Let me ask you, have you ever been pickpocketed ? It’s definitely quite the violation, no? But it seems that the recent changes in fashion have made things harder for professional robbers to steal stuff from you.
So they had to improvise and change the way they do things. A recent Reddit thread asked, “Former pickpockets of Reddit, what changes in clothing fashion made your job harder/easier?” and I was really surprised by the answers people provided. I’ve got a few of them for you below.
This Hipster Trend

“Baggy jackets and shirts inspired by hipsters, on the other hand, have made my job a lot easier. Sadly, their pockets only usually have roll-up tobacco, so it’s not worth it.”
Ha, ha, that’s pretty funny. Am I right?
These Details

“I am a pickpocket, and I find pouches with peg and loop toggles easy. The trend for metal buckles with the pouch facing the leg did make things difficult. Adding a pouch to the inside of trouser legs going the whole way down makes swords a doddle to wander off with.”
I’m already lost here.
This Sad Fact

“I know several magicians who use pickpocket skills in their act, they all agree that the small and shallow pockets common in women’s pants make pickpocketing easier.”
Maybe fashion brands will finally start giving us ladies proper pockets. Come on!
This Wallet Defence

“The wallet chain. But only cause how cool and h******e it looks, would never pickpocket such a badass, scared they might kick my a*s if I got caught.”
Aha, no wonder my fiancé wears one. It isn’t just for looks, ha, ha.
This Magic Trick

“I’m a 23-year-old and a magician. I do a bit of pickpocketing and reverse pickpocketing during my routine. Anyone who is wearing tight clothing, or shorts has made it pretty much impossible to steal from or ditch items to.”
Oh, so tight pants are worth wearing after all.
This Fashion Choice

“Anyone wearing a hoodie has made it super god d**n easy.”
Oh, I guess it’s because if you try to pat them they won’t feel it due to the bulk of the hoodie. It makes total sense to me.
The F***y Pack

“The f***y pack made things very difficult for a while, thankfully it’s not very fashionable anymore.”
I actually still see plenty of people wearing them, hee-hee. I bet they will be happy to hear this. Perhaps I should start wearing one, too.
This Opposite View

“When you’re in another country the f***y pack is the international symbol for ‘I’m an oblivious American tourist probably carrying around lots of cash and valuables’. It’s basically like painting a target on your back for local pickpockets.”
Okay then, wear your f***y pack on the inside of your clothes and you’ll be alright.
This Absent-Minded Culture

“Late to the thread but the number of high-schoolers that just leave their phones and wallets on tables and walk away from them to get food is absurd. Also, the lanyard out the pocket thing is basically asking for someone to tug it out.”
Well, I guess if they’re not watching them it’s fair game.
This Fashionable Item

“Leggings have made it impossible.”
Okay, first of all, what would you even hide in your leggings? Like, you can’t put a wallet in there. Am I right? So I don’t get this unless they have some hidden pockets.
This Clever Idea

“A skirt. Sew a pouch on the inside all around the waistband, as soon as you grab something drop it in, and so one will even be able to tell that it’s there.”
I have to say this is such a clever idea. I’d have to do this when I travel.
This Phone Trick

“While in Europe and sitting at a restaurant, our waiter warned us that ‘tourists’ will come up to you with a map and ask for directions. They hold the map out over your table and then take your phone if it’s just sitting there on the table. People being careless with their wallets/phones while sitting can make you an easy target.”
I can totally see that happening and you can’t even blame your choice of clothing for it, hee-hee.
This Suit Warning

“Also, I should say that if you come up to me wearing a suit and suit pants, I’m going to steal everything you have by the end of my show. It’s stupid easy to steal from someone wearing a suit.”
Yikes, I had no idea.
This Clever Trick

“I had a pair of trousers once that stopped a guy picking my wallet. The pockets had a narrow opening but were wider on the inside, so I could only pass them through the opening in a certain way.”
“Whenever I put my wallet back in the pocket, I rotated it 90 degrees inside the pocket to prevent (originally only accidental) loss, but this also stopped a boy pickpocket in Berlin from getting successful. He managed to get away, though.”
Aha, I like that!
This Shirt Trend

“Also, people don’t wear their shirts tucked in as often. It’s harder to lift a wallet with the shirt covering the pocket. It can be done, but it’s hard to identify where the wallet is in the first place.”
I would never have thought of it like that. That’s a great tip, huh?
Those Joggers

“Joggers have crazy legroom, and most people with joggers are teens with rich parents, meaning if there’s a wallet it has 400 at least; if there’s a phone, it’s usually an expensive one. Vape pens are commonly seized as well.”
That sounds like a good score.
These Cargo Shorts

“Cargo shorts made it soooo easy to snag phones and wallets from my friends. I’d always do it as a party gag.”
Duly, noted. I’ll let my guy know to never wear those in public, ha, ha.
This Trend In India

“In India, crowded buses — pickpockets give 0 [expletive] about your clothes. My uncle had a complete 4-inch slit with a (1/2 side) razor blade. The slit went thru a partial wallet and they made away. This was 5-8 years ago, though.”
And this is sadly why I’ll probably never travel there.
Okay, so what have we learned from these tips?

For starters, always wear tight clothes with deep pockets when you travel. That way, you’ll notice if somebody wants to pickpocket you. Oh, and for the love of everything, don’t put your wallet in your back pocket. You’re basically asking for trouble. Also, don’t put any valuables in a backpack. I’ve learned that lesson the hard way.
Last Updated on August 11, 2022 by Kasia Galifi