I think I can speak for a lot of us when I say that it’s pretty common to have enough of a morbid sense of curiosity to want to look at strange and creepy things. You don’t want to see them, but you also can’t look away.
These pictures are the kind you might not want to see, but they still exist. And if I had to look at them, you do too.
This super creepy, super abandoned tunnel.

Abandoned tunnels are a staple in the horror movie world. Because they’re creepy and generally full of monsters, zombies, axe murderers, or all of the above. I’m sure there’s nothing sinister hiding in the darkness here, though (I’m not that sure).
These two cats that seem to be guarding the door.

Without the glowing eyes, those cats would just blend into the darkness. But as it is, it doesn’t look like you’d be able to leave that house. At least, not through that door. Not unless you solve a bunch of riddles or something.
“This is a monster I saw in my dream and decided to draw it. I remember vividly seeing two cats then seeing it was actually not two cats. One of my best nightmares.”

I, for one, am very glad that this thing doesn’t exist in real life. Because it shouldn’t . But at the very least, this is really good art.
“This wood sculpture of a heron.”

I don’t know what it is about this statue, but it really creeps me out. Maybe it’s because the wood looks like bones, effectively making this thing look like a heron skeleton. And a realistic one at that. Yeah, that’s definitely not my style.
This Teletubby statue that really shouldn’t exist.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this thing in my nightmares before (and if not, I probably will soon). It’s just so gross, and creepy, and disturbing, and any other adjective that you could think of.
Also, why is it so strangely humanoid? What’s that about?
These hornets living inside of someone’s roof eave.

If wasps are evil, then hornets are the devil incarnate. Talk about bugs that shouldn’t exist, but do nonetheless.
And for them to live so close to where you live. Ugh, I don’t even want to think about it anymore.
This ominous doorway in a subway station.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s the kind of room you don’t leave. Even though, realistically, it’s probably just full of wires or something. I don’t trust it though. It doesn’t seem like the kind of place anyone should be inside of, like, ever.
The absurd amount of lizards in and around this pool.

I don’t know what’s going on here, and I don’t particularly want to know. There are a bunch of lizards around (and inside of) this pool, and they all look like they’re plotting something. Maybe we should just leave them to it.
“Weird thrift store art I found.”

It looks like some kind of strange mask. But personally, I would never put this thing on my face. I’d probably forget about it and then give myself a heart attack by looking in the mirror. It is surprisingly well crafted, at the very least.
“I was freaked out when I saw this dead body shaped lake on my GPS.”

Even though this clearly isn’t a dead body, it kind of looks like one. It would definitely be the last thing you’d expect to see on your GPS.
I guess it could be worse, though. The GPS could be telling this person to go there.
This body pillow that looks like a dead body.

I don’t know why anyone would want a body pillow that looks like a body bag . Like, that’s kind of gross. And very freaky. And upsetting, too.
But I guess there must be a market for this kind of thing. It exists, after all.
“Found a surprise in my sink.”

This may not be as bad as finding one in your shower (speaking from experience), but it’s still pretty bad. But the real question is: would you try to carry it out of the sink, or just flush it down the drain? There are no wrong answers.
This doll that almost looks self-aware.

Usually, baby dolls just look creepy. But this one also has a distressed look on its face, which makes me think that it knows that it’s creepy. There’s something that can be said about having a level of self-awareness, even if it comes from a doll.
“Drowning girl statue in Spain made of fiberglass submerged in Nervion River Monday.”

This statue was made as a commentary about climate change and rising sea levels (even if it is in a river). And honestly, the thought itself is probably scarier than the statue, so you know it’s effective.
“This bunny head I found in the elevator.”

Honestly, the bunny head itself isn’t really that scary. It’s the fact that someone found it unattended in an elevator. That seems pretty suspicious. Like, I don’t trust it one bit. Who knows who would’ve left something like this in a place like that.
This very long, very sinister hallway.

I feel like this single hallway covers, like, four different phobias. Just looking at it is making me feel claustrophobic, and there’s something else about it that’s so uncomfortable to look at. Like there could be an axe murderer waiting around one of those corners.
“This tree looks like it has a baby growing out of it (checked it- I’m pretty sure it’s all tree, no doll).”

I’d say kill it with fire, but that would probably do nothing but anger the tree spirit that clearly lives in there. It’s probably better that we just leave it be and pretend it doesn’t exist (or maybe leave some offerings for it).
This husky that got shaved from the neck down.

A dogs fur will make it look so much bigger than it actually is. But unless you completely shave a dog, you won’t really notice.
I feel bad for this poor pup, even if this curse picture does creep me out.
“A Big Bird costume backstage from a live *Sesame Street* performance.”

Why does it look like Big Bird is about to do something malicious? Like, he could be plotting the downfall of humanity back there and we may never know. At least, not until it’s too late.
This strange and disturbing furry skeleton.

When you really think about it, human beings are skeletons that also happen to be covered in hair. Of course, there are usually some other organs in the mix (like skin).
Yeah, no, this is just weird. No explanation can justify all the fur.
Last Updated on October 4, 2021 by Ashley Hunte