In a world where unconventional relationships are becoming more common, one woman’s open marriage tale has taken a dramatic turn. This 28-year-old woman, in the midst of a divorce, is now facing an unexpected demand from her sister. The sister, who had always been skeptical of the open marriage, is now demanding an apology, claiming she was right all along. But is an ‘I told you so’ moment appropriate here? Let’s delve into the story…
The Open Marriage Proposal
The Unconventional Agreement
Sister Stumbles Upon the Secret
A Life-Changing Revelation
The Marriage Hits a Roadblock
Sister’s Unusual Demand
Family Drama Intensifies
Sister’s ‘I Told You So’ Moment: Justified or Not?
Caught in a whirlwind of emotions, our heartbroken protagonist is now facing an unexpected demand from her sister – an apology. The sister, who had always been skeptical about the open marriage, believes she was right all along. But was she? The woman argues that her husband left her due to her bisexuality, not because of their open relationship. As the family drama intensifies, we wonder: should she apologize, or stand her ground? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this…
NTA. Sister’s invasion of privacy sparks fiery comment thread
Sister invades privacy, demands dinner, NTA for cutting her off
Sister snooped, no apology. Hypocrisy?
NTA. Sister’s ‘told ya so’ response is a**hole-ish. Bing bing bing!
NTA. Sister’s lack of support and mean-spiritedness deserves no apology
NTA, using someone’s relationship ending for hubris? You’re better off!
NTA. Ex’s sister demands apology, but she’s in the wrong.
Marriage ends, sister interferes. Stay strong and free. NTA
NTA. Sister and parents are r**e, no need to apologize!
“Your sister is a Walter.” Except she’s actually wrong.
Open marriage crumbles due to homophobia. Sister demands apology.
NTA – The perfect response to shut down the argument
NTA: Sister in denial about open marriage, demands apology
Apologies are for poor behavior, not being wrong
NTA. Sister mocked and rubbed it in your face, husband hypocrite.
Family’s messed up priorities: NTA, tell them to f**k off
“NTA and you don’t owe her anything. She was r**e, invasive, and still just… wrong? Plenty of people have healthy open relationships. Ironically, your husband was a bigot not a hypocrit. Objectively worse in my opinion, but it’s not really related to why you broke up. Tell your sister to f**k off again and to try again when she’s actually right.”
NTA: Stand up for yourself, you owe her nothing
NTA! Your sister is an entitled woman who made it about herself
NTA, hurtful opinions need an information diet
Controversial comment sparks debate on bisexuality and open relationships
Ex and sister are toxic, good luck with your family
Sister snooped, invaded privacy, now demands apology? NTA!
Sister snoops, demands apology – but she owes YOU one! NTA
NTA: Sister lacks context, being a j**k, probably just jealous
NTA – No need to apologize for failed open marriage.
Sister demands apology, but you’re NTA. Don’t back down!
Demanding an apology for invasion of privacy and mocking. ♀️
Sister demands apology, commenter says NTA, she wasn’t right
Parents need to step off. NTA
NTA. Sister’s right, but does she really need an apology?
Last Updated on September 21, 2023 by Diply Social Team