
Clay Artist Makes Exact Replicas Of Couples' Wedding Cakes For An Everlasting Ornament

Getting a unique, creative wedding present for a happy couple can be difficult. If nothing on their registry is speaking to you, then don't fret — one artist totally has you covered.

Aberrant Ornaments specializes in turning a couple's wedding cake into a clay masterpiece that they can keep forever! Let's check out some of these tiny, perfect creations, and remember: you cannot eat these.

This is not cake.

As unbelievable as it may seem, this is not a delicious-looking cake — well, not an edible one, anyway. It's made of clay! Can you believe that? The roses look too good to not eat.

The cakes are the brainchild of Erin Green.

Erin, a lifelong artist, actually started out making real cakes!

"When my dear friend got engaged I couldn't wait to make her wedding cake! I decided to surprise the happy couple with a small clay replica of their cake as a wedding present and, that day, a dream was born," she said on her site.

She can seriously make ANYTHING out of clay.

The details on this sea-themed cake are incredible! I have no idea how she got such intricate texture on those seashells. And remember, those shells are probably half the size of your pinky nail!

You can commission Erin to make a clay cake, too!

If you'd like to get in touch with her and have your cake made, head over to her contact form on her website. This is an amazing keepsake that I know I would treasure forever!

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