The internet is full of businesses and individuals who love to tell other people how to raise their kids. And, while advice is naturally invaluable when you’re becoming a first-time parent, some advice that people give can be a little…well, strange .
One company recently gave parents across the globe some pretty odd advice, and parents across the internet did not respond positively.
Changing a diaper is a natural part of parenthood.

Australian chain company Only About Children recently issued some advice, however, which sought to change the diaper-changing process for parents and babies alike!
That advice was to make changing a baby’s diaper a more “respectful” experience, most notably by asking permission from the baby to change them because…well, apparently that’s the world we live in now.
The company explained that changing a diaper is not just about the new diaper!

Yes, Only About Children explained in their blog post “Respectful Nappy Changes” that parents should be finding ways to slow down the changing experience, and enjoy the moment between them and their child.
The post was inspired by the writing of Janet Lansbury, who explains :
“Nappy changing is not just about getting a job done, or having a clean baby. Our hands are a baby’s introduction to the world. If they touch slowly, gently, and ‘ask’ a child for cooperation rather than demand it, we are rewarded with a relationship bound in trust, respect and the inexorable knowledge of our importance to each other.”
Apparently, according to Only About Children, you should not interrupt a child’s play to change them as that is disrespectful to them.

In their step-by-step guide to a respectful diaper change, the chain explained that you should not interrupt a child at play, instead waiting for a natural break before asking, “Would you like to walk to the change table or should I carry you?”
The website then went into strangely specific detail about how you should slow down and enjoy the moment of changing your baby — presumably this was written by someone with no sense of smell.
Finally, they explained that you should be in constant dialogue with your baby throughout, and even express when things have gone slightly wrong — with the website ending their tutorial by writing:
“Acknowledge that sometimes nappy changes can be disastrous, embrace it and share your feelings with your toddler, ‘Wow, that was a tough one for both of us, wasn’t it?'”
The internet was naturally a little put out by this advice.
As the advice spread across the internet, parents took to Twitter to share their less-than-positive thoughts on the advice, with people writing such responses as:
“B****y h**l, try saying this to parents of twins or more?! When my twins were in nappies, it was a case of just grabbing them and getting it over with twice as fast as possible, no time for talk of any kind apart from ‘that stinks.'” — Libby-Jane Charleston
“You know what most toddlers favourite word is- no! So we should let them sit in their own filth and get sick from it because they don’t understand what’s good for them.” — Rebecca Kelly
It doesn’t seem like many parents will be adopting this approach to changing their baby’s diaper!
Sadly, it seems as though Only About Children’s strangely attentive idea of nappy changing will not be catching on, with most parents expressing their severe wish not to have to “stop and smell the roses,” so to speak, when conducting this particular activity.
Although, you never know, it might be a sleeper hit with parents…I doubt it though!
What do you think of their advice? Let us know in the comments!
h/t: Only About Children
Last Updated on June 29, 2021 by Paddy Clarke