Imagine being called a ‘dirty s**t’ by a new colleague and then being asked to help them report another coworker for harassment. That’s exactly what happened to a 23-year-old woman who was transferred to a new department with 12 men and only 2 women. She was the youngest and newest member of the team, and the guys were very helpful and patient with her. But when a new lady, Amy, joined the team, things took a dramatic turn.
The Close-Knit Team

Affectionate Colleague, Tom

New Girl, Amy, Joins the Team

Amy’s Outburst

The Insult

Amy Wants Help Reporting Tom

A Sarcastic Reply

Amy’s Anger Intensifies

Kat Bows Out ♀️

Not Reporting Anyone


Work Environment

Kat’s Stance ♀️

No Help for Amy ♀️

A Dramatic Turn of Events
So, our protagonist was insulted by Amy, the new girl, who called her a ‘dirty s**t’ in front of all their coworkers. Instead of apologizing, Amy then asked for her help in reporting Tom for harassment. Our protagonist, still tired and in a bad mood, sarcastically replied that she’d report Amy for her foul language instead. Amy got angrier, and now she’s left with no one to back her up. The protagonist has no intention of reporting anyone, leaving Tom and Amy to sort it out themselves. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
ESH. Workplace boundaries crossed, insults thrown, HR needed but avoided.

NTA! OP didn’t deserve to be called a dirty s**t

Debate over sexual harassment and name-calling in the workplace. ESH.

Mixed feelings on whether the colleague’s actions constitute harassment. ESH.

NTA commenter advises OP to preemptively talk to HR about harassment.

Inappropriate workplace behavior, but using slurs is never okay. ESH.

Consent is key, ‘someone else likes it’ is not an excuse

Maintaining professionalism at work is crucial to avoid boundary violations

Commenters debate whether Amy’s comment referred directly to OP.

Commenter and reply agree: workplace is unprofessional and immature

Tom’s behavior was inappropriate but he apologized, everyone needs reconciliation.

NTA for not helping colleague report harassment, but Tom needs boundaries

OP and Tom are both in the wrong for ignoring consent

Tom and Amy both overstepped, need to learn boundaries. ESH

NTA for not helping colleague report harassment after being insulted

Hugging a stranger during pandemic is a red flag. ESH.

Teddy bear friend crosses boundaries, but name-calling is unacceptable. ESH ♀️

Engaging in a debate over hugging and name-calling. ESH.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Manager condemns both sexual harassment and derogatory language in workplace.

Professional boundaries are important at work, not a big family

Consent is key, but everyone s***s here.

Amy’s insult was wrong, but Tom’s behavior was worse. ESH.

ESH. Tom’s behavior is not normal and needs to stop. Mediation needed.

Supporting women shouldn’t involve putting others down

Commenter calls out YTA for blackmailing and downplaying harassment.

Comment section descends into chaos with ESH verdict
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Professional conduct violation, but Amy overreacted and insulted OP. ESH

Colleague called her a ‘dirty s**t’ but both sides s**k.

Everyone s***s here in workplace harassment incident

NTA. Tom should be reprimanded, but colleague’s behavior worse

Everyone’s wrong, including you

Consent is key. ESH for hugging without consent and name-calling.

Workplace hugger gets called out, coworker insulted, ESH.

Calling women ‘dirty s***s’ is not okay, reporting harassment is.

Defending accused harasser and victim blaming

Hugging during pandemic leads to ESH and HR report

Commenter suggests resolving workplace harassment issue through mutual apologies.

Commenter sympathizes with Amy’s discomfort but calls out both parties.

Gender-neutral hugs could avoid harassment, but insults never okay. ♀️

Consent is key, even outside of romantic situations. Lesson learned?

Toxic workplace alert! Multiple parties at fault

Commenter points out everyone’s wrongdoings and advises reporting harassment.

Inappropriate coworker behavior, but OP also has room for improvement

Everyone s***s here in this unfortunate workplace harassment situation. ♀️

Everyone s***s here in this toxic workplace situation

Commenter defends Tom’s actions and criticizes Amy’s sexism.

Setting boundaries at work is crucial to avoid harassment.

Inappropriate words vs inappropriate touching during pandemic. ESH.

Toxic work environment with boundary issues and unprofessional behavior. ESH.

New colleague hugs woman on first day, sparks argument. ESH.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Diply Social Team