It’s not super often that we see a perfect moment to capitalize on. Something we spot or stumble upon, something that fires up our brain to create the perfect joke or set-up, they’re rare, but they’re oh so delicious.
Here is a list of people who did have that moment and seized it, who saw their opportunity and ran with it.
“There are perks to numbering rooms.”

I can’t decide which is funnier, the idea that they knew what this room was going to be before they numbered it and did so accordingly, or that they were numbered first and this match was purely serendipitous, the work of angels above.
“My best friend went to the city today so on her arrival home I thought I’d greet her return.”

She came back from jail and all you could do was make some torn-up cardboard sign? No wonder she’s having some difficulty feeling the love here.
Not only that, but I think you’re the one that needs to be arrested for writing your Js like that.
“Guys at work duct taped a coffee canister to the center console because there’s no cup holder in the truck lol.”

These guys aren’t just adapting, they’re overcoming. Using their intellect to solve what is surely a detrimental problem at their job, doing so efficiently and cheaply too.
Really, though, I’m super curious to see how this holds up against city terrain.
“Granny knows.”

Let’s place bets on whether this worked or not and then why it worked. Did people actually think it was a cop with a scanner, or did they slow down to see what the h**l this lady is doing sitting on the side of the road?
“This may be hard to believe… But I successfully used a 2D printer to print a 3D printer.”

Wow, technology really is amazing these days. The advances we’ve made, the things we can build using these incredible developments, they know no bounds!
Soon we’ll be able to 2D print 3D printed builds like tools, furniture, houses even! It’s a marvel of science!
“Our Automated Future…..”

If this store is in a mall, I get it. Do you know what there are in malls? Kids. Do you know what kids like to do? Run up to every weird-looking moving object they see and try to touch it.
“Parked at a Dominos pizza in Amish country, Lititz PA.”

If you’re willing to sacrifice a speedy delivery for the chance to see horses with the Domino’s car sign on their backs, this is extremely worth it. No hard in advertising to all their potential customer bases, too.
“RIP Bob. Anyway…”

River Roofing on South B Street halts itself for no man. They’re fast-paced, busy people that can’t afford any downtime!
Though, knowing they’re a roofing company, it might be worth it to here how Bob died before you submit that application.
“My 6 year old told me that he got p**p on my office chair.”

Children not knowing the weight of their actions make their pranks so much funnier. This would have been awful for the parent if it were true, just terrible, but the relief they felt seeing this instead was insurmountable. Kids make their parents feel the full range of human emotions with a p**p joke.
“Maybe he meant it.”

The designation of their worst enema implies that this person has had a ‘best’ enema too. Which, I mean, I guess I’m happy for them, but that’s not something I needed to know. Nor should it be broadcasted on a public sign.
“In retrospect, this was inevitable.”

Alright, obviously this would be made even better if it worked, but what should flow from it? A car-related liquid like oil or windshield washer fluid, water like a regular tap, or something completely off the wall like hot sauce?
“Bumper sticker by Durex.”

Don’t worry, you’re driving a Mazda 2, no one thought you were procreating anyway. Signed, everyone else on the road.
Unless this is something you’re trying to be proud of, in which case, congrats? Yeah, congrats.
“Wild croc. Rare to be able to get this close.”

The natural camouflage they’ve been able to develop after centuries of evolution is incredible, they blend into their environment perfectly. This one here looks to be pretty old, with evident wear on the outer skin from numerous fights with other cross encroaching on its territory.
“I can’t believe it… I WAS SUGGESTED NEXT!”

There’s something about this joke that never, ever gets old. Perhaps it’s the longevity, the number of times it’s happened, the fact that he’s always happy anyway. It’s perfect comedy.
“Local s********b wasn’t missing the opportunity.”

When one door closes, another one opens, right? In this case, I guess it’s more that one website closed and a physical door opened, but same concept. There are opportunities everywhere!
“Handing in this resignation letter today.”

Written on a napkin too, they didn’t even deserve the dignity of a piece of printer paper. This is either the worst workplace ever and you wanted to disrespect them, or it’s so good and the environment is so chill that this is an acceptable notice.
“Saw this yesterday. He did not enjoy what I showed him.”

Hey, beggars can’t be choosers! Someone saw his request and decided to be a good samaritan and fulfill it, and he had the audacity to be mad? If you wanted something specific, write specific instructions, that one’s on the trucker.
“My friends got married. Did NOT know they were taking a photo in the window and photobombed the pic.”

The groom looks so completely done with you. He knew his bride’s friends came with their fair share of antics but he thought maybe the line would be drawn at the wedding! He might be reconsidering some things over there.
“My son turned 1 yesterday. This was the topper to his space themed cake. Left is what we ordered, right is what we got.”

What you got was a very memorable cake topper for this special day. Seriously, that face is going to haunt your entire extended family for a long time.
“Oops…. Dales pale ale did it again”

It’s never too late to get on the Free Britney train, apparently, and never the wrong occasion to advocate for her freedom. Thanks, Dale’s Pale Ale, for just trying to do your part!
“Rest in peace?”

Yes, I’d say Atkinson here can happily rest in some peaceful quietude knowing that their plaque is at their back on this park bench — and then they can go on their way and get on with their day like a totally normal person.
“Some concrete. New Buffalo, Michigan.”

Not sure if there was just a playful pavement person working that day, or if this was an entertaining way for them to say, “Sorry, there’s no way we have enough tar to reseal all the cracks in this walkway.”
“My shirt questioning my coordination after I spilled a drink.”

That’s a pretty judgemental shirt, it’s got an attitude. If you get a drop of spaghetti sauce on it, it’ll fall in the shape of ‘dude, really? this won’t wash out now, I’ll have permanent orange oil stains because of you’.
“Thank u for ur service arbys.”

I guess this does Arby’s double-duty, not only drawing attention to their business, but also encouraging drivers to slow down enough to maybe stop in and buy a roast beef sandwich or two.
“A fun game I like to play at work. I call it chip roulette.”

Usually at worst someone will mix some M&Ms and Skittles in the same bowl, which is a weird flavor, but not painful. Blending regular Doritos with ghost pepper chips is downright fiendish.
Raccoons are nature’s most perfect opportunists.
Sure, seagulls have the power of flight going for them, but raccoons will sucker you in with their good lucks to get you on their side, and then strike. So sly, so smooth.
“We were told to tie everything down for the incoming hurricane, so my neighbors decided to tie their house down”

It’s commitment to a bit to actually run a single ratchet strap over your entire house ahead of a hurricane, I’ll give them that. But if it actually works, it’s also the best ad for a ratchet strap ever.
“Ordered a pot/pan set off Amazon after recently moving. Beware super low prices on kitchenware.”

I know Amazon has a lot of things for cheap, but now this many things this cheap. Remember kids, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
On the bright side, you now have a pan perfect for making one whole fried egg.
“It’s the anniversary of my mom making me this cake to show how she felt about me getting my first tattoo 10 years ago”

Remember, kids, if you have something important and heartfelt to say, say it with cake. They’ll remember for at least a decade, judging by this.
A star is born.
Credit to this pooch for seizing the chance to get their mug out there for the world to see. It’s easy to see the star quality on display. What a natural, full of charisma and already stealing the spotlight.
Last Updated on August 31, 2021 by Daniel Mitchell-Benoit