Air travel can be an ordeal . There’s the hassle of navigating the airport, small seats , the possibility of a delay …and of course, the most dreaded thing of all: screaming and crying children .
It’s the last item on this list that caused one woman to reflect on the experience and envision a different way, all while she ignited a spirited debate on TikTok.
Picture yourself at the airport.

A global pandemic put a pretty big damper on air travel, and things still haven’t rebounded to the pre-2020 standard. But many people are ready to travel regardless.
They say it’s about the journey, not the destination, but the person who made up this saying clearly never traveled economy.
Is this the worst part of air travel?

Again, there’s so much that can go wrong when it comes to air travel. But one of the worst things, by far, is when you’re stuck on a flight with a crying child who just won’t pipe down.
A TikToker shared her experience.

Jo, who you can find on TikTok @mooorganic , uploaded this short, ten-second video that’s been viewed more than 740,000 times. In it, you can hear the sound of a kid crying. Jo doesn’t say anything, instead opting for a caption: “Why isn’t there such thing as adult only flights? I would pay SO much money.”
Mo gave some more details.

She had the traveler’s best friend — noise-canceling headphones — and they still didn’t do a lick of good in the face of a loud kid. As you can see, commenters were already primed to throw shade her way.
An adults-only flight?

The name sounds risqué (seriously, do an image search for ‘adults-only’ anything), but the principle is simple: creating an area without kids. Resorts do it, but it isn’t a thing on planes. Mo wishes that would change.
Maybe they already do exist.

While Mo’s frustration is understandable, she kind of walked directly into an obvious answer: if she’s willing to pay “SO much money” for an adults-only flight, she could get a private flight. That way, she could vet every passenger on the plane.
Reaction to her video was mixed.

Commenters overwhelmingly painted Mo as a j**k who can’t handle a screaming kid. There’s merit to this: as a parent, there’s only so much you can do to quiet your kids down. Still, even some parents saw Mo’s side of things.
It’s almost a rite of passage.

Ask anyone who’s flown, even someone who doesn’t fly often, and they’ll probably have a nightmarish story about a kid who wouldn’t shut up during an hours-long flight. It’s the kind of thing that can make an already unpleasant experience completely unbearable.
Do you agree with Mo?
Check out the original video (turn your volume down unless you want to hear a kid loudly crying) and then let us know what you think. Is there anything that can be done about loud kids on planes? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Last Updated on August 31, 2022 by D