Life is ultimately a numbers game. There are good odds of certain things happening. Conversely, there are long odds of rarer things happening. Unlikely things can still happen, though.
They’re just less likely. If they do happen, the least you can do is snap a pic and share it online.
“The number of meals I ate while I waited to finish quarantine and enter New Zealand.”

The pandemic made life weird for basically everyone on the whole planet. When you see stuff visually like this, it really drives home how long things have lasted. I hate to think of how much I’ve spent on takeout.
” Only one other passenger on this flight from Saudi Arabia to JFK.”

With so little weight on the plane, this flight is going to make it to New York with fuel to spare. It is a little bit eerie seeing such an empty flight.
” My dad drew Fred Flintstone out of fondue chocolate.”

Let’s just say that anytime I’ve had chocolate fondue, it leaves both the plate and my face looking like a crime scene. Then again, I’m not a skilled artist with innate knowledge of what Fred Flintstone looks like.
“The way the mud froze on my truck looks like a painting of the forest.”

Obviously there’s a scientific explanation for this, dealing with mud viscosity and temperature and the velocity of the car and all that. But who cares? I’m here for the pretty pattern.
“My rotting pumpkin actually looks old and senile; when I first carved it, it was smiling and had teeth.”

We all get old, losing our youthful beauty to the ravages of age. Just be thankful it doesn’t happen as fast with us as it does with pumpkins.
“My odometer has no 0, one 1, two 2s, three 3s AND four 4s.”

When you see an unusual confluence of numbers on your odometer, what does it mean? Beats me. All you can really do is capture the moment for posterity and then share the pics online.
“They used Thor for the example ID.”

You know this is a fake ID because it says Thor, who’s the major player in Viking mythology from the age of antiquity, was born in 1970 and lives in Columbus, Ohio. Nice try.
Also, the photo is of Chris Hemsworth.
“Found an IRL Thinking Chair at an estate sale today.”

I wonder if this was actually used in episodes of Blue’s Clues or is just a homage made by a devoted fan. In any case, it’ll be a good spot to do some serious thinking.
“The size of this bubble in our garlic cheesy bread.”

Will this precarious bubble burst, spraying garlic, cheese and butter in all directions? Or will it reject chaos and slowly deflate back onto the loaf? Only time will tell. I wish I knew the answers.
“This guy at a Starbucks reading the paper… from 1963.”

My family has kept a bunch of old newspapers from big historical events. I can’t think of a good use for them, but after seeing this pic, I might take them to the local Starbucks to watch the double takes.
“This mutated saguaro cactus.”

I’ve spent a good amount of time in the southwest, and I’ve never seen a saguaro cactus like this. It looks like the love child of a cactus and a head of broccoli. It’s a unique look.
“A microwave cookbook for lonely people.”

Even if you’re not generally lonely, you’ve likely cooked dinner for one in your microwave at one point or another. This cookbook gets it, even if reading the title makes you indescribably sad inside.
“Smallest blinds I’ve ever seen.”

If a window is this small, is it even worth getting proper Venetian blinds for it? If I wanted privacy, I think I’d just put a piece of duct tape or something along it.
“This fox lying on leaves.”

We’re not messing with you. There is, in fact, a well-camouflaged fox in this photo. Give it a look and see if you can spot it. If you can’t, then direct your eyes to the area where the shadow of the tree meets the wall.
“My dog’s back kinda looks like the Air Jordan Jumpman logo.”

This is pretty cool. Lots of people pay a pretty penny to wear stuff emblazoned with the Jumpman logo, and this dog just happened to be born with it.
“My school predates WWII and has swastikas on the floor.”

This design has famously been around for centuries, and as such, it’s made its way into all kinds of stuff over the years. Then World War II happened, and now it’s ruined forever.
“A popped coffee bean.”

We all know that corn can be popped into popcorn, but I had no idea coffee beans had the same properties. You could make some bold-tasting, heavily caffeinated coffee popcorn if you did this with enough beans.
“This ethyl alcohol bottle looks like water bottle.”

This bottle of alcohol is playing a dangerous game. I just hope that no one throws it into a fridge or removes the label, because things would probably need to involve the poison control center if so.
“I received the same queue number at two different establishments in the same day.”

I’m not someone who typically buys lottery tickets, but when something like this happens, it’s like a big neon sign from the universe telling you to buy lottery tickets. I mean, you’ll obviously still lose, but whatever.
“This hospital doctor with impeccable writing.”

This is rarer than a four-leaf clover, rarer than a complete eclipse, rarer than anything: a doctor who not only writes legibly, but writes beautifully. I almost don’t believe that this is even real.
Last Updated on November 10, 2021 by D