Imagine coming home after a long day to find your personal office space completely transformed into your stepdaughter’s bedroom. That’s exactly what happened to this woman, who shares her home with her partner and his two daughters. She’s been juggling multiple jobs and studying, and her office space was essential for her to focus on her work without distractions. But when she returned from a trip, her office was gone! Now she’s wondering if she’s in the wrong for wanting her space back. Let’s dive into the story…
A Happy Blended Family

The Weekend Routine

Building a Home for All

The Girls’ Shared Room ️

Juggling Jobs and School

In-Home Support for the Elderly

The Essential Office Space

A Shocking Discovery

Stepdaughter’s Bedroom Takeover ️

Office at the Kitchen Island?

Ungrateful and Overreacting?

Taking Matters into Her Own Hands

Partner’s Accusations

Doubting Her Actions

To Apologize or Not?

Office Space Drama: Who’s in the Wrong?
This woman’s world was turned upside down when her partner decided to transform her office into their stepdaughter’s bedroom without consulting her. She tried to compromise by moving the girl’s belongings into a larger room, but her partner accused her of being petty and selfish. Now, she’s left questioning her actions and wondering if she should apologize. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Partner tries to sabotage OP’s work and control her. NTA

Woman rightfully claims her office space back from inconsiderate husband

Stepdaughter’s belongings invade woman’s office. NTA suggests bigger room.

Moving confidential work documents without consent? Definitely NTA.

Stepdaughter invades ‘computer room’, commenters call out language

Husband’s behavior is out of character. NTA for standing up.

Commenter and reply express intense anger towards stepdaughter’s invasion

NTA. Husband’s insecurity about her work triggered invasion of office space

OP is NTA for making the room more ‘hers’. ♀️

Partner chose to get rid of her office for stepdaughter’s belongings NTA

Stepdaughter’s belongings invade office, husband tells wife to move to kitchen

Stepdaughter’s invasion of office space sparks NTA controversy.

Stepdaughter’s belongings invade office, husband resents wife’s workspace

Stepdaughter’s invasion of workspace sparks NTA comment agreement.

Stepdaughter invades workspace, commenter says NTA and red flag

Husband invades wife’s office space for stepdaughter’s belongings. NTA.

Husband’s move to invade wife’s office space backfires. NTA.

Partner’s stepdaughter invades office space, commenter says NTA

Husband invades wife’s office space, gets called out. NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Partner’s invasion of workspace is a huge red flag

Claiming tax deduction? Room must be 100% work use only

Spouse’s stuff in the kitchen? Revenge is a dish best served…

Husband’s unilateral decision to invade office space without consent

NTA. Commenter sympathizes with OP and suggests the kid can learn.

Partner’s disrespectful move to invade office space. NTA

Commenter expresses gratitude for partner, husband’s behavior questioned

Partner treats OP like a child, NTA for setting boundary
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Husband’s controlling behavior leads to stepdaughter’s invasion

Having a separate office space is important for work-life balance

Husband’s behavior towards OP is ‘breathtaking’. Possible underlying issues?

Stepdaughter invades office space, commenter advises communication. #NTA

Stepdaughter invades office space, commenter defends homeowner’s rights.

Engaging response to a NTA comment with multiple reasons listed

Stepdaughter’s belongings invade office, NTA for wanting workspace.

Spouse’s entitlement to invade workspace is unacceptable. #NTA

Partner’s decision invaded woman’s space. NTA for being upset.

Stepdaughter’s belongings invade workspace, husband assumes without communication. NTA.

Sassy suggestion to deal with a controlling husband

Communication is key! ️ NTA, but talk it out.

Stepdaughter invades workspace. Commenters agree NTA and offer support.

Savage NTA comment suggests kicking partner to the curb

Stepdaughter’s belongings invade workspace. OP not at fault.

Stand your ground! Your stepdaughter’s belongings are invading your space

Partner’s invasion of workspace sparks NTA response.

Stepdaughter’s belongings causing family size confusion

Stepdaughter’s invasion of workspace deemed unreasonable. NTA

Stepdaughter’s belongings invade workspace, commenter supports OP’s frustration.

Stepmom’s kindness towards stepdaughters questioned by husband.

Stepdaughter’s invasion or just a coincidence? NTA wins.

Stepdaughter’s invasion of workspace is disrespectful, commenter agrees.

Partner disrespects office space, commenters side with OP

Having a separate workspace is important for focus and work-life balance.

Suggests apology and setting office hours, offers to help stepdaughter.

Husband’s inability to say ‘no’ leads to office invasion

Husband invades wife’s office space, demands apology for feeling violated

Partner’s lack of respect for spouse’s boundaries sparks outrage

Husband’s behavior criticized for invading wife’s workspace

Insightful comment suggests husband may miss wife’s presence in office

Husband invades wife’s office space for stepdaughter’s belongings

Reconsider the relationship after invasion and bad reaction

Partner’s parenting style revealed through invasion of office space

Husband disrespects wife’s space, calls her selfish. NTA response.

Partner’s invasion of workspace prompts NTA response

Husband invaded wife’s office space without consent, NTA suggests lock

Setting boundaries is key for personal and family time

Stepdaughter’s invasion of workspace sparks support for OP’s needs.

Supportive comment receives no replies, but deserves validation

Last Updated on June 18, 2023 by Diply Social Team