
20 People Who Failed In Wild Ways

This world is full of rules and instructions to help us get through our daily life without making any truly catastrophic mistakes — although, that doesn't stop some people from still making a few mistakes along the way!

So, from people who played basketball in very unfair headwear to individuals who tricked their children in very cruel ways, here are 16+ times people didn't follow the instructions!

I Think That Hat Is Against The Rules!

Someone needs to tell Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome, that his hat is definitely not regulation!

"I firmly disagree with these 'Punch your baby in the stomach toilets.'"

Someone did point out that it could actually be a "Hold up your turtle" zone, which would make a lot of sense!

"Not sure if the electrician put the chandelier in the wrong spot or if the mason ignored where the electrical was roughed in."

Christ alive this is one hell of a mess-up! I don't think I could handle eating in a restaurant with that on the ceiling!

"Shortage of workers is hitting everywhere."

I think that I'll have to wait for them to get even more desperate for them to take my application seriously.

"Nah we don't need that projector sheet."

I am sure that this classroom's teacher was delighted to come in one Monday and find this catastrophe on their wall!

"Never have a couple of pints before going to work!"

"Are you drunk, Dave?"

"No you're drunk!"

"I think that answers my question."

"Somebody didn't read the instructions on the bag."

"Shouldn't we mix the concrete?"

"But it's already packaged up so nicely!"

"I'd love to have been in class on this day."

I can imagine that this teacher came to regret this test after complete carnage erupted in their classroom.

"Local asian restaurant has instructions on how to use chopsticks, including what to do if you can't (last panel)..."

I choose to struggle through painfully thank you very much! I'll never give in, I'd rather go hungry!

"My instructions to the delivery driver..."

Something tells me that these people are far from sober to be ordering pizza and writing instructions such as these.

Legalize It!

Now I just want to try whatever "illegal marinara" is, I bet it's pretty hard to come by though!

"When there's no parking space, man's gotta do what he's gotta do."

I love how he looks just as baffled as anyone who is looking at this scene. I wonder how he got out?

"Explained how to make 'snow angels' to my kids. Forgot one important detail."

If I ever have kids then this is absolutely how I will be teaching them to make snow angels!

That's A Fait Bit Of Assembly!

"How you getting on with that shed, Dave?"

"I'm about thirty thousand pieces in and the splinters are killing me."

"Put the logo on, boss!"

It is nice that they put this vacuous phrase in the right font though, it really distracts from the mistake!

"Installed the door!"

Maybe they are just incredibly tall, or always wear really high platform shoes? That's more common than you think!


They clearly ran out of seats in the van, and now this guy can exercise on the way to wherever they're going!

Doesn't That Kind Of Defeat The Purpose?

Why put a code on the door in the first place if you're just going to advertise the code on it? Why?!

"Work anniversary gift arrived."

One very astute person did point out that at least they now know what to write in their letter of resignation.

"Pre-election roadwork in Croatia."

But, why? I have been staring at this for ages now trying to figure out why they would possibly do this?