A proud child-free SIL is pregnant and planning to make her baby’s life miserable. She hates the idea of children and judges other mothers, but decided to have a baby with her husband. The family is excited, but SIL makes a misery out of her pregnancy and plans to do the same to her poor kid’s life. She refuses to let anyone buy the baby toys or anything enjoyable. During a family dinner, the OP asked her why she got pregnant if she didn’t want the baby. The response was a bowling ball catastrophe. Read on to find out if the OP is the a**hole for asking this question, and see the overwhelming support they received from the Reddit community.
Meet the childfree SIL who surprised her family with motherhood

Child-hating woman gets pregnant – what happens next will surprise you

Childfree woman faces unexpected pregnancy, family shocked by decision

Pregnancy wasn’t an accident, but Laurel is making it miserable

New mom’s unconventional take on parenting sparks controversy

Expecting mom refuses to buy baby toys, family shocked

Woman who hates kids gets pregnant and regrets it

Asking a pregnant woman why she got pregnant? AITA?

Challenging societal norms: woman pregnant at 35 shocks family.

Redditor overwhelmed by advice on becoming a better aunt ❤️

Woman who hates kids gets pregnant, but what she does next shocks her family
A woman who has always been child-free and extremely proud of it is now pregnant. Her family is excited, but she is making a misery out of the entire pregnancy and plans to make a misery out of her poor kid’s life as well. She constantly says r**e things about people who breastfeed in public and judges other mothers for how they handle their own kids. She even plans to shave her baby girl’s long hair off and never let her wear dresses. When asked why she got pregnant if she didn’t want this kid, she got defensive. Is it wrong to call out her behavior toward her unborn child? Read on to find out what the Reddit community thinks and how the situation unfolds.
NTA. Someone had to ask. SIL’s attitude towards pregnancy is concerning.

Being child-free doesn’t mean being love-free ❤️ Be the cool auntie ️

When you say you hate something but still do it

Commenters express concern for pregnant woman’s mental health and marriage.

Commenter questions why someone would have a child if they don’t want it. Others speculate she may have been pressured or trapped. Concerns raised about potential abuse.

Children know if they are unwanted. Having childfree people have children is a disservice to the childfree, their children, and society.

Commenter offends others after calling 35 ‘not young’

Being child-free is okay, being a j*****s is not ♀️

Support for not wanting kids, wishing it was reportable
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/edba5554-76fe-4da7-af12-12facdf7eda8.png)
Commenter advises on potential child abuse, but is met with confusion

Planned kid, but wild cognitive dissonance – NTA here.

Commenter suggests calling CPS due to potential neglectful parenting.

Unborn child deserves love too! NTA for calling out behavior.

Concerns raised over potential child abuse. Watch out for signs.

Woman coerced into having child, potentially affecting child’s future.

Commenter calls woman a sociopath, hopes for girl’s safety

Is therapy the solution for someone who doesn’t want kids?

Red flags with . Commenter predicts misery for potential child.

Hating kids but getting pregnant – NTA or ESH?

User agrees with OP’s decision not to have kids.

Supportive comment defends decision to not like kids.

Commenter suggests reporting pregnant woman’s behavior to authorities

Brother needs to take responsibility for bringing niece into mess

Commenter questions why someone who hates kids would get pregnant

Speaking the truth

Asking the right questions

Planned pregnancy but hates kids, what could go wrong?

Woman who hates kids gets pregnant and faces criticism from family.

Woman not at fault, family shocked by unexpected decision

Woman who once hated kids now pregnant and sharing her misery ♀️

Sassy reply shuts down judgemental commenter. Mic drop

Commenter expresses concern for child’s safety with unfit mother

Complaining about everything? You might end up hurting your daughter

Toys aren’t just for fun! They’re crucial for baby development!

Questioning the brother’s role in SIL’s pregnancy and offering support ❤️

Breastfeeding clapback! NTA gets support against exhausting mom-to-be.

Woman defends her childfree choice and criticizes societal pressure for motherhood

Questioning the motive of a person who hates kids and then decides to have one? Definitely not the a**hole.

Woman who hates kids shocks family by having a baby NTA

Parenting is not easy, hope she’s ready for the challenge

Asking for logical reasoning: NTA comment gets support

Child’s hair shaved off by child-hating parent – NTA comment

Being child-free is a valid choice. Concerns about Laurel’s behavior?

Commenter shares serious experience and warns of neglectful parenting.

Woman hates kids but gets pregnant to make life miserable?

Child-free SIL gets pregnant, shames moms. Family worries for baby.

Commenter speculates on possible deception, family drama ensues

Valid concern or unfair judgement?

Difficult decisions around pregnancy discussed in the comments section.

Confused why someone who hates kids would plan pregnancy?

Childfree antinatalist calls out toxic behavior in expecting sister-in-law

Curiosity about why the woman hates the baby sparks concern

Calling out toxic behavior towards children.

Support for not wanting to have kids, NTA

Commenter speculates that woman is anti-abortion and has red flags

Creative solution to overbearing sister’s baby obsession.

Last Updated on April 15, 2023 by Diply Social Team