
Reddit Users Are Sharing Their Paranormal Experiences

Some people have some experiences that cannot be explained other than it being another life source. Paranormal experiences, to some, are real and have happened. Others may not believe in that, because it has not happened to them, personally.

Luckily, people on Reddit are going in-depth about the times they have personally had paranormal experiences, so we can all judge for ourselves.

Seeing a ghost.

Unsplash | Jr Korpa

Reddit user u/Lexocracy was staying at a hotel with her boyfriend and in the middle of the night, woke up to see a "dark shadow in the corner of the room that looked human shaped." She chalked it up to it being the lamp.

In the morning, she woke up and realized there was no lamp.

Figments of our imagination.

Unsplash | Frank Busch

"Was walking on the street and saw an old man walking in my opposite direction, he was looking up at an old house, as I was walking I looked to the ground and when I looked up again he was gone, it impossible for him to disappear so fast by natural means, I got scared but continued walking pretending I didn't notice anything," u/TacitusMarston

A possible UFO sighting.

Unsplash | Avel Chuklanov

Reddit user u/ Illuminati is a pilot and said while he was flying, he saw an " Orange glowing thing hovering over the trees." When he asked air traffic if there was something on the radar, they said no.

He was also asked if he wanted to file a UFO report.

Hearing a dead relative speak again.

Unsplash | Picsea

"I was at work one night and my mom was visiting my newborn son and wife.

I get home and my mom tells me she heard my dad talking to my son. My dad died 8 years prior but she swears up and down it was his voice. My wife heard it too but never met my dad, so she couldn’t say much about it," -u/cantuseasingleone

Having your dog there, even though he's gone.

Unsplash | Cristian Castillo

Reddit user u/Mysterious-Cat7399 had two dogs, Charlie and Gordo. Charlie ended up dying from parvo while Gordo survived. One day, at a family BBQ, he felt Gordo jump on the back of his legs so hard he fell forward.

When he turned around to pet him, Gordo wasn't there. He was outside the entire time. He thinks it was Charlie's ghost.

Having vivid dreams that can mean things.

Unsplash | Kyle Smith

"A couple of years ago I had a dream reliving one of my childhood experiences where I was playing with my cousin and at the end of the dream when he was getting ready to go home, I said goodbye to him and for some reason, it felt different that time.

A couple of days later he ended up passing away due to sudden death syndrome," -u/dog_under_water

Late parents coming back.

Unsplash | Aditya Romansa

Reddit user u/Midtenn86's father died six months before his daughter was born. His daughter was a rough sleeper and required a ton of help through the night.

One night, he had a dream that his daughter was crying and his dad came out of the room saying, "she'll be okay."

Turns out, his daughter soothed herself to sleep that night.

Having a friend say goodbye.

Unsplash | Lux Graves

"I had a friend who was very sick at the hospital this past spring. I went to bed, and in that in-between stage where you're not awake and not quite asleep, I could sense him standing by the side of my bed.

We said a few words to each other, and then he hugged me. When I woke up the next morning, I found out that he'd passed not long after I'd gone to bed," -u/UltraRunner42

A haunted mattress.

Unsplash | Ty Carlson

Redditor u/Aquadire was five-years-old when she got a secondhand mattress to sleep on. She began to have night terrors about a woman who would come out of her house and scream at kids.

Eventually, her mom gave the mattress to a friend for her son. Turns out, the friend's son began to have the dreams, too.

Those final words from a passing relative.

Unsplash | CDC

Reddit user u/nic24_ryan's grandmother was sick with cancer and staying in his room while she was ill.

"I woke up at about 1 a.m. with a strange feeling. I felt a weird presence and at that moment I heard somebody speak. She said 'stay true' which was what she always told me," he said.

Turns out, she had passed away that evening.

Phantom eggs.

Unsplash | Jakub Kapusnak

"I was home alone one weekend and decided to make myself scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Took a full carton out of the fridge. Grabbed an egg, cracked it. Went to a grab a second egg, only to notice the carton was... fulI. Again. I just stood there and stared at the full carton for a few seconds (expecting one to disappear maybe? Idk), then I just threw them all out," -u/-AboveAverageJoe

Seeing into the future.

Unsplash | Shane

Reddit user u/girls-pmmeyournudes shared that they have dreams that feel extremely realistic, and then a couple of weeks later, their dreams come true. They have had it happen multiple times, but don't like to talk about it in fear people will think that they're crazy.

The void stealing things.

Unsplash | Glenn Carstens-Peters

"The void stole my remote. Happened about a month ago. Was chilling on the couch and had the sound remote next to me. I shifted position and it fell to the floor next to the ottoman. I watched it fall and heard it land but when I went to reach for it, it was gone," -u/caffieneandsarcasm

h/t Reddit

Ghostly experiences.

Unsplash | Bellava G

"I was on the cusp of sleep when suddenly my dog pops her head up and locks on to something in the middle of my room. Her head then slowly turns and follows something I can't see. Her head stops again and my backpack gets knocked over, after having been in the same spot for hours," -u/SalzyJ