You know what I kind of hate ? The fact that there are so many frustrating things out there that it’s kind of impossible to avoid them all. It’s way too easy to have your otherwise good day ruined .
These people ran into some things that really put a bee in their bonnets. Since misery loves company, they just had to share them with us.
When one tile is off and it ruins the whole thing.
Ugh, I hate when something like this happens. The pattern is so easy to follow and yet the person who installed it still messed it up. It probably wouldn’t have even been that hard to fix during installation. So incredibly infuriating!
This strangely misleading lollipop.
I’m so confused as to why someone would go out of their way to put so much detail on the packaging, but not the sucker itself. It’s just such a letdown. I bet the thing isn’t even watermelon flavor. Literally anything is possible at this point.
“Loaned my wife’s brother my truck so he could move. This is what greeted me when I got it back.”
In-laws, I swear. You’d think that anyone would have enough decency to fill up on gas when they borrow your car. But some people, just don’t expecting the owner to pick up the tab.
Could be worse, though. The truck could have a dent in it that wasn’t there before.
“The way I received this TV.”
Uhh, something’s telling me that isn’t a curved TV (which would come in a flat box regardless). I’m actually pretty nervous about what the TV looks like on the other side of all that cardboard. It’s not gonna be pretty.
Hopefully the store offers refunds.
When the warning sticker won’t come off properly (featuring a chicken).
If you’re lucky, you can get that sticker off in one go. But most of us aren’t that lucky, and we end up with this. Luckily, some soapy water will get the rest of it off, but that means more work than you were probably expecting to put in.
“Walkway leading up to a $900k model home.”
You’d think, if the house is worth nearly a million big ones, that the landscaping wouldn’t, well, s**k. And yet, this pathway is in front of an expensive home, looking all uneven and off center.
The amount of effort it would take to move all those pavers two inches to the left isn’t even worth it.
When the soap pump doesn’t even reach the bottom of the bottle.
I swear, it’s like soap companies want us to waste a third of the container. Lotion companies do this too, and it’s just so annoying. Maybe we need to come up with better ways to get this kind of stuff out of containers, because it clearly isn’t working.
“Our local Dunkin Donuts had to go Drive-Thru only in the afternoons, due to the internet vandalism challenge.”
At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old lady, I really hate the internet sometimes. Kids these days keep doing these weird, oftentimes dangerous or disrespectful internet challenges for literally no reason. And they ruin a lot of things for regular folk.
I feel really bad for the staff that had to deal with this.
“I am an HR assistant and I am forced by my boss to use paper like this to keep track of working hours instead of just doing it on Excel or with an HR software (which we have).”
Don’t you hate it when there’s an easy way to do things, but you’re forced to do it the hard way? Almost enough to make you want to consider switching careers.
“Having your last name banned across all EA games.”
I think the funniest (and most annoying) thing about this is the way it makes it sound like EA wants you to change your name.
I can’t really think of names that have secret profanity in them, but they exist. And it kind of s***s, I guess.
The utter lack of cable management in this server room.
These wires are really bugging me. You can’t tell where anything is going, or where anything came from. If you have to disconnect anything here, it’s pretty much going to be impossible. Just looking at it stresses me out to be honest.
There’s always that *one* person in group projects who acts like this.
Well, at least they were honest about why that portion of the work isn’t getting done. If I were the other person, I’d be going to the teacher and telling them exactly what happened. Some people are just impossible to work with.
Don’t tell me there’s *another* TikTok prank people are out there doing.
Not only is this so gross, it’s such a waste too. Somebody’s gonna have to clean that up, and you just know it’s going to be the poor custodian who doesn’t get paid nearly enough to deal with this.
If this really is some kind of viral prank, it needs to be stopped.
“I left my window open overnight by accident.”
On the plus side, all the flies got caught on the trap. But they’d have to be in the house in the first place… Yeah, that’s kind of gross. Annoying, too.
I guess it’s time to never leave the window open again.
“This rogue sleeve in all my wedding photos.”
This made me shed actual tears. There are no words to describe the level of frustration these pictures are making me feel. The worst part is that the dress is so nice.
Well, at least that means the wedding will be especially memorable.
“My housemate’s gaming setup.”
I… I can’t believe there are people in the world who live like this. People with roommates , which makes it even worse because someone has to share that space.
I’m sure most of us are a little messy, but come on. Pizza boxes on the floor? Gross.
“I went in for food and when I came out my car got cheesed. What is wrong with my generation?”
Honestly, why? What’s the point of this? Do people actually find pranks like this funny?
At least it looks like the cheese isn’t too melted, so it’ll probably come right off. But the fact that it’s on that car in the first place just s***s.
“My can of Pepsi spilled and I didn’t notice until it had filled up the whole compartment. Had to siphon it out!”
I… I have no words. This is so incredibly infuriating. Like, spilling something like water is bad enough. But spilling Pepsi? Even if you manage to clean it all up, it’s going to leave a sticky residue that’s super hard to get out.
When you ask for extra cheese and they give it to you like this.
To be fair, this probably came from a busy drive thru, and whoever was putting the order together had, like, another dozen to do. But still, it’s so annoying when you order food and it ends up being super messy.
“My husband thinks it’s okay to butter toast like this.”
As much as you may love your family, there’s always going to be a few things they do that you find incredibly annoying. Like the way they butter toast. But hey, at least you don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to.
“My mother-in-law always adjusts all our hanging pictures when she visits. Always makes them crooked.”
I’m sure she’s just trying to help. But still, that’s got to be super irritating. Hopefully she’ll figure it out at some point, though, because this is kind of ridiculous.
“The frost on this new ceiling fan globe came off with the barcode sticker.”
I guess they didn’t think that through in the factory. Frost usually comes off with strong enough adhesives (and even regular Scotch tape sometimes), so you’d think they’d have figured that out. But of course, we just can’t have nice things.
“Ordered a tool from Amazon. They sent me a bag with nothing in it. Wish I could make this up.”
On the plus side, Amazon is usually pretty good at sending replacements (even if you have to wait for them to be delivered). But man, this would probably send my stress levels sky high. It’s just way too annoying for words.
When people touch your glasses like this.
Whether you’re an avid glasses wearer or you just stick to sunglasses, you probably know the pain of someone else picking up your pair and directly touching the lenses. There’s nothing more annoying than trying to see through someone else’s fingerprints or smudge marks.
Yep, there’s a beam in front of this restroom stall.
I get that, structurally, you need a beam or two at times. But you’re telling me there was no other way to configure this restroom so that the beam wasn’t sitting directly in front of a stall door? Yeah, I don’t buy it. Just another dysfunctional restroom design.
For whatever reason, all of these pens are individually wrapped.
Considering the fact that these pens are already in a carrier, there was no reason for them to be individually wrapped in plastic. And yet, they were. This isn’t just a waste of plastic, but a waste of time for whoever has to unwrap them.
“You need scissors to be able to use scissors.”
I really want to know what would happen if someone didn’t have scissors. Like, if they bought this set specifically because they didn’t own a single pair of scissors. I guess they could use a knife to open the tie, but still. It’s the principle of the matter!
“My partner borrowed my car for a few days, and gave it back like this.”
I’m not going to lie, I had to do some breathing exercises after looking at this pic. It’s just so, so annoying . The fact that someone would do this to someone else’s car? Talk about having a lack of respect.
“The driver in the left lane was going the same speed as the driver in the right lane, leaving no room to pass. For 8 miles.”
The left lane is called the passing lane for a reason. You pass, and then you go back to the right lane. So someone else can pass you if they want to. When people do this, it’s like they straight up don’t care about other people (which they probably don’t).
Yeah, I can see why this sudoku has such a high difficulty rating.
This sudoku is actually impossible. So many duplicate numbers are in the same row, column, or square. Which is against the rules in the first place.
Whoever made this must be, like, an evil mastermind or something. This is totally cruel.
Last Updated on September 16, 2021 by Ashley Hunte