20 Fun Pics Of Things People Didn't Expect To See

It's pretty important to always expect the unexpected. You truly never know when you're going to find something strange and/or fun that you can't help but want to share with the world.

Take these unexpected pictures, for example. They were taken by people who thought they were good enough to share (and who wanted some of those sweet, sweet internet points).

"Our train was blocked by one that crashed on both tracks."

Why does this remind me of the Trolley Problem (if you know, you know)? Thankfully, it looks like no one in the train is hurt. But it's still not really the kind slowdown you'd expect during your commute.

"Someone put a face on this palm tree."

Now that's one really happy-looking tree. In fact, its smile is kind of infectious. I don't know who put that happy face on that tree or why, but I'm glad they did. What a surprising boost to my mood!

"The weight of the posters have unglued several layers of said posters."

It looks like this poster wall was kind of doomed from the start. They put way too many poster layers on there, and now it's falling apart.

On the plus side, though, it'll be easy to rip the old layers off and start over now.

"This shirt I bought has a hidden pocket sewn into the inside of it with the phrase 'Don't tell Mom.'"

I think that, if you're going to buy shirts with secret pockets for things you don't want your mom to see, you better be doing your own laundry. She'll find that secret pocket if you leave it up to her.

"This date that looks like a mushroom."

I think my favorite subcategory of things that look like other things is things that specifically look like mushrooms. I don't know why. They're just always so neat. And this mushroom-shaped date, of course, is no exception.

"This box of tissues wasn't cut into smaller squares."

Nope, that's just an extra long tissue for when you're extra sad (or extra sick?). Because when your nose is running, just one sheet of tissue isn't always enough to stop it.

"The face on this pack of sliced cheese."

I doubt that the company knew that there were going to be perfectly placed holes in the Swiss cheese to make eyes and a nose (snout?) in this cow head outline. But I like to think they were really hoping it would work out like that.

"Lonely toaster at a hotel I stayed at."

I want to know what this toaster did to wind up sitting at its on table, all alone. Is it super unpopular among the hotel appliances? Did it get in trouble for trying to start a machine revolution? Does it burn bread?

"My Reese’s cup had 17 extra wrappers on it."

This may be a funny manufacturing error, but don't you think it would be funnier if there were somehow 17 regular-sized cups in a package that's only meant to hold 2? Wouldn't it be so funny if you accidentally found more chocolate than you actually paid for?

Okay fine, I'm just craving Reese's Pieces.

"An LL Bean Boot just pulled in and parked at the hotel I'm staying at in Massachusetts, USA."

These kinds of specialty company cars always seem to pop up when you least expect them to. Still cool, though.

Also, the "BIGFOOT" licence plate is a very nice touch.

"This Oreo I found in a package."

Forget double rainbows, we have something way bigger on our hands here. A double Oreo! I can't think of very many people who wouldn't be excited about something as awesome as a whole double Oreo.

"This absurdly far away but also oddly specific expiration date."

Honey is kind of the perfect substance. It's sweet, wards off infections, goes with basically everything, and it's basically immortal. This jar of honey may "only" have a best before date of 2099, but it could probably also outlive the human race.

"This tire cover I spotted earlier today…"

I'm kind of torn on this. Not because it isn't hilarious or anything, but because I can't decide if this was a gag gift to the Jeep owner that they decided to use, or if that's a picture the owner took of their kid or something and thought "wouldn't this make a funny tire cover?"

"This joke on the side of a contact lens box."

The pun game is astronomical with this contact lens box. Of course, though, I doubt that the person who posted this picture will show us what's inside. It's for their eyes only, after all.

"Outside the SweeTARTS factory after the Oompa Loompa shift…"

I guess this shouldn't be something too unexpected. But I still wouldn't think to find these colorful footprints outside of the SweeTARTS factory.

Side note, how does one go about taking a tour of the SweeTARTS factory?

"So small his weight doesn’t press the keys."

This is one certified Smol Boi. Probably only weighs, like, half a pound. Too precious for this world.

And too precious for that keyboard, too. But one day, he'll grow up and completely ruin anything this person ever tries to type.

"Found on an old SD card!"

I love the introduction of this picture without any context. Who knows what these mantises were doing, or why this picture was on an old SD card. Sometimes, you just have to take things as they are.

"Little cloud seen on my way to Denver."

Usually, clouds are very far up above us. But sometimes, you can be above the clouds. Usually only if you're in an airplane, though.

This poor little cloud looks kind of lonely. Where did all of its cloud friends go?

"Both the lifts came at the same time."

This is, like, one of the rarest things to ever happen to a person. Not one, but two elevators arriving at the same time? No one else was trying to call either one? Talk about getting the VIP treatment.

"Went to the national aquarium today... Notice anything?"

Remember that one super old movie from, like, decades ago? What was it called? The one where they had to find Nemo or something. You know the one.

Yeah, well, I don't think this needs any further explanation.

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