Thanks to social media , it’s easy to assume that everyone’s lives are so much easier than ours.
After all, what worries does someone have when they’re laying on a tropical beach somewhere?
But the truth is, everyone has problems. If you needed a reminder of this, it was more than shown in a viral Reddit thread.
User u/ososmo23 asked, “What is currently causing you to live unhappy?”
Here are the responses.
The complete lack of motivation to do anything that would make them feel better

This includes physically, mentally, or financially. You want to make positive changes in your life, but the current daily tasks we all have drain what little energy we have left.
Their face

“I was born with deformities and while I’ve become the person I want, I told myself I would be finished with the surgeries before I went to college. Now I’m about to go to college and still at essentially square one, after over a dozen surgeries. I just want to look normal. People who aren’t deformed in some way can’t understand just how much it affects you. It consumes your identity.” – u/hats2heck
Lack of meaningful interpersonal relationships
A lot of this takes place in adulthood. You go from having a few solid friendships in high school to feeling like you have no one. Then, it’s daunting to even think of where to start in making new friends.
Tanking your dream job

“Answering one question wrong on an application for the job I’ve been waiting for for years. My resume was thrown out because of that one question. Definitely my fault but I’m having a hard time accepting this dumb mistake of mine.” – u/noshebetterdonot
Their wife of 14 years walked out on them and their son three months ago

This is so tough. Thankfully, there was another Redditor who went through the same thing and offered words of hope.
They wrote that their mom walked out on their dad a few years ago. And while it’s been hard, they’ve been much happier ever since.
Their cat recently passed away at the age of 19

“I really miss him. I got him as my 6th birthday present as a little kitten. He passed away 2 days ago. We had a really nice funeral for him yesterday.” – u/General_Code6084
All the things they could’ve changed

Regret sure has a way of sticking around. Hospice nurses have said that the number one thing people talk about on their deathbed is all the things they regretted doing or not doing.
They have no goals they want to accomplish in life

“Everyone is like ‘you’ll find it, try new things’ or ‘your dream is not dead yet, you can try again.’ No, I don’t want to try again. I’m not interested anymore. I am not interested in anything. I work all day and then play games on my phone.” – u/CarolynEarle
They can never get past the job interview

By being unable to do so, this Redditor is stuck living with their parents. They wrote that they hate whoever keeps getting the interview after them and is “a better fit for the position” more than anyone else in the world.
Their intrusive thoughts
“Literally almost everything about myself. I can’t live with my own thoughts anymore. I really don’t like my face all that much, or my uneven body. Everyone thinks I’m just quiet, but I can’t think about anything at all without contradicting it, so I just stay silent.” – u/Verra_lol
They’re having trouble finding a place to live

This Redditor was illegally evicted a few months ago and moved into a house that they just found out was foreclosed. They’ve called so many places in the past week, but they either don’t allow pets or won’t rent to anyone with an eviction.
Sharing custody of their kids

“They are happy that they get to see both parents, so I know I should be happy that they are happy. And I am happy for them, but words fail to describe how much I miss them when they are gone.” – u/Ragina_Falange

Why is it that everything seems to pile up at once? This has led this Redditor to be scary broke. As a result, they’ve been having panic attacks and crazy d********n from it.
Failed family court system

“Even with custody I have not seen 3 of my 6 children from my first marriage since Nov 2016. Nothing is going to be done about the years of 25.03 violations (felony here in Texas), and the court does not care, home study does not care…..” – u/Fatherof10
Their relationship isn’t working
This Redditor wrote that while they and their boyfriend are so in love with each other, they constantly fight.
They have tried couples counseling and relationship books and articles and videos and several methods and drastic changes, but nothing is working.

“I feel so awful, all I feel is isolated and alone. I have all this time and nothing to do with it. Everytime I talk to someone I hear the little voice in the back of my head telling me how they don’t actually care about me, I feel so insecure and I don’t even know why.” – u/Periachi
They’re unable to leave their abusive relationship

Like many people stuck in these bad relationships, they’ve tried to leave many times. But their partner won’t let them leave. They feel stuck and it’s even harder since their family adores him.
Non-stop work
“I should be happy that I can pay the bills and that I have work but Jesus [expletive] Christ I want to sleep!!! I want to stare at the wall and think that ai CAN do that and not that I’m waiting time! I would love to be able to read a book to pass the time :/.” – u/LucasMoreiraBR
A mixture of many things
“My whole family being in debt, my boyfriend telling me he cheated on me (after a year) , my grandmother passing away, my closest friends at uni dropping out and then my cat passed away. Life has been very great.” – u/LoserKT
H/T: Reddit
Last Updated on December 21, 2021 by Sarah Kester