You’ve heard of the boy who cried wolf, but what about the boyfriend who cried hospital? A woman found herself in a tough spot when her accident-prone boyfriend demanded she leave work to pick him up from the hospital – for the tenth time! With her job on the line, she decided to stand her ground. Let’s dive into this drama-filled saga.
Another Day, Another Injury

The Call for a Ride

The Pressure Cooker

The Evening Showdown

The Tipping Point ⚖️

The Uber Debate

The Accusations Fly ️

The Aftermath ️

Work or Love: The Ultimate Showdown
Caught between her love and her livelihood, our heroine chose to protect her job, causing a whirlwind of accusations from her boyfriend. He’s upset, she’s exasperated, and the question of priorities hangs heavy in the air. Was she right to choose her job over fetching her repeatedly injured boyfriend from the hospital? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this tangled web of love, duty, and accidents. ️
NTA…girl throw the whole man away. He’s trying to control you through fake accidents. Be safe and plan an exit strategy.

NTA. Boyfriend possibly addicted to pain killers, causing frequent injuries.

INFO: Boyfriend’s backyard accidents lead to frequent hospital visits!
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NTA. Boyfriend needs to grow up. You handled it well.

NTA, but why stay with him? His behavior is toxic.

Concerned commenter questions boyfriend’s frequent hospital visits. Replies reveal pain tolerance issues.

Dump him already! You’re definitely not the a**hole here!

NTA: Boyfriend’s a mooch. Time to reconsider the relationship.

NTA. Stand your ground and don’t let them manipulate you!

Woman refuses to be her boyfriend’s personal taxi service!

NTA: Boyfriend’s manipulative behavior and unnecessary hospital visits. Consider breaking up.

Boyfriend’s accident or sabotage? Woman stands her ground!

NTA – Don’t be a fool, it’s time to leave that loser!

Independent woman refuses to play chauffeur for accident-prone boyfriend!

NTA. Stand your ground and prioritize your own career and happiness!

NTA. Stand your ground and celebrate when he’s gone!

NTA: Boyfriend’s addiction issue causes inconvenience at work

NTA. Hilarious comment! Your backyard sounds like a danger zone!

10 ER visits? Fragile or careless? NTA for losing job!

When your boyfriend’s accidents start affecting your career

No sympathy! Woman refuses to fetch accident-prone boyfriend from hospital!

Woman refuses to enable boyfriend’s dangerous behavior. Stand your ground!

Enabling an a**hole boyfriend? Time to break free!
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NTA. Boyfriend should Uber!

Supportive comment encourages leaving the a**hole boyfriend.

Last Updated on February 8, 2024 by Diply Social Team