommates leave the toilet paper…”

The way this is torn has me questioning how exactly your roommate uses toilet paper. Because this indicates that they certainly can’t be using it correctly, and that’s troublesome for many different reasons.
“Mid point for my car’s radio volume (where the circle is exacly half way) is 19 out of 40.”

This is simply not okay. Not only is that not the true midway point, obviously, but it makes people choose between visual symmetry or the sweet even-number volume number. Who would leave their volume at 19 just randomly? People I wouldn’t want to be around, that’s for sure.
“Someone keeps using my bike as a trash bin.”

They have a terrible condition where any sort of mesh-like pattern makes their brain think it’s a trash can. Bike baskets, chainlink fences, and it gets really awkward whenever they see someone with fishnets on.
“A poster at my moms audiology office.”

This decal features incredible advice such as, “Hearing air batteries last as long as they do,” and “The Universe”.
Also, I was going to assume the office was in Italy, but it also lists Prauge and the Grand Canyon, so now I’m not so sure.
“This clean cup that looks like it’s been used to carry dry coleslaw.”

I would not consider this a cup worth keeping in my home. It’d stress me out far too much every time I open the cabinet and assuming some old crusty food got on it and went bad. Whoever cleared this, I need you to start making better choices.
“I cannot forsee this being a problem at all.”

Why must laptop companies play with the natural order of things by including the power button in the standard row? Even worse when they put it in the middle like this, next to buttons you’re going to use all the time . There was truly no room on the edge? Or above? Are you sure?
“A bear is a bear, right?”

That would be true if koalas were even bears, but they aren’t. They’re marsupials. Is that koala hiding the pandas in its pouch? Either that’s a mighty big koala or they have some very tiny pandas in there.
“My neighbor’s doormat I have to walk past everyday.”

I get it. It’s a rainbow, it’s cute, but this just looks so…wrong. It also looks supremely tiny. How can you properly wipe your feet on that? Or is it meant to be purely decorative? Do they make decorative-only door mats?
“I ordered wrong way signs for work and they came with wrong way…on both sides.”

I think if I was trying to navigate somewhere and I encountered a sign that said ‘wrong way’ on both sides, I’d just start crying. Driving is stressful enough, so is trying not to get lost, I couldn’t do with this confusion on top of that.
“Mirror in my hotel room. I tried to fix it and found out they were glued like this.”

Split mirrors are a bane upon existence already, but sometimes they look good. Not this one, though. No, this is a pure blight against humanity. Especially when you notice how crooked the one on the right is.
“There’s ink on my Calzone.”

It’s a new topping, you should be grateful you got it for free and they didn’t charge you extra. They wanted to try and infuse office workplace vibes into this dish, the taste of ink and printer paper teleporting you to your cubicle.
“An afternoon well spent…”

This is close enough to being finished that I and most others would be willing to consider it so. So yeah, an afternoon well spent, you did a puzzle! That’s far better than what most people spent their afternoons doing, you should still be proud.
“Amazon Prime’s subtitles revealing the winner/who’s leaving before he’s even said it.”

This few seconds of suspense in reality shows are a great way to feel some sort of thrill without doing anything actually stressful, so these subtitles killing that feeling really s***s.
“This sticker came off with no glue on it. It all remained on the laptop.”

You better get to scraping before every crumb, piece of dust, strand of pet hair, and any other general debris gravitate towards that pad of glue. It will get real gross real fast.
“Schrödinger’s battery tester.”

At that point, you may as well not be testing them at all. Just chuck those suckers into the nearest remote and hope for the best as you mash the volume button.
“New air fryer is slightly too [tall] to store under our cabinets.”

This would genuinely warrant a return to the store for me. It’s going under those cabinets or it’s not staying in this house at all.
The best course of action would be to measure before I left, but I would likely forget then buy another one that’s too big and repeat the process.
“This is what the knives at my girlfriend’s house look like…this is a crime.”

What on earth is she cutting that made it look like that? Rocks? Frozen blocks of meat? Other knives? There’s no human way a knife could end up in this condition, it’s really kind of scary.
“My kid was sent home from school with this…whaaaa???”

Sure, there’s more than one way to print the letter ‘M,’ but how many of you do it this way? It’s a small thing, but for some reason the thought of printing the two outside lines for the M first just gets under my skin.
“I’m already here, why can’t you just tell me what your d**n hours are?”

Seriously, what was wrong with just, you know, posting the hours? Why force people to take out their phones to get the hours? Is it some kind of data harvesting thing? Because this just seems so, so unnecessary.
“When your belt is just short of reaching the next belt loop, so you have a long tail that sticks out.”

That’s one of those things that you just can’t ignore once it gets caught on something. You get seriously tempted to lop a few inches off the end of the thing, or just gain 20 pounds so it’s not so awkward anymore.
“How my husband cut this pizza. Do I… do I stay married??”

You know, the pizza will taste the same no matter how you slice it — but at the same time, it would be hard to blame this spouse for at least checking out the rates of some lawyers, wouldn’t it?
“These coasters I got that get ruined when you set a drink on them.”

You had one job, coasters. One simple job. So what if you can’t read the coasters when drinks are on them anyway? I guess they are at least accurate in that they’re up to no good.
“Ah yes, the Alphabet”

This chart starts off well enough, but falls off a cliff about halfway through. Which is weird, because the alphabet really isn’t that hard. Pretty basic stuff. This should have been way harder to mess up.
“A fruit-fly walked across my chocolate peppermint Pattie as it cooled – leaving foot prints.”

You have to view this sweet treat at just the right angle to even see the tint footprints left behind — but once you do, it’s hard to get the image of bugs crawling all over this thing out of your mind. There goes my appetite!
“This clock in my office at 9AM”

It’s kind of a neat idea to have the extra meanings for each number next to them. But then you see the hour hand that seems to be holding something heavy and can’t quite point to the actual numbers.
“Not actually dirty, just purposely colored to make you think you left some Kool-Aid at the bottom.”

We love that permanently-stained look that will make us want to soak and scrub over and over again despite knowing it’s pointless. We will accept the false ghost of whatever drink was in there before until we can’t anymore and just buy new pitchers.
“This takes a special kind of genius.”

Now this is the kind of handiwork I would do, getting everything installed and looking nice, only to realize that I missed one super important detail. You know what this bathroom needs? A nice pocket door. Yeah, that’ll do it.
“When you peel back and the film decides to stay put.”

And your dog stares at you with a look that says, “Foolish human. You’ve done it again. Flew too close to the sun, let your confidence get the better of you, thinking you could tear that all off in one piece. Let yourself be humbled by this experience.”
“Complex Had New Railings Installed. Came Home To This Tonight”

Yeah, some vigilante with a grinder or power cutter could fix that up right quick, but they really shouldn’t have to. And in the meantime, you still have to take the long way, or clamber over awkwardly at risk of breaking an angle.
Last Updated on September 7, 2021 by Daniel Mitchell-Benoit