Whether or not you’ve got your beach-body ready yet, summer is here folks. That means it’s time to pull out your favorite swimwear or maybe even buy some gear to show off whatever kind of summer body you have right now.
First up for your consideration? Some thirst-quenching swimsuits from Capri Sun.
You may have heard of the juice-inspired swimwear’s designer before.
Public Space is the same LA-Based streetwear retailer that was responsible for last year’s La Croix swimsuits.
Those bathing suits went viral when they were released and quickly sold out.
Now they’re back with another thirst-quenching number inspired by Capri Sun.
Of course, they made it in the best flavour, Pacific Cooler and honestly, I think this swimsuit is kind of cute!
Now when you say that you’re looking like a snack, you’ll literally look like one.
If Capri Sun isn’t your thing, there’s also a Hi-C swimsuit and an Arizona Green Tea look.
All that’s missing now are some more throwback lunchtime looks to complete the “meal.”
I’d suggest perhaps some Dunkaroos swim trunks and a Fruit Roll-Ups beach towel?
People online seem to be pretty thirsty (pun intended) to get their hands on a pair.
“how long will these be around? haven’t swam in years but these make me want to get some just in case,” commented one Instagram follower on the Hi-C trunks.
“D**n I wanna be a juice box,” another person wrote.
If you are thirsty for some Capri Sun Swimwear, here’s how to cop it.
All beverage styles are available on the Public Space website for $59.50 a pop.
However, if you go online right now you may be lucky enough to get them on sale for $49.50.
Last Updated on May 22, 2019 by murissa.barrington