When people are about to get married , there’s nothing they look forward to more than getting to spend the rest of their life with the person that they love. But, once they’re actually married, things are pretty much all downhill from there.
Newlyweds are always happy and gushing with love, but, seasoned married couples are always laughing at how marriage is a total and complete joke.
Everyone’s jealous when things are easy.
We all know that it’s super annoying when our husband or wife falls asleep before us, and we’re left there to fend for ourselves until late into the night.
Why should they get to go to bed so quickly and I can’t?!
This is a dealbreaker.
There are some things you want to find out before you marry someone, and those things are all about exes, their past, and even their family.
But, we hardly ever ask about their spaghetti habits. Maybe they should have.
This is war.
When your wife gives you a coupon, you better make sure you use that coupon. If she finds out you paid full price for whatever it is, she is going to rip you to shreds.
Wait until you go home!
That’s a great reason to stay married.
Some adults hate scheduling their own appointments, but it’s definitely men who hate doing it altogether.
Not only do women have to schedule their appointments, but they also have to schedule their men’s appointments, too.
If it’s on paper, it’s legit.
Guys tend to forget that we say things, so writing it down may be the best way to keep the recipes close.
That way in case it ever goes sour, you have evidence to back you up.
Nope, it definitely won’t help.
Going to bed when you’re mad is one thing, but going to bed and having to listen to your snoring husband is even worse.
Take this guy’s advice, you’ll end up with a pillow over your face and some unkind words.
Seriously, who do you think you are?
When we have been cleaning up and down the entire day and then our husbands come home and mess it up, it’s like your rage and anger combined are the same as the Incredible Hulk.
It’s literally the biggest joke.
It always happens this way.
They say that women can’t decide what to eat, but it turns out that men also don’t know what to eat.
Someone has to make the decision, and it’s not going to be me.
It changes rather quickly.
Being engaged is the “honeymoon” stage of the relationship all over again! When you’re so excited to be together and share your lives together.
Then, you’re married, and it’s all over.
It’s a whole mess of yelling, all the time.
Sometimes, we get annoyed by literally everything that our significant other does.
The way they walk, breathe, cook, all of it. So, essentially, it’s always an argument and yelling.
Do not disturb.
Don’t worry, he doesn’t need anything.
If you’re busy watching your TV show, turn up the volume and enjoy the little peace that you have left in your life.
That’s a no-go.
Guys always want to ask the worst questions at the worst times.
Play asleep or play dead so you avoid hurting their feelings, definitely a no-brainer.
He’s expecting a ton of gifts under that tree.
That’s a good excuse until Christmas arrives and you get him a small pair of socks and he wonders what happened to the 900 packages all year round.
No guilt, no problem.
When our significant other goes away, there are tons of things to do.
But, the best thing to do is to go to bed early and starfish across the bed like we’re in a hotel room.
Sometimes, the lies are worth it.
Sleeping next to each other is sweet and kind until we realize that we need our own space again.
So, why not drag out a little lie and get some alone time and throw our husbands on the couch?!
Last Updated on July 27, 2021 by Lex Gabrielle