We all know that gift-giving can be a tricky business, especially when it comes to our significant others. One woman (26) thought she had nailed the perfect presents for her boyfriend (27) this Christmas, combining her passion for candle-making with a Nintendo Switch she won at her work’s Christmas party. However, her boyfriend’s reaction to the candles left her questioning if her gifts were thoughtful enough.
A Christmas to Remember

The Perfect Gift?

Candles with a Personal Touch ️

Mixed Reactions

The ‘Real Gift’ Debate

Money Matters

Offended and Defensive

Candle-Making Clarifications ️

Effort and Thought

Boyfriend’s Candle History


Candles for All! ️

Thoughtful Gifts or Lazy Choices?
The woman in question thought her heartfelt homemade candles and a Nintendo Switch she won would make the perfect Christmas presents for her boyfriend. However, he felt underappreciated, claiming a ‘real’ gift should involve money and thought. The woman, a busy lawyer, defended her choices, explaining the time, effort, and care she put into making the candles. Now, with both parties upset and defensive, the question remains: were her gifts thoughtful enough, or does her boyfriend have a point? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this fiery debate…
NTA. Gifts should not revolve around the monetary aspect .
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/c260aa5b-4811-4486-a9e4-08bafc13f9aa.png)
NTA. Homemade gifts can be more sentimental than store-bought ones

Boyfriend values presents over relationship, NTA.

NTA. BF’s entitlement and lack of appreciation for OP’s effort.

Break up with the immature AH and give him his space

NAH. Boyfriend wanted a gift about him, not her passion.

Boyfriend sets arbitrary gift rules, gets upset when not followed. NTA.

Crafting a thoughtful gift > buying a generic gadget

NTA’s stamp gift sparks creative charm bracelet idea

NTA, thoughtful homemade gifts > materialistic scorekeeping ️

Boyfriend ungrateful for homemade candles, but thoughtfulness still important. ESH.

Boyfriend should appreciate homemade gift, age doesn’t determine maturity

Red flag alert! NTA seeks advice on immature boyfriend.

Homemade candle gifts spark fiery debate with ungrateful boyfriend

Boyfriend ungrateful for homemade gift worth hundreds

The importance of thoughtful gifting and the emotional response it elicits

Homemade candles not a “main gift”, but deflated expectations hurt

NTA. Thoughtful gifts > expensive gifts. Boyfriend needs to appreciate effort

Debate over homemade candle gift vs store-bought switch gift ️

Boyfriend’s candle habits questioned, homemade gifts defended

Thoughtful gift debate: homemade candle vs. Nintendo Switch

Money over thoughtfulness? NTA. Keep shining with your skills!

Boyfriend complains about homemade gift, NTA stands up for herself.

Mismatched hobby gifts lead to ESH argument ♀️

Commenter calls out gift-giving girlfriend’s ‘cheapness’ and lack of attention

Debate over homemade candle gift with a Switch prize. NTA.

Boyfriend ungrateful for homemade candles, called ‘a**hole’ by commenters.

Homemade gifts take effort, but does he even like candles?

Homemade candle gifts > store-bought presents. Boyfriend’s the a**hole.

Is homemade gifting a dealbreaker?

Communication is key ️. NAH, just different expectations for holidays.

When a gift goes wrong, communication is key

When homemade gifts become expected, it’s not a gift anymore

Commenter asks for candle-making tips and sympathizes with OP.

Candles as gifts for men? ESH, but thoughtful gesture.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/322b2584-8b12-48f7-a002-e12dfd9d1210.png)
Regifting candles and a switch leads to gift-giving argument. ESH.

️ Homemade gifts reign supreme over materialism ♂️

Communication is key in gift-giving.

Money shouldn’t matter, gift-giving is about the thought

Handmade gifts > thoughtless factory gifts. NTA wins

Boyfriend undervalues homemade gifts, New Year’s resolution: be single

Thoughtful homemade candles spark fiery debate with ungrateful boyfriend

Boyfriend’s candle preferences and party timeline revealed

Boyfriend feels candles were thoughtless, but Switch was great gift

Not everyone loves candles, they’re not gifts for everyone

Commenter thinks OP is slightly TA for giving boyfriend a generic gift.

Boyfriend called out for being childish, YTA for ignoring preferences

NTA for thoughtful homemade gifts, money doesn’t define love

Last Updated on June 19, 2023 by Diply Social Team