Imagine waking up to a home filled with chaos, courtesy of your partner’s untrained dogs. That’s exactly what happened to this woman, who has been dating her boyfriend for about 9 months. At first, his dogs stayed at his place, but as time went on, they started staying over at her house more often. The dogs, two big ones and a tiny one, were not trained at all, leading to accidents, stolen food, and a trashed home. Now, she’s reached her breaking point and has made a decision that’s causing tension in their relationship. Let’s dive into her side of the story.
The Dogs’ Slow Invasion

Trying to Be Tolerant

Untrained and Unruly

Waking Up to Chaos

The Great Ribeye Heist

Reaching Her Breaking Point

His Unbelievable Living Situation

A Dirty, Torn-Up Bed

Her Request for Change

The Final Decision

His Reaction

The Family’s Opinion

Her Guilt

A Note on Her Cats

Her Cats’ Happy Life

Will Her Stand Against the Dogs Ruin Her Relationship?
After months of dealing with her boyfriend’s untrained dogs causing chaos in her home, this woman has reached her breaking point. She’s had to replace her flooring and can’t stand waking up to accidents and messes. Despite her boyfriend’s refusal to make changes in his own home, she’s put her foot down and told him the dogs can no longer stay overnight at her place. Now, he and his family are calling her a dog hater. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Dog lover agrees: untrained dogs shouldn’t damage someone’s home

Dump him sis, he’s an irresponsible pet owner and slob

Questioning the hygiene standards of the commenter’s boyfriend.

Growing up in a dog-loving family doesn’t mean living in filth

Untrained dogs cause chaos, commenter kicks out bad guests.

NTA, set boundaries and split if he can’t compromise

Think twice before letting your partner’s untrained dogs in.

Incompatibility in compromise, communication and cleanliness. NTA, but someone’s gotta go.

Train your dogs before bringing them to someone else’s home

Dump the disrespectful man and prioritize yourself and your kids.

NTA. Untrained dogs causing chaos. Boyfriend needs to step up.

Reasonable NTA comment advises to leave untrained dogs situation

Dump him! He’s not fit for a relationship.

NTA, run from the loser and his untrained dogs

Don’t let an irresponsible dog owner ruin your home
NTA, run!

Well-trained dog owner shares tips for a peaceful home

NTA for not wanting to clean up after untrained dogs

Red flags: untrained dogs, roommate, parents involved. Dump the bf.

Bringing untrained dogs to a rented home is a breach.

NTA for being frustrated with untrained dogs, but keep cats indoors

Partner’s untrained dogs destroy home, NTA for refusing to tolerate behavior.

Boyfriend’s untrained dogs causing chaos, commenter suggests reassessing relationship.

Train your dogs, it’s not the OP’s responsibility.

Stand your ground and protect your home

Dump the bf. Untrained dogs = disaster. NTA

Cat lover calls out OP for not allowing cats inside

Incompatible lifestyles, get a $200 v******r and move on.
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Mismatched couple with untrained dogs and a gross bed. ESH.

Proper pet care is essential for a clean and happy home

Untrained dogs wreaking havoc, boyfriend’s parents overstepping boundaries. NTA.

NTA. Partner’s filth and disregard for your home is toxic.

Savage comment shuts down boyfriend’s inability to compromise.
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Break up with him! NTA. Don’t let untrained dogs destroy.
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NTA stands up for responsible pet ownership

User advises OP to break up with messy boyfriend and dogs

Relationship with dogs > relationship with you. NTA, move on.

Incompatible couple with untrained dogs, break it off

Dog lover agrees: Untrained dogs = unacceptable b***s of disaster

A commenter questions the endgame of a doomed relationship

Responsible pet ownership is key, NTA sets boundaries

Incompatible lifestyles and untrained dogs cause havoc

Protect your kids and your home. NTA.

Roommate’s untrained dogs destroy home, NTA for refusing guilt-trip.

User advises to cut losses and find compatible partner

Engaging with dog lovers who prioritize love over cleanliness. NTA.

Empathetic comment acknowledges OP’s struggle and advises against moving in

Training dogs takes time and effort. NTA for expecting that.
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Train your dogs with positive encouragement and consistency

NTA. Dump the bf and the untrained dogs

Dump him! You shouldn’t clean up after his untrained dogs.

Woman’s boyfriend’s untrained dogs reveal his true nature . Don’t let him move in.

Dump the man and the untrained dogs

Find a partner who can train their dogs

Why date someone with such different values and no responsibility?

Dealing with destructive dogs, NTA seeks advice and support

Untrained dogs causing filth and hygiene issues – NTA’s advice
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Potty training is a must, BF needs to step up

Dump the untrained boyfriend and his destructive dogs

Teaching dogs and kids manners is comparable

Respectful NTA comment suggests leaving disrespectful boyfriend and compromising.

Age gap, dirty mattress, and untrained dogs? Run, girl, run! �dffb

Untrained dogs causing havoc: NTA, break up may be best

Is this relationship worth dealing with insulting in-laws?

Loving animals doesn’t mean ignoring the destruction they cause
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User advises to end immature relationship with untrained dogs involved

Pet owner receives criticism for not properly caring for cats
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Cat owner gets called out for letting cats roam free

Supportive commenter suggests checking out femaledatingstrategy for advice.

NTA. A dog-free home is a clean and peaceful home.

NTA. Incompatible cleanliness choices, pets destroyed home, he’s an a**hole.

Fiery comment receives no response from pet owner.

Untrained dogs and filthy living conditions – time to leave

Dump him now! You deserve better than living in filth.

Dump the inconsiderate man-boy and raise your standards

Assertive NTA comment demands compensation for dog damage

Dog owners can be blind to their pet’s faults.

Last Updated on February 12, 2024 by Diply Social Team