I can’t be the only one who gets irritated by the little things, right? Even if it’s something super small and insignificant. They do add up eventually , after all.
If one or two of the things in this list happened to me, I could probably shake it off. But going through the whole list is causing one of my eyes to twitch big time.
You just *know* somebody did this on purpose.

I know that this is a super easy fix, but you know what? It’s the principle of the matter. Someone disrupted this incredibly satisfying book arrangement, probably just for fun. And there are some things out there that just can’t be forgiven.
“My loom before and after the art teacher ‘helped’ me.”

I feel like art teachers probably aren’t experts at everything. It might have been better to just let the student figure it out for themselves, because at least then no one else would be responsible for how it turned out.
Side note: do they teach weaving in schools now?
“My neighborhood’s effort to keep the area free of pet waste would work if they emptied these from time to time!”

As a dog owner, I know how frustrating it is to try and throw a p**p bag out, only to find the trashcan overflowing. Do the people who are supposed to empty these just forget? Or do they not care?
“Coworker announced that she and her SO are finally pregnant after years of trying, I got her a box of pastries to celebrate and when I the party was about to start I open the fridge at work and see this…”

There are people out there who shamelessly eat other people’s food out of the work fridge. And those people are the worst. They don’t deserve nice things.
“Non refillable salt / pepper grinders need to be banned and scrubbed from history. It’s sneaky & wasteful.”

There’s really no point to this. I mean, other than the salt and pepper shaker companies making a bit more money off plastic bottles? Seriously, any plastic container you buy that can’t be reused is just a waste of time.
Amazon *really* loves to ship small things in the most unnecessary amount of packaging.

I feel like Amazon is trying to annoy all of its customers. There’s no reason to fill a medium-sized box with plastic air bags, when the item is so small it could fit in an envelope. It may be making me see red right now.
“Someone stole part of this bench for some reason.”

Why do I feel like this is still part of that weird TikTok thing where people are stealing things for some reason? Even if it isn’t this is still so disrespectful and annoying; maybe someone actually wanted to use that bench. Come on, people!
“My brother taking my Bluetooth headset without permission and returning it like this.”

If my sibling ever did this to me, I’d be invoicing them so hard. You can’t just take something without asking and then break it, even if you’re family. The lack of respect here is really getting my eye twitch going.
When this happens.

It’s 2021. We have heated steering wheels, rear cameras, and blind spot detectors. And yet, they still haven’t come out with windshield wipers that don’t leave the triangle. You’d think it would be super easy by now. And yet. We still have to drive around with that annoying triangle on our windshields.
When you try to transfer a drink and this happens.

I know this could be avoided by not pouring the cup like this. But you know it’s going to happen to all of us at some point anyway. It’s, like, some kind of inevitable event.
Yeah, I don’t even know what else to say.
You can’t even rely on spell check all the time.

What’s the point of spell check if they’re just going to do things like this? Like, how are you supposed to know you’ve spelled a difficult word right if there’s a chance it’s just going to mess up? So not cool.
“Walked into my school’s computer suite to see someone has change the keys around.”

Whoever did this is an evil mastermind. Like, this is actually so irritating. A lot of us may be able to type without looking at the keys, but for people who can’t, this is going to make typing so much harder.
“Thanks to some ‘LOSERS’ I can’t wash my clothes today at my apartment complex.”

I must be getting old, because I find pranks so much more irritating than I used to. People do dumb and disrespectful things and end up ruining it for those of us who follow the rules. All it takes is one prankster.
What… what’s going on here?

The Y in “city” is all crooked, the word “storm” is in a weird, blocky font, and “sewer” looks completely different from the rest of it. No consistency, like, at all. I’d hate to have to see this every time I walked down the street.
Why do people insist on parking like this?

There are lines for a reason. I get that it can be frustrating to drive around a packed parking lot and not be able to find a free space, but this is not the way to go. Don’t be the villain here.
“The restaurant I ordered vegetable fried rice from forgot to add the rice to my food.”

Thankfully, this kind of thing doesn’t happen a lot (unless you go to a pretty bad restaurant). But it’s still so annoying. You either have to go back and ask for rice, or make some yourself. And it just won’t be the same.
“I spent $12 on “anti fog” mirror film.”

This is, like, irony in its purest form. The way the anti-fog film is the only part of the mirror that has fog on it is just. Oh man, I don’t know how much longer I can keep looking at this picture.
“This cap glued to the wrong spot on my protein shake.”

Not all manufacturing errors will affect the way the thing is used. But this one is gonna make it pretty hard to drink out of the top. I wonder if you could use a straw there? Either way, it’s still pretty irritating.
There are people out there who do this…

The. Whole. Point. Of. Bubble Tape is to pull it like tape and take a bit of it at a time. You don’t just bite it like that. No.
I may not have had the stuff for years, but this is still too aggravating for me to look at.
“The ATM gave me this bill. When I tried to deposit it back they said they didn’t accept damaged bills.”

I can’t believe the nerve of this ATM. Why would someone put that bill in there in the first place? And there aren’t a lot of places that will just accept that bill either. What an annoying situation to be in.
Last Updated on September 22, 2021 by Ashley Hunte