We’ve all heard of families that are hard to please, but this one takes the cake! The protagonist of our story comes from a family full of professionals, including doctors, surgeons, and dentists. When she fell in love with a man who runs a construction company, her family couldn’t help but mock him, calling him ‘tool boy’ behind his back. Little did they know, he’s actually quite wealthy and successful. But when their snide remarks became too much, she snapped and revealed his earnings to her family. Now, both her family and fiancé are mad at her. Was she right to defend him, or should she have kept his secret?
Love at First Sight
Meeting Mr. Right
The Secret Success
Family’s Disapproval
Snide Remarks
Wedding Planning Woes
The Breaking Point
The Big Reveal
Fiancé’s Reaction
Caught in the Middle
The Aftermath: Everyone’s Angry
Now, our protagonist finds herself in a tough spot. Her family is furious that she kept her fiancé’s financial success a secret, while her fiancé is upset that she didn’t respect his wishes to keep it private. It’s a classic case of being caught between a rock and a hard place. But who’s really in the wrong here? Should she have kept her fiancé’s secret, or was she justified in defending him against her family’s cruel mockery? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this sticky situation…
OP reveals fiancé’s earnings to snobby family, sparking heated debate
“YTA. You didn’t defend your fiance, just yourself. “
YTA broke fiancé’s trust by revealing earnings to snobby family
OP betrayed her fiance’s trust by revealing his earnings to her snobby family. YTA ♀️
Soft YTA: Revealing fiancé’s earnings to snobby family, but parents s**k more.
YTA for disclosing private info without approval. Your parents s**k
“YTA – He asked you for one thing and you didn’t follow through. Your family doesn’t get to be mad about you ‘keeping secrets’ as your husband to be’s income is none of their business, at all.”
ESH. Frustrated by snobby parents, OP reveals fiancé’s earnings
OP gets called out for breaking fiancé’s trust with snobby family
Fiancé doesn’t care what others think, confidently laughs off remarks
YTA for revealing fiancé’s earnings to snobby family. Apologize ASAP!
Parents’ classist criticism leads to explosive revelation about fiance’s earnings
“YTA for caring what people think. Defend your fiancee! “
“YTA You knew he wanted his finances kept private.”
Broke the trust: Woman spills fiancé’s earnings despite his request
ESH except husband. Family are classists. She should’ve confronted earlier.
Apologize for revealing earnings, but stood up to snobby parents.
YTA exposes fiancé’s salary to judgmental family. Drama ensues.
Betraying trust: revealing fiancé’s earnings to snobby family. YTA
YTA for sharing private info about fiancé, but not for embarrassing snobby family.
Protecting fiancé’s privacy backfires, family values wealth over character.
Revealing private info: OP’s relationship vs. financial obsession. YTA
Broke fiancé’s trust by revealing earnings to snobby family. YTA
Shut down the snobs! Stand up for your fiancé!
“NTA it came out in the heat of the moment and your intentions were to protect your fiancé. I get why he’s upset and he deserves an apology but he’s overreacting here. So you and your fiancé are no saints here, but emotions and logic don’t go hand in hand.
With time to think about it. ‘How can you say that I’m the one who needs a prenup when you don’t know what he earns?’ was a better response to your parents. But not having an answer like that under pressure is to be expected.”
YTA. Unite with your fiancé and apologize for oversharing.
YTA for breaking promise and tolerating abusive behavior.
Last Updated on February 3, 2024 by Diply Social Team